How to quickly get rid of belly in 2 weeks, effective exercises


For many women, in particular, with an excellent figure and an ideal weight, the press, or rather lack thereof - is one of the problems of patients. Nature is so ordered that the greatest amount of body fat in women it accumulates in the abdomen - to protect the fruit from damage.

It is not surprising that the body does not want to quickly say goodbye to their defensive stocks. These problem areas lose weight in the least, but the new kilos added here.

How to quickly get rid of belly for 2 weeks, we offer you the most effective exercises. But do not be too zealously taken for the process of swing press. So you will not get rid of excess fat from the abdomen, and the muscles increase in size and you run the risk of a pedestrian waist.

Train without fanaticism: two to three times a week is enough to cause muscle tone and drive away the excess fat from the abdomen. Perform about three exercises per workout. First, start with the pumping of direct abdominal muscles, and then proceed to the oblique. Perform the exercise 15-30 times for 3 sets each.

Home - machinery

Of course, it is best to carry out effective exercises under the strict supervision of a trainer. He can supply you with the correct technique, if you want fast get rid of belly . For example, during the housing boom have to make sure that the lower back pressed against the floor. The neck should not be tense.

If you want to get a clear relief and drive away the excess fat from the abdomen - You better do the exercises with weights, for example, with a dumbbell that you put on your stomach. If you have back problems, before going to the gym is to consult a doctor. He will tell you what muscles need to shift the focus of training.

Effective exercises for the stomach

A reasonable alternation

For a more effective workout is recommended to alternate the exercises with varying amplitude. Here are the most popular exercises that will help you as quickly as possible to get rid of belly:

Exercise for the press 1. Curl

Aimed at the rectus abdominis, performed with a small amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor and press your lower back to the floor. The legs bend at the knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear off your head and shoulder blades off the floor, chin pointing to the ceiling. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

2. Reverse Crunch

Aimed at the rectus abdominis, performed with a small amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear off your head and shoulder blades off the floor while lifting the pelvis. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

3. Raise the trunk

Running with a large amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor. The legs bend at the knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear the body off the floor, getting up to the knees. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

4. Exercise Lifting legs

Running a large amplitude How do to quickly get rid of belly: sitting on a chair, lean your hands on the edge. On the inhale, tighten the legs to the body. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

5. obliques

How to do: sitting on a chair by turning the housing. To exercise the oblique muscles, you can use all of the previous exercises, making them steer.

However, these exercises should not do, if you have back problems

Do not forget to also do abdominal massage, swimming pool and aerobics to body fat gradually left, and they were replaced with beautiful muscle definition. Such effective exercise will help to quickly get rid of belly at regular employment, about 2 weeks will be a noticeable good result.

Author: Eugene Pasha

How do I remove a big belly in 2 weeks


Remove the stomach - then cleansed of toxins

After returning home, I began to methodically work out ways to get in shape and to remove the stomach, I spoke to those who solved this problem and knows how to remove a big belly. All of them those or other words to say,

that you want to remove a big belly - cleanses the intestines. It turns out that over time begins to accumulate in the intestines of many different toxins, which decompose in the body start to allocate any abomination.

To guard against this rubbish, the organism is simply compelled to protect the stomach, liver, reproductive organs with the help of water and fat, which serves as a buffer, taking all these poisons on himself and allowing our bodies to function properly.

All elementary, Watson, that's where the stomach.

To remove a big belly, do not need any diets and hunger strikes. It is important, as I understand, simply help the body to bring its cleaning system into shape, and then he himself handle.

How is the purgation.

Enema, my dears, enema.

Do you want to remove a big belly, you need to put aside ideas about any troubles and fastidiousness to a similar method.

And Enema, normally on a half or two liters instead of forty liters through two tubules which impose us various salons and offices, they only wash away microflora.

Enema cleanses the bowel, removes waste, and thus the organism itself starts to dump tummy volume, deducing unnecessary now the digestive system, liver, spleen fatty and water protection.

I did enemas a day and two weeks losing constantly both in weight and in the interior of the abdomen. The composition of the enema - a half liter of water, teaspoon of salt. For 14 days in weight I lost 6 kg, in the volume of the abdomen - 10 centimeters.

For the first stage just fine, I think. The second step is to carry out cleansing of the liver, it will help remove the stomach even more.

Colon Cleansing herbs.
A good way to cleanse the bowel herbs, for those who do not have to spend cleansing enemas.
It is recommended as a preparatory stage before cleaning the liver.

Sports, exercise

You need to play sports. And not so much to remove the stomach, and to tone the muscles to raise the tone had time to stretch the skin and cause it to shrink.

Our skin - it not rubber and if you remove the belly of my method that is fast, it just does not have time to get in shape, so it is very likely that without sports employment zatyazhechki remain on the skin, and strips, which is absolutely ugly.

To avoid this, it is necessary, removing the stomach directed to heal the problem. There are two exercises beating on the stomach right on target. They are known to all - is abdominal exercises and hoop.

Wrap heats waist muscle sharply increases blood circulation and metabolism, respectively, and muscle, and skin. Besides the hoop will allow to knead and prepare the muscles of the abdomen to the heavy enough exercises on the press.

There are no secrets in exercises on a press does not exist, I inserted feet under a sofa and minutes fifteen daily was engaged on the press.

Women, remember to remove the stomach and support the skin tone, it is not necessary to climb high as men do, there's no point, forty-five degrees from the floor enough, here is important tempo and the number of repetitions.

Dies and fifty repetitions in one go do it. So you give your skin the necessary load. If muscles strong and fifty a little, do hundred, it is important that the last 15-20 repetitions were done by force. We have made, rise and again twist hoop, and so three repetitions.



If you want to remove a big belly fast food do not need to restrict, but to differentiate. Fat and calorie products exclude, differently the belly will go away slowly, but why stretch the process, a short life.

We need to drink as much as possible, no matter how well your excretory system. Works badly - accept diuretic grasses, but water exchange must be active.
