You have acquired a great outfit, and a month later found that it is bursting at the seams? To achieve excellent shape, a perfect figure and look flawless, you need only 2 weeks!
Do not waste time and the loan itself! Become a size smaller! The effective free program for weight loss for women and girls at home fitness exercise program and nutrition bland diet for quick weight loss for 2 weeks.
You can not find a way to weight loss, which would be, first, delivered you from the extra kilos in a short time, and secondly, would fit your busy schedule and time-consuming, and, thirdly, based on a variety of products? The solution is simple!
Light diet plus some light exercise, as a result you get thin, you'll look better and feel great. And most importantly - wear a size smaller former sits perfectly! So, new outfit you still come in handy!
Slimming program designed for 15 days - 3 cycles of 5 days. Finishing one cycle, should start with the first day. That is, the specified program (a diet and exercise is one), for example, for the first day, is applied to the sixth and eleventh. Try every day to reduce the amount of snacking, and increase the load during exercise.
Do not complicate your life and Mori himself to death. Do you like the variety of dishes and flavors? Eat healthy foods and get a slender figure. Carbohydrates - the main source of energy, but some of the figure and the health impact is positive, and some - in the negative.
To start you need to reduce the consumption of "bad" carbohydrates and increase the amount of "good". You'll feel satiated, sex-energy and at the same time to see how decreases kilogram per kilogram!
If you are constantly tormented by hunger, try to understand the difference between hunger and appetite.
The next time when you would think that you are hungry, put assess their sense of from 1 to 10. You're not hungry, if you put 1-3 from 4 to 7 - a healthy appetite, and not the real body's need for food. Only 8-10 means that it is time to something to eat.
Fitness exercise program
Fitness Program will charge you with energy and help burn calories. Even if you are very busy, you can still take advantage of this plan. After all, you need to perform only one exercise per day!
In addition, the ability to find and to give 20-30 minutes of physical activity every day. What can you do? Anything from walking home from work, cleaning and finishing sex!
Day 1
• Breakfast. You have little time? Make a light fruity shake from a small yogurt, 6 slices of canned peaches in juice and a large glass of milk. Eat a piece of rye bread. Or some breakfast cereals with a small portion of 100 ml of milk and some grated apple.
• Lunch. Prepare vegetable salad and chicken breast or cooked ham. Required ingredients: lettuce, cabbage, a little onion or green onion, a pinch of grated cheese. Dress the salad with olive oil.
• Snacks. Fruits (apples, pears, persimmons and oranges).
Strengthens the buttocks:
Be straight with your feet together, hands on his belt. Take one leg back and upris the toe to the floor - it's original position. Perform the squat on the supporting leg, while lifting the heel of the other leg up.
Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
The load can be as follows: during the squat lift direct hand in hand, or take a dumbbell.
Day 2
• Breakfast. Prepare sandwich: fry a slice of black bread, let it cool down. Less often a few slices of pickled mushrooms, sprinkle with pepper and send it in the oven for a few minutes. Separately, fry 4 thin slices of ham, put them on toast. Drink a glass of fruit juice.
• Lunch. Less often pita bread or pitta into pieces and browned to a crisp. Make vegetable soup: chop the blender using a small jar of canned peas with a little avocado pulp. Mix with chopped tomatoes and onion, season with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, add a drop of chilli sauce. Exotic and nutritious lunch is ready!
• Snacks. Fruit salad with natural yogurt.
Exercise train legs:
Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, back straight, hands over his head in a semicircle. Perform crouch and hold for 2-3 seconds (watch your posture - do not lean forward!). Return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.
More traffic! Simultaneously, drop your squat semi-circular hand in hand. Do not hold your breath! More trained can take a dumbbell.