Slim figure how to lose weight permanently

 Slim figure how to lose weight permanently

Here again, you are dissatisfied with your reflection in the mirror.

Once again it's time to lose weight. As it is already tired. Just like a balloon of some sort, it is inflated, the titanic efforts will deflate. How to lose weight permanently?

Deciding to lose weight permanently, you begin to search for new diets, wishing immediately to the nearest well on Monday, becoming the owner of an ideal figure. After serving posited diet a week or two, and maybe even lose a few pounds, you think you can completely indulge yourself with something tasty.

The familiar picture? Familiar to the pain and sadness. We must recognize that the short-term diet may not help anyone lose weight. Nutritionists explain this by saying that diets offer to change eating habits for a week, two, even three, without changing radically the attitude to food.

Therefore, the majority of fans to lose a couple of kilograms through diet, some time later discover that the lost weight back, along with the old eating habits.

What to do?

How to lose weight permanently, and most importantly to keep a healthy weight?

This is possible only in case if you can change their eating habits and way of life forever. Our recommendations are sure to help you embark on a new, easy, happy and healthy life:

Physical exercise

Regular fitness training will help burn excess fat and build lean muscle mass, which will help you lose weight, look good and give a charge of vivacity and good mood.

And no matter what kind of exercise you choose: walking the dog, bicycle, roller skates, swimming or practicing at the club - it will certainly help you get closer to the goal. Increase the intensity of the load, you will reach your destination.

Spend less time watching television

One single reason that you almost do not have time to exercise - is that you spend a lot of time at the TV screen or computer monitor. If you cut that time to 2 hours a day, to carve out an hour to exercise.

Controls the amount and quality of food consumed

Serving sizes have increased significantly over the last 10 years, which undoubtedly contributed to the triumphant march of obesity on the planet. Besides the fact that we eat more and more we drink sugary drinks instead of pure water, which really need the body.

Halve the portion and completely give up sugary drinks. This will help in two and a half times to reduce the number of calories per day.

Drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day.

Water speeds up metabolism, the withdrawal of toxins that can help lose weight, lose weight quickly.

Eats five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Fruits and vegetables - this is much more than just vitamins and minerals. They also contain fiber, which fills the stomach, leaving less room for high-calorie foods.

Do not skip breakfast.

Breakfast starts metabolism and gives you energy for the whole day. People who skip breakfast, for lunch eat a lot more than those who are accustomed to breakfast.

Eat 3-4 times a day.

It is scientifically proven that the diet most favorable to the organism. As more and fewer meals per day leads to overweight.

Tips are simple and maybe even new, but once you read this article, then you are still looking for a path to beauty and harmony.

Do these tips your life principles, and the result is sure to live up to your expectations to lose weight permanently.

How to lose weight without counting calories


What is the system of "traffic light", or How to lose weight without counting calories

For those who does not want to count calories, invented system "Traffic Light" for a healthy, proper nutrition and weight loss.

Green light: eat free.

Fresh and frozen fruits, fresh and frozen vegetables (other than those in the other groups); potatoes and other root vegetables; all salad vegetables; herbs and spices;

wholegrain cereals (brown rice, wheat cereal - Bulgarians); whole-grain pasta, whole wheat bread, whole grain cereals; dried apricots, prunes;

All legumes (such as red beans, white beans, lentils); Any fish and shellfish; low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese (eg, cottage cheese, cottage cheese)

low-fat sour cream, low-fat milk; poultry (without skin) and game; kvorn (Japanese mushroom), tofu.

Yellow light: eat moderately.

Products made of flour (eg white bread); high-quality vegetable oils (such as olive, peanut, peanut);

dried fruit, other than those mentioned above; fat yogurt, standardized milk; sour cream;

cheese average fat content (eg, brie, Edam, goat, feta); eggs; lean dark meat; fresh nuts and seeds (unsalted, roasted);

deli meats; low-fat margarine; fruit juices; alcohol.

Red light: Eat small, rarely or never.

Cakes, cookies, chocolate, candies, puddings, butter, lard, margarine, cream, dough,

salty snacks, fatty cheeses, fatty meat and meat products, soft drinks, food overdone, chips.

How to wake up thinner


People who sleep less than 6 hours per day, at risk of overweight.

As well as those who spend on sleep more than 9 hours.

Such a conclusion was made by American researchers.

According to them, including those who usually slept less than 6 hours a day, obese people, about 33%.

Those who spends sleeping 9 hours and more obese in 26% of cases.

And only 22% of respondents with normal sleep mode familiar with the problem of excess weight.

However, so far failed to find a causal relationship between obesity and addictions.

For example, if smoking causes sleeplessness or insomnia provokes smoking?

According to electronic media.

Diet to lose 10 kg in 10 days, how to lose weight quickly for vacation


As a matter of days before the holiday to put in order their shape, he says our permanent consultant Margarita Koroleva, personal dietician domestic stars and VIPs. This diet will help you lose 10 kg in 10 days to lose weight to leave as quickly and correctly to lose weight at home.

Holidays on the nose. And once again you did not have a whole year to find time to exercise, to wean themselves not to load at night, stop snacking in the form of chips and nuts. And you will once again stand before a mirror and looking at his sad figure broke.

About to appear on the beach in a bikini bold, can not be considered. More we can afford - it is closed "monastic" swimsuit and pareo to toe, preferably made of thick fabric that does not shine through saggy side.

To begin with the understanding that sat on this diet, you will lose every day from 500 to 1000 A is a very serious stress to the body. Therefore, before proceeding with extreme weight loss, consult your doctor.

Contraindications for this diet are stomach ulcers, heart disease, and some even the common cold!

And it must be remembered that occasionally go on a diet, and then again rip, overeating and returning former kilos that pritaschat with an even and "newcomers" at least illiterate, for the most - is harmful.

In order to maintain a slim figure and health should always observe some moderation in diet.

Diet to lose 10 kg in 10 days before the holiday


Stage 1:

3 days only rice, honey and water

It is necessary for 1 day:

250 grams of rice (long-grain, white varieties, wild brown impossible), 2 - 2, 5 liters of filtered, non-alkaline, non-carbonated water, 3 teaspoons of honey.

What to do:

portion of rice in the evening with cold water. In the morning we throw in a colander and thoroughly under running water wash. Our task - to wash off the starch grains. Then we shift into the pot, pour hot water in a ratio of 1: 2, and cook for 15 minutes.

Ready to share Figure 5 - 6 equal portions and eat during the day, not allowing yourself to feel hunger. Last portion should be eaten before 8 pm.

In parallel with rice drink water. Drunk volume should be at least 2 - 2, 5 liters per day. Moreover, water must be distributed uniformly, as well as rice, without allowing large volumes of fluid in the evening. So, for example, after a 7 - 8pm you have to stay nevypitym 1 cup of water.

Parallel to eat rice and water to about 3 hours. Tablespoons of honey per day. Anything in this honey does not smear, and eat just like that - a teaspoon, washed down with some water. And so 3 days.

What happens to the body:

Figure in this case acts as a eterosorbent, cleaning of intestines toxins that there will inevitably accumulated from the past and the year before last.

Step 2:

3 days chicken (fish), water and honey

It is necessary for 1 day:

chicken - 1200 - 1300 g (weight when buying) or the ready chicken or lean fish (cod, ice, sea bass and so on. d.) 700 - 800 g - in a day, 2 - 2, 5 liters of water, 3 tsp. honey.

What to do:

take a good chicken or fish, and in the evening in a double boiler boil. In the morning first drink 1 cup of water and then proceed to breakfast. If it's chicken, you must first remove it from the skin and then be happy to eat an entire leg and part of the back. It will be about a fifth of the birds.

Other separate the meat from the bones, be sure to mix white meat with red and divided into 5 parts, had finished for the day. But do not forget that the last meal should be no later than 7 pm. If our preference - fish, then divide it into 6 equal pieces and do the same as with chicken - eat throughout the day, avoiding the feeling of hunger.

It can take a little fish, about 2 cm stem favorite herbs (dill, parsley) and flavor with a few drops of lemon juice. Fish and chicken alternate days can be, but are not aligned in one day fish and chicken. At the same time we do not forget about water and honey. See Part 1. So 3 days.

What happens to the body:

the body receives protein, and fat cell breaks up fat. At the exact compliance with the recommendations 10 days average build people lost up to 3 - 4 kg of excess weight, the "heroes" is more impressive size - 6 - 10 kg.

Step 3:

4 days vegetables, water and honey

It is necessary for 1 day:

1 kg of vegetables - cabbage, onion, young zucchini, do not forget about the carrots, beets and tomatoes, 2 - 2, 5 liters of water, 3 tsp. Of honey.

What to do:

take 1 kg of vegetables, preferring the white and green (cabbage, onions, young zucchini). Do not forget about the carrots, beets and tomatoes, but there should be less than that of white and green.

Approximately 0, 5 kg of finely chopped vegetables and simmer or boil water in a double boiler. Of the rest are preparing salad brush.

Salad brush

NEED: 1 raw beetroot, 1 raw carrot, a few sheets of white cabbage, a bit of fresh herbs, a few drops of lemon juice, 1 tsp. Olive oil, 1 tablespoon of water.


1. Peeled vegetables rub on a coarse grater, cabbage and finely chopped greens.

2. Mix the lemon juice and dressed with olive oil, add a tablespoon of water (as a salad will be juicier).

We share the steamed vegetables into 3 parts and brush salad - also in 3 parts. During the day, alternating these dishes. Just as in previous days, drink water and eat honey.

What happens to the body:

compensated vitamin and mineral complex. Reduced volume of the stomach, as a salad brush removes from the gut you know it.

As a vacation made to keep the weight

Quickly lose weight easy to leave, to lose 10 kg in 10 days on this diet. It is much harder to keep the weight. We return to the secular food, but exclude from the diet:

- Hypersaline products (roach, herring and all kinds of pickles);

- Sausages and smoked;

- Nuts, seeds, chips;

- Sweets, desserts and bread;

- Sodas.

Administered in the diet of low-fat cheese (50 g daily), dietetic bread (3 - 4 pcs. Per day).

Continue to drink water (up to 2, 5 liters) and stick to the schedule meals. Eat at least 4 times a day, 250 g per dose. We do not have dinner after 7 pm.


If you return from vacation, you want to lose a few kilos, then you another 10 - 12 days would have to be excluded from the diet of salt, or at least try to limit it considerably.

At the same time leave the menu, low-fat cheese, diet bread instead of bread and continue to drink water (up to 2 - 2, 5 liters per day). Do not forget to keep to the schedule and punctually meal: eat fractionally - 5 - 6 times a day, until 7 pm and no more than 250 grams of food at one time.



This diet, though not "hungry", but rather the extreme .   so at the time of its implementation exclude exercise: exercise, fitness, summer digging flower beds, and so on. d. But during the holidays, on the contrary, try to move more: walk, swim, dance.

This will help you keep the achieved weight and get back from vacation even more irresistible. Before proceeding to extreme weight loss, consult your doctor!

Margarita QUEEN:

- If you realize that a vacation will not be able to resist the abundance and cocktail party will inevitably overeat, then my advice to you: do not resort to such extreme diets. This will only jeopardize their own health and beauty.

To be pyshechki - is your credo for life, then you love yourself for who you are. Plenty communicate with interesting people, right Pick up clothes, chase away the gloom and melancholy, and no one would dare to tell you that you are not sexy.
