Men also need to watch your figure.
In this article, I outlined everything I did to lose weight and get rid of belly, this is my real story of weight loss for men and this way of working.
Briefly I write about what contributed to my weight loss at home, and for this I did not confuse you different terms and schedules. My weight was 90 kg evenly, and when it began to increase and reached 100 kg, I decided that it's time to stop, it is necessary to lose weight and get rid of belly.
Naturally, the first thing I did was reduced to a minimum consumption of food: he was eating only fruits and vegetables, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, shrimp. Of course I'm hungry, but hunger has passed a week, from the moment I began to eat less.
And before that, in one sitting, I could eat two bowl of soup, a few chops, meat, potatoes. I realized that the less you eat, the less you want over time.
Exercises for losing weight for men
So how to lose weight at home like fast, I began to engage in sports, at first it was running on a treadmill. I run in the mornings and evenings, not exhausting itself much, was engaged in the pleasure.
Going to the gym had no desire, and I bought dumbbells. The cargo was small - they cheat and a maximum weight of 8 kg, I worked with 2. Also for your pleasure: work out, but as tired - put. But it takes usually 10 minutes a day is mandatory.
On the fourth week, my weight decreased by 2 kg, and that makes me happy.
I began to increase the load, became engaged already in the afternoon, if there were time. In the days off to go out, it replaced the treadmill, and the fresh air is also good.
Diet, Nutrition
Power remained the same, for lunch, for example, I ate a few apples and some cheese curds or fish, sometimes there were shrimp (I do not really like), if there is something much like eating boiled potatoes round.
Sometimes indulged in sandwiches. From left only meat sausage (in sandwiches) since I am still involved in sports, although muscles ached only after the very first sessions.
That's been a month since I took up losing weight at home. During this time I dropped 4 kg! I do not know about you, but for me this month seemed small. Although I was glad at least some success, you still want to lose weight fast and get rid of the belly, and I even cut your diet, there were only fruits and fish.
Increased running first on the half hour, and then for an hour. I became tired, and while my emotional state deteriorated: increased desire to not work and to throw all this activity, though intellectually I understood that it is necessary to lose weight. I do yourself a day off once a week, when I did nothing but eat less. But this is also not much help.
It has become a big walk in the fresh air, and gradually my condition began to improve. From practicing at home were only dumbbells and a treadmill for me to replace the street. Power remained the same, and I began to notice how my figure becoming more and more normal.
Stop there I did not like, and so I began to swing the press, it is a good thing for men who want to get rid of belly. At first, I did 10-15 climbs, then that number has doubled. It came to 50, and then I was too lazy, as unnecessary, and I decided not to increase the load, but leave them unchanged to keep in shape.
All went on in the same rhythm. From time to time only increases the load running, a couple of minutes, and all. You could of course still a little more to compete dumbbell, and then only because that time I did not zasekal or just did not notice it running.
Closer to the second month to lose weight, I became more active, probably because for a long time did not eat as much as before, plus the exercise.
I deliberately did not get up on the scale, I pulled up to the first number. And when it finally arrived, the scales showed 78 kg!
I got rid of the abdomen and lost at home to 22 kilograms.
Naturally, I did not stop there. Increased load, power remained about the same. I think it makes no sense to continue to write, because I did the same thing.
I hope my story of weight loss for men would be useful to you, you'll take with me an example, and also begin work on his figure. Men also need to be slim!