How to lose weight without dieting better ways, tips

 Tips for those who want to lose weight
lose weight

How can you quickly and correctly to lose weight without dieting better ways, useful advice. In this article you will learn the value of a correct posture as you need to walk, how to become slim, which contributes to weight loss, as much as possible to eat less sweets, vegetables, fat-burning

If you want to lose weight, have a slender, beautiful, trim figure, you will help a very simple and accessible means - walking from heel to toe. This style is easy to walk even a beginner will master. Get started today: walking heel to toe toning muscles waist, buttocks, thighs and arms. With this walking you burn more calories than jogging.

The value of the correct posture

Without proper posture can be a beautiful figure. Check your posture, standing at the wall. If your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels touch the wall, and twists the neck and waist removed from it, you have the correct posture. Keeping your back straight, you increase your height in the extra centimeter. At the same time tightened abdominal muscles, crushes the chest, allowing you to breathe better.

How much should you walk

More often go on foot. Walking strengthens muscles, improves bone density, since moderate exercise increases the body's ability to absorb calcium. When walking, the cells intensely saturated with oxygen. Each step brings us closer to good health, toned figure and high spirits.

If you pass on the day of 5 km walk three to five times a week, you lose a further 1,000-1,500 calories per week and about 10.7 kilograms per year! In addition, walking five times a week for 30 minutes prolong life by an average of two years.

Do not use the elevator: minute climbing stairs takes 8, 5 calories. More often in the open air: oxygen deficiency provokes an increase in body fat. Get out of the vehicle at one stop earlier to walk.

Deep breathing

Lose weight and make a thin waist deep breathing help. Even a few minutes of deep breathing through the nose saturate the blood with oxygen, will increase metabolism, help burn fat and shape up ... make your abdominal muscles.

If you do not want to have time to forget about the food will help this exercise: Stand in front of an open window, his feet - shoulder-width apart, hands - over his head. Make 10 - 15 deep breaths. Hunger retreat.

What contributes to weight loss

Psychologists say that the blue beats appetite - surround yourself with blue kitchen household items, get a dish of blue, and then you will easily be able to comply with the very strict diet.

Nutritionists recommend starting the morning with a glass of water, tea or juice. Do not neglect dairy products. A glass of milk or yogurt, a pack of low fat cottage cheese provide the body with valuable B vitamins, vitamin A and calcium.

Do not be afraid to eat a few slices of bread, especially if it is the bread from wheat flour or whole grains.

Nutritionists believe that breakfast - the most important meal, which should provide about 1/4 of your daily caloric intake. "Correct" breakfast promotes weight loss.

How to lose weight without dieting tips

When you sleep, the body's metabolism slows down. To his "wake up", it is necessary to have breakfast. Besides lacking breakfast body is under stress, and starts to use the energy generated during lunch and dinner for the creation of fat reserves. So do not skip breakfast!

Remember: you need to have when hunger is not yet has risen. In this case, you can eat slowly, enjoying the taste of food. Remember that a meal should last from 30 minutes to an hour. In this mode, it clears the brain processes information about the degree of satiety.

Take a break before dessert. Perhaps you do not need it. Reduce the intake of salt: it retains water in the body. Instead of salt, use spices. Especially useful are black and red pepper, cloves, anise, cumin, garlic, onion.

As there is less sweet

You want to eat less sweet, but you find it hard to limit yourself? You will be ginger tea. It turns out that ginger tea reduces sugar cravings. Prepare a magic potion is easy: a teaspoon of grated raw ginger pour boiling water, add a slice of lemon, a little honey - and the tea is ready.

Spices and vegetables fat-burning

Include in your diet spices and spicy vegetables, have the property burn fat: parsley, dill, mint, garlic, horseradish, onions, garlic onion, bay leaf, thyme and sage, nutmeg, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, juniper.

In the same property is possessed by the juices of lemon, grapefruit, fresh pineapple, celery, tomato juice, and apple cider vinegar.

Give food intake enough time and attention. By carefully chewing food is absorbed better by 15-20%.

To lose weight do not eat in a state of extreme fatigue or irritation.

Prepare interesting and varied.

Do you want to become the owner of superfigury?


Many people believe that being overweight - is the result of abuse of fatty foods. In fact, being overweight is the result of improper diet, hormonal imbalance or rather, inadequate intake of protein, carbohydrates. With a large amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates, the body begins to age,

subject to disease and either overweight or thinness.

Correct all of these nuances and to achieve harmony of shapes will help three-stage program, which is described below how and why these are necessary ingredients and nutrients.

Interval diet will help you become the owner of a perfect slim figure.


The first stage - the burning of excess fat.

To start, you need to reduce fat intake. It is best to drink protein shakes every four hours, and in between there are vegetables, fruit or drink juice. It is better to drink mineral water with lemon juice. This citrus is one of the main sources of vitamin C. As a result of the normalization of metabolism and cholesterol. As a result, all contribute to the harmony of shapes. You can also include in the diet of pineapple and papaya. Before going to bed it is recommended to drink protein beverage with honey.

The second stage - the outcomes.

During this period, you can pamper yourself a bit and prepare for breakfast fruit salad with yogurt or milk. Before dinner, drink a protein shake, and during lunch you can eat a little meat poultry or fish with vegetables. Again, do not forget about the fruits and vegetables.

The third stage - to maintain the result.

When you have achieved the desired result, and your figure was slim, you need to maintain this level, otherwise all your work will be in vain. To maintain the figure you need to continue to adhere to the diet interval, but cancel the days of the "fat-burning".

Sit down at the table at least five times a day. Eat, foods with a low glycemic index GI (it is written below in the section carbohydrates). Eat more fruits and vegetables. And most importantly do not forget about physical activity, run outdoors, ride a bike, do gymnastics.


Too large amounts of carbohydrates in the body leads to weight gain. The most common source of carbohydrate is a sugar, cereals and bakery products, as well as some fruits and vegetables. Eating carbohydrates, it must be remembered that they raise blood sugar levels.

For its assimilation requires pancreatic hormone - insulin. But if overweight body cells lose their sensitivity to insulin, and thus accumulates in the body and inhibits lipolysis. If you are overweight and want to lose weight eat foods with a low glycemic index GI.

Foods with a low GI.

Fruits, berries, dried fruits: apples 30-35; cherries, cherry 25; Peaches 29; Lemons 20; prunes 25; Blueberries 28.

Legumes: Beans 30-40; peas 35; Beans 30.

Dairy products: milk 30; yogurt 15; 15 yogurt.

Vegetables: tomatoes 15; cabbage 0; cucumbers 0; 0 squash.

Food with medium GI.

Bread 50.

Cereals: Rice 55; buckwheat 40.

Fruits: bananas 60; mango, kiwi 50; Grapes 44; 45 melon.

60. Ice Jam 55.

Beer 45.

Foods with a high GI.

White bread 95 70 Pancakes.

Fruits: Watermelon 70; pineapple 70.

80. Honey Candy 90.

Boiled carrot Boiled beets 70. 85. Boiled potatoes 70-90.


The basic building material of human body is white. The protein contains a number of amino acids, which are essential, because they are not synthesized in the body from other substances. They contain only protein foods. Protein is needed by the body to normalize metabolic processes.

Additionally composed of protein hormones which are necessary for maintaining orderliness. If you are dieting, remember that a shortage of proteins can lead to some problems in the body. Or rather to "eating" of the organism itself.

As a result of lack of protein foods, not only begins to consume fat stores but also protein. The man begins to lose weight. Reduced muscle mass, muscle protein which is used as building material for the body. 70 kg. weight must be 1g. protein per day.

10 c. Protein contains:

65gr. salmon; 500g. raspberry; 60g. cod; 50g. Trout; 50g. veal fillet; 50g. pork chop; 40gr. chicken breast; 500g. potatoes; 300gr. milk; 300gr. yogurt; 175 gr. green peas; 75g. cheese; 75gr. cottage cheese; 40gr. sunflower seeds, etc.


Fats can be both animal and vegetable. Overweight - a result of the abuse of animal fat. Vegetable oils, in contrast, promote harmony. By vegetable fats include olive oil, soybean oil, rapeseed, peanut, sesame, etc.

Of particular relevance to the linseed oil. This oil contains alpha-linoleic acid, which acts as a medicine for losing weight. It is recommended to drink no more than 1 teaspoon per day. The result will be noticeable within a few days.

The amount of fat in the product (in grams)

Meat, Poultry: bratwurst 29; 24 dogs; pork belly 21; weft 17; roast 5; hare 3; beef liver 2; veal fillet 1.

Baking: potato chips 39; Cake 29; 5 biscuits.

Dairy products: butter 83; yogurt 3, 5; curd 0 3.

Fish: Salmon 14; Trout 3; shrimp 1, 4; 1 perch.

49. 24. Peanuts Avocados Walnuts 62.

Chicken eggs 5.

Author: Tatiana Markinova.
