Christmas entertainment for adults, the idea of ​​a holiday

 Celebrate New Year

It's boring to watch TV and congratulations to the President on New Year's night, but do not know how to entertain yourself and guests?

As the saying goes: "How to celebrate New Year, so spend it." Therefore I propose to spend New Year is boring gatherings at the table, and fun and interesting.

Ideas for adults during the holiday

We invite you to New Year's adult entertainment, contests and some ideas for the guests during the holiday.

• In the early evening each person receives an alias (eg the name of the object, or the name of a fairy-tale hero, or a famous person). Anyone can see the aliases of each other, but do not know his "name."

During the evening you can ask questions to other participants of the game, but they can only answer "yes" or "no." The winner is the one who first can guess his nickname, for which he received a prize.

Merry Christmas contests for visitors

• Very tasty, but certainly peculiar dish is jelly. Can you imagine what will happen if you try to eat it with a toothpick? But your guests have a chance to find out the answer to this question.

Provide each person saucer jelly and a toothpick, and who eventually will eat this dish first, and he will receive a well-deserved prize. But I think in this competition without camera simply can not do!

• Another competition that can be carried out, is shredded paper (best papers). But here is not so simple, it should be done with one hand! Who will be the pieces of the smallest size, the winner.

Other New Year's fun for adults

• Everyone knows that catching a cold winter is very simple. Therefore it is possible to hold competition on the measurement of the temperature of each other. To do this, divide into two teams and arrange two laps.

There participants will be required to pass a thermometer neighbor, but without the help of hands, but by the armpits. Of course, it is not necessary to use a real thermometer for the game, because everyone knows that it is fraught with consequences!

• advance warning of its guests, that you will have carried out a prize competition for the funniest toast verse or greeting the new year.

Let preparing now easy enough to find funny toasts and poems on the Internet. Also they can leave a Christmas card and then give each other.

Picking a winner will help all guests overall vote, the prize winner, too, can come up with fun, such as a cap with a fan runaway alarm clock, beer mug with a bell, cheerful measuring cup with toast, etc. So, fun New Year's Eve will be provided to all!

All these Christmas entertainment and competitions for adults will be able to lift your spirits and you and your guests, and most importantly using the ideas of the holiday you will remember for a long time this New Year! And of course, do not forget the camera and video recorder.

Signs of the New Year horse for good luck and happiness

 Signs of the New Year

Do you want to be the next new year for you was successful, and successful money? This is only possible under certain signs. The coming year will be a blue horse, which means it will be difficult and unstable. Change the situation can be if you know how to "appease" the symbol of the New Year - the horse.

Signs and traditions originate from ancient times. They were venerated for centuries, respected and preserved until today without losing its value. Since the New Year is considered the calendar year of the blue horse. This year will require wise and informed decisions, and will not tolerate aggression. Compliance with certain will will make the upcoming year a successful and plentiful.

Signs of the new year of success and good fortune

Keep in mind that blue horse prefers abundance and generosity. Accordingly, the festive table must literally "fall" in the abundance of food and snacks. It is not necessary to save the day in this, then the whole year will be money.

If you for whatever reason, is a debtor, in any case not in a hurry to return the money on a holiday. Otherwise the whole year may be penniless. For this reason, it should not be in this day and borrow from anyone money.

If you want to get to the New Year it was successful for you in all the years that you need to meet the new clothes. It can be any never Wearing thing: a dress, shirt, socks or underwear. The main thing that was new clothes, then good luck to you will not be hidden!

On the eve of the New Year is to think about their actions committed. If you are someone offended by their actions or words, then it is time to ask for forgiveness for all. Then you enter the New Year with a "pure" soul, and the whole year will be lucky.

Do not forget about the festive atmosphere in the house. The house must be decorated. Since the sign of the New Year is the horse, the decoration of the house must be present different "horse" motives to "appease" the horse. It may be statues, paintings, figurines of horses, and of course, horseshoe.

Signs of the New Year horse for good luck and happiness

New Year's Eve to give gifts. It is better if they would take the form of a blue horse. The gift does not have to be the purchased. You can make your own hands a souvenir of plastic, paper or other materials available. Make a figure of the horse is not difficult. The main thing - "invest" in the present his soul.

Of great importance for the New Year has a range of colors. Blue wooden horse loves blue, blue, green, and of course, black and brown. Do not forget about this when choosing clothes for the festive table decorations, gifts.

Since blue horse is characterized by volatility, instability and unexpected changes, it is necessary to be careful, cautious and circumspect. Better to think things through and plan. Excellent assistant in is patience, endurance, and wisdom.

To The coming year has been successful and enjoyable holiday is to spend the eve of spring cleaning. It is not necessary to store unneeded items: old clothes, battered dishes, etc. In the New Year is to enter new hopes for change for the better. However, January 1 should refrain from cleaning the house. Otherwise the whole year will result in various difficulties.

If you want to have turned the New Year to you luck and happiness, then it must meet, respectively: joy, with abundance, with a small change in their pockets.

Cocktails for the new year 2015 recipes

 Cocktails for New Year

Not far off the New Year and all certainly are in search of original recipes for the holiday table. Not an exception and drinks. Indeed, so eager to please their guests with unusual and delicious cocktails in the new year 2015. And if they prepare their own hands, it is a double pleasure. Today let's talk about the different recipes festive cocktails and beverages in detail about their cooking at home.

Cocktails for the new year 2015

Cocktail number 1 recipes

This delicious and easy drink that is best served at the beginning of the feast. For the preparation of this cocktail you will need champagne (any, as long as it was refrigerated) and orange juice. You can use any store bought juice, but it will taste better with fresh.

Take the glasses and half-fill juice, then the remaining half fill with champagne. For decoration you can use poldolki orange or lemon. This New Year's Eve Cocktail originally from France. Very light and tasty.

Original cocktails Number 2.

The next type of drink is originally from America. This cocktail Americans like to apply for Christmas, but also for the New Year, he is perfect. To prepare this drink you need chocolate (about polplitki), five tablespoons of milk, eight eggs, one tablespoon of twenty percentage cream, a glass of brandy, a quarter cup of rum, half a cup of sugar, half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg, and one teaspoon of vanilla.

Take a large pot and mix it with milk and chocolate and put on fire until everything is dissolved and transformed into a homogeneous mass. Separately, beat the eggs with the vanilla, nutmeg and sugar until the foam. Then, in a preheated pan pour the resulting foam, and all beat together again and again put on the fire, add the cream and alcohol.

The resulting mixture is cooking on the stove until a creamy mass. Prepare the masses away for three to five hours in the refrigerator. Before you apply for a much needed drink sprinkle with chocolate chips. Cocktail is rather complicated to make, but delicious.

Tasty cocktail number 3 at home

Cosmopolitan. Also very unusual but easy to prepare cocktails. To cook it you will need about forty milliliters of vodka, Cointreau liqueur twenty milliliters, ten milliliters of lime juice, and thirty milliliters of cranberry juice and ice.

Take all the ingredients in a shaker and stir pour into glasses. The decoration can serve a slice of lemon or lemon peel, twisted into a spiral.

Festive cocktail number 4 New Year 2015

Very nice cocktail with martini and vodka. It is a simple recipe. You will need thirty milliliters of vodka, Martini Bianco sixty milliliters, fifteen milliliters of cherry liqueur, sweet candies (long), a pair of candied cherries and ice. The shaker must be mixed with vodka martini and ice.

In a glass put some cherries and pour contents of shaker. Then you need to add a little crushed ice and ready to drink long decorate candy. This results in a delicious and original cocktail that is perfect for the festive New Year's table.
