Secrets of French women: How to become slim


How middle-aged French woman strolling along the boulevards of Paris, We managed to keep the slender 25-year-old women? They eat a meal of two or three dishes, and then dinner - three or four dishes. Washed down with wine. How do they all do it?

The clue - moderation in all things.

It is important to get pleasure from life

French women are slim, because they do not allow the current theories about nutrition erase centuries of experience. The most convincing and thus paradoxical recommendation active Parisian sounded.

If we comply with all restrictions and diets so popular around the world today, it would have long stout. We find no contradiction in the fact that you can eat bread, chocolate and other tasty things, drinking wine, and save at the same time harmony and health.

But if we want to eat chocolate and not gain weight, we have to work his head. Fortunately, if the chocolate is good to have fun, you do not need to eat the whole tile or a box of chocolates.

A couple of good pieces of chocolate a day will not cause damage to your program to save weight. If you plan for the week ahead, any culinary pleasures and how much you can afford, and - most important! - What will you compensate for them, even after the festive excesses do not reach kilograms.

We are all human, we all can deviate from the set course, but then go back. This happens even with the French, who carefully look after themselves. But they do not see nothing wrong with such a derogation and not rush into extremes.

If you want to be in a state of balance, you need not to comply with diet, but gradually, within a certain time to change their eating habits. Three months of strict dieting can break the spirit of any woman.

And three months of discovery and a deeper acquaintance with the behavior and reaction of his body into small and quite sparing dietary restrictions - is good in itself, the fruits of which you will reap for years.

Most French women go crazy with boredom, if they have read about calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, lipids, glucose, not to mention how to apply it all to the sacred part of their life - food. For them, maintaining weight - it's part of the program, which can be called.

Power system

The French think of delicious food. The other women suffer due to the fact that eating properly. The French eat for one meal a lot of food, but in small quantities. In countries where the majority of women are overweight, eat a little food, but in large quantities.

The French do not eat fat-free, sugar-free products, which are deprived of the natural taste. They eat organic foods, but in moderation. They use the power of his mind.

Reason - French basic protection from excess weight. Reason restrains the senses. French women do not indulge in petits riens - daily dose. They are well feel a difference between wanting to be pampered and promiscuity.

They limit themselves to the pleasure with the sole purpose - to get more enjoyment from the rest, while complying with moderation. The worst punishment for the French - live with a man indifferent to the food. A passion goes hand in hand with the other:

The French eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

They eat three times a day, not skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, and certainly do not replace their cocktails for weight loss. However, the French remember that the greatest pleasure of food you get from the first pieces, and rarely ask for supplements. The French like bread and can not imagine life without carbs.

Is bread fattening?

According elegant Parisian, this is ridiculous! Of course, any product that overeating leads to excess weight. The main thing - do not forget one important rule is to count how many pieces eaten, not mechanically chewing bread, waiting for the first course will be served. This simple rule to remember.

French women do not often stand on the scales. To judge about their weight, they have eyes, as well as clothing and a mirror that will tell them the truth. The French hold sacred ritual meal. They do not eat hurriedly, standing or on the move. Or watching TV.

During the day, they are little and often drink mineral water. The French often drink dry wine, but only with food and only a glass or two. They do not like strong drinks.

Nice and helpful

French women avoid anything that requires a lot of effort and brings pleasure. But - and this is very significant - wherever possible, they prefer to go walking and stair lift. The most pleasant, helpful and efficient French gymnastics consider sex!

Take a pleasure!

Our opponents on the way to a perfect body - not the food, and the boredom and negative emotions. Monotonous exercise is almost as bad as the mindless consumption of food. Those who moves a lot, going on foot and at the same time fully and happily fed, not fattening.

And again, excessive exercise can play a cruel joke. Many women with such zeal to fulfill the plan of physical activity, they wake up appetite. French recommend: Exercise only pleasure. The signal for the end of occupation - the feeling of tiredness!

Scales do not lie

Body Mass Index (BMI): weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. For example: 75 kg (1, 1 x 7 m, 7 m) = 25, 9. Standard - from 18, 5 to 24. BMI from 26 to 29 - a reason for weight loss, and more than 30, sadly - have You obesity.

Especially dangerous is when fat is stored in the abdomen. Stand up straight, grab the fingers fat fold on the belly near the navel, measure ruler.

The rate - 2-2, 5 cm, anything more - a reason to lose weight. The index of the ratio of waist and hips (IT / D) - waist measurement in centimeters divided on hips.

Performance standards for women - 0, 84 men - 0, 99 50% of Russians aged 35 to 65 years are overweight.

According to the Scientific Center for Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, obesity affects one in four women and one in five men. One in 10 of our fellow citizens, in contrast, are malnourished.

Proper nutrition and weight loss on blood group

 Nutrition for blood group diet

Article for those who want to lose weight and become slim, feeding on the blood group. Recommendations for proper nutrition on blood group are very simple, and everyone can make their own diet.

All the products are divided into two groups - very helpful and harmful. It is recommended to include in the diet as much as possible and useful products completely eliminate harmful. If you want to lose weight - eat well, and in any case, do not overeat. Hazardous products can disrupt the body's metabolism and it reflected badly on your figure.

Proper nutrition of 1 blood group

• One-third of all people is the first group of -0 (1). They are encouraged to include in the diet of meat (except pork), beef liver, seafood, seaweed, pineapple, broccoli, buckwheat, parsley, lettuce, spinach, radishes, ginger, red wine, herbal teas.

Exclude harmful products: wheat, corn, cabbage, spicy, sour, smoked, pickled foods, sauces, coffee, alcoholic beverages, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, beans, potatoes, citrus fruits, ice cream and chocolate.

2 blood

• People with the second group A (M) are shown cereals, grains, legumes (especially soybean), pineapples, fish (except herring, turbot and halibut), coffee, wine (especially red), vegetable oils (except corn and peanut), vegetables , lemon, carrot, grapefruit and cherry juice, fruit, onions, carrots and garlic.

Prohibiting harmful products: tea (except green), dairy products, pepper, crab, shrimp, seaweed, ice cream, oranges, bananas, coconuts, eggs, spices, sauces, pickles, chocolate.

3 blood

• People with a third group (1M) is useful to the meat (except duck, chicken and pork), and dairy products, eggs, fish, cereals, legumes (soy!), Vegetables, fruits, green tea, herbal infusions (ginseng, sage, licorice), juices (pineapple, grape, cranberry), greens.

Exclude harmful products: buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts, corn, lentils, tomato juice, alkaline water.

4 blood group

• People with the rare fourth group AB (IV) are useful mutton, rabbit and turkey, fish, dairy products, tofu, cod liver oil, peanuts, walnuts, fruits, vegetables, ginger, mint tea, hawthorn, valerian.

Exclude harmful products: corn, spices (especially pepper), sunflower oil, seaweed, crabs, squid, pork, buckwheat.

Weight loss and proper nutrition

Of course, this is a very brief summary of the theory of nutrition on blood group. Nutrition for blood group diet has a right to exist, and helps many people. But we must remember that it is recommended only completely healthy people.

Some scientists, nutritionists are skeptical smile when they hear about the blood group diet. It often happens that people have been intolerant of just those products that they recommended.

So if you still want to eat, given blood group, please refer to the competent doctor. It will allow you to observe any such diet or prohibit doing this, once the issue individually.
