Article for those who want to lose weight and become slim, feeding on the blood group. Recommendations for proper nutrition on blood group are very simple, and everyone can make their own diet.
All the products are divided into two groups - very helpful and harmful. It is recommended to include in the diet as much as possible and useful products completely eliminate harmful. If you want to lose weight - eat well, and in any case, do not overeat. Hazardous products can disrupt the body's metabolism and it reflected badly on your figure.
Proper nutrition of 1 blood group
• One-third of all people is the first group of -0 (1). They are encouraged to include in the diet of meat (except pork), beef liver, seafood, seaweed, pineapple, broccoli, buckwheat, parsley, lettuce, spinach, radishes, ginger, red wine, herbal teas.
Exclude harmful products: wheat, corn, cabbage, spicy, sour, smoked, pickled foods, sauces, coffee, alcoholic beverages, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, beans, potatoes, citrus fruits, ice cream and chocolate.
2 blood
• People with the second group A (M) are shown cereals, grains, legumes (especially soybean), pineapples, fish (except herring, turbot and halibut), coffee, wine (especially red), vegetable oils (except corn and peanut), vegetables , lemon, carrot, grapefruit and cherry juice, fruit, onions, carrots and garlic.
Prohibiting harmful products: tea (except green), dairy products, pepper, crab, shrimp, seaweed, ice cream, oranges, bananas, coconuts, eggs, spices, sauces, pickles, chocolate.
3 blood
• People with a third group (1M) is useful to the meat (except duck, chicken and pork), and dairy products, eggs, fish, cereals, legumes (soy!), Vegetables, fruits, green tea, herbal infusions (ginseng, sage, licorice), juices (pineapple, grape, cranberry), greens.
Exclude harmful products: buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts, corn, lentils, tomato juice, alkaline water.
4 blood group
• People with the rare fourth group AB (IV) are useful mutton, rabbit and turkey, fish, dairy products, tofu, cod liver oil, peanuts, walnuts, fruits, vegetables, ginger, mint tea, hawthorn, valerian.
Exclude harmful products: corn, spices (especially pepper), sunflower oil, seaweed, crabs, squid, pork, buckwheat.
Weight loss and proper nutrition
Of course, this is a very brief summary of the theory of nutrition on blood group. Nutrition for blood group diet has a right to exist, and helps many people. But we must remember that it is recommended only completely healthy people.
Some scientists, nutritionists are skeptical smile when they hear about the blood group diet. It often happens that people have been intolerant of just those products that they recommended.
So if you still want to eat, given blood group, please refer to the competent doctor. It will allow you to observe any such diet or prohibit doing this, once the issue individually.