I forgot about the potatoes and I was a little thin


The Kremlin diet:

I forgot about the potatoes and cook a little bit thin. At 26 kilograms.

Today Gita Ancāne credo: less fat - more positive! - Potatoes and led me - laughing Gita Yanovna Ancāne, brand-chef restaurant chain "Rake".

- We love it in Latvia. Yes, two dozen varieties of fragrant fresh bread in the shops! Just eat, pick up the weight. That scored 106 kilograms at home.

Lost ulcer with fat

After moving to Moscow, Ancāne obsessed with her figure. I give up sugar, bread, potatoes. They say, the appetite comes with eating. And during weight loss - excited.

When the scales steadily going down, I want more and more to drop weight. She was able to stay at 80. Believes that it is enough with the growth of 177 centimeters. Still not a young girl. And here 2 years keeps the weight.

- I am very glad that now a completely different live, move, think. I changed not only the country, lifestyle, power, interests, and clothing. On the 58th the size of the 48th. And even shoes, oddly enough: from 40-gauge to 37, 5.

Pressure back like a schoolgirl - 120/80. About ulcer long forgotten.

- Of the principles of "Kremlin hospital" we have written more than once. But your case is different. How to manage to cook every day to avoid the sweet temptations, do not step on a rake old cooking?

- The main means of temptations - understanding: break, immediately affect the waist. Breathing heavily, the mood is lost, worse to think. I need it?

Bread home do not hold. If you really really really want, I eat oatmeal, buckwheat bread. Often pulls on fried potatoes. But how to present the fat on the sides -, curse! Fat people nobody likes.

Less fat - more positive.

It is now my motto. Fried generally I try not to eat. No meat, no fish. Only boiled. Salt does not per se prohibited. Just in time the need for it has gone. It can be seen, the body lack of salt in foods.

Favorite primarily sausages, colas, juices, too, shoplifting in the past. Previously, to drink tea with sugar, I knew the taste of all sorts of ice cream. Who do not understand why sweeten tea, coffee. From sweets I prefer honey. No wonder that it is called nectar. But I buy only proven beekeepers.

Sometimes, at the request of a candy eat - does not affect weight. Checked. And here is a piece of cake, convinced more than once, immediately gives an increase of 400 grams. Thinner they are difficult to remove. So what will survive without a cake.

Instead of ice cream - Fruit and berry mixture. Cut the slices of peaches, bananas, strawberries and other fresh fruits - and in the refrigerator. Let give juice. You can add mint for freshness.

Sat down, squeeze!

Every evening Yanovna Gita makes a simple set of exercises. 50 times squats, 12 times pressed against the floor 10 times crosses his legs behind his head to toes touched the floor.

Why tonight? In the morning she was asleep, they say, to the last. And, losing weight has become fond of dancing. Especially rock and roll. And married.

Original recipe

Beef boiled with vegetables

NEED: 500 grams of beef, 500 g fresh cabbage, 2 stalks of celery. Boil the meat. Cut into small cubes (centimeters per centimeter), cabbage and celery - small pieces. All poured into the pot, add some water and cook, covered for 15 minutes. Usually, I prepare breakfast.

Buckwheat Vegetable

Cooking usual buckwheat on the water, without oil. Fill the vegetable broth. It turns out two in one. From broth grits will swell even more. Tasty, satisfying. This is my lunch. Previously not stand even the smell of buckwheat. Maybe she was in the other Baltic States. There simply adore.

Filling kefir

In the yogurt add chopped cilantro, garlic, a little soy sauce. Mix. Especially suitable for tomato salad.

"Alpine snack"

NEED: 1 medium sized cucumber, 2 - 3 radishes, dill, a little green onion, 3 tablespoons of. spoon yogurt (any fat) and low fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream (10% fat), salt - to taste.

We spread the cottage cheese in a bowl. Cucumber and radish cut into small strips, finely chop the green onions and dill. Thoroughly mix the vegetables and herbs with cheese, add the yogurt and sour cream. Snack you can decorate with fresh herbs or onions feathers.

Curd dessert with raspberries

NEED: 100 g cottage cheese, 10 berries. Beat in a blender cheese, spread in mass kremanku. Pour pureed fresh raspberries (5 pieces) and decorate with the remaining berries.

Three-layer mousse

NEED: 50 grams of fresh strawberries, banana, kiwi. We grind all alone in a blender, spread layers in a vase, glass, cool in the refrigerator. It turns thick natural juice without sugar. I replace the ice cream.

A proper diet for a flat stomach


To stomach was flat, you need to eat certain foods from the diet and eliminate some of them.

Eating for a flat stomach - you need to eat right and be happy! Cereals and vegetables contain a lot of ballast substances and well stimulate digestion.

And this is half the battle! As a result, your belly is flat, not round.

It is also increasingly included in the diet of foods containing enzymes: They care about the harmony of shapes. For example, papaya and pineapple actively burn fat; grapes, fennel, and brown rice help to bring water; strawberries and tomatoes strengthen connective tissue.

Like oil in the sun melts a little tummy after the discharge date on curdled. This dairy product activates the metabolism and removes toxins.

During the day you will need to drink 2 liters of yogurt and at least 1, 5 liters of still mineral water or herbal tea. Green tea also accelerates the breakdown of fats. Catechin contained in it helps burn calories.

It works well and the tea made from turmeric: 1/2 tsp. Turmeric root crushed boiled with 300 ml of water and let stand for 15 minutes. Drink 1 cup after meals.

A proper diet for a flat stomach

We are glad to note that there is a food basket for those who lose weight ... and it should consist of the following products:

- Chicken, lean meat (without skin)

- Fish

- Seafood

- Soy products

- Cabbage, spinach, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, green peas

- Citrus

- All kinds of fruits and berries

- Herbal teas

- Fresh greens

- Garlic

Limit the following products :

- Milk (low-fat)

- Natural yoghurt

- Cheese (low-fat varieties)

- Eggs

- Legumes

- Lean ham

- Carrots, onions, corn

- Mangoes, nectarines, pears, papaya, pineapple

- Mayonnaise, vegetable oil, butter

- Weak tea and coffee

- Soy sauce, tomato sauce, lemon juice

Exclude from the diet :

- Pizza rolls

- Potatoes and porridge

- Bananas, dried fruits

- Cakes, cookies

- Crackers and chips

- Soups from bags

- Chocolate and candy

- Sugar and honey

- Alcohol

- Fizzy drinks

- Fruit juice (better to use natural fruit).

How can I lose weight with pleasure

Table of contents
How can I lose weight with pleasure
Page 2

 Lose weight with pleasure
Lose weight with pleasure

At the word 'diet' just a bad mood and think only about how to deal with hunger pangs and force yourself to eat all this presnyatinu.

Calm down! There is a way you can lose weight with pleasure. Before you diet, developed by US experts recommended, above all,

who wants to lose weight, but do not want to sacrifice the quality of the food. For 8 days you will get rid of 3-4 superfluous kgs, and all that you were prepared to be tasty, but low calorie.

For best results, do not change the recipe of cooking - all in the diet is balanced and calibrated.

Watch food intake can set their own, it is important that between meals held at least 4 hours with one caveat: Dine to 19 hours, and a snack before bedtime and let at a later time.

The recommended amount of liquid - 1, 5 liters per day, but coffee and tea (without sugar) better to drink in the morning and in the afternoon would be good to replace these drinks mineral water.

1 day


In the morning

Dessert 'Fantasia' Cooking: low-fat yogurt (0, 5 cups) beat with a mixer with grapefruit juice (0, 5 pcs.), Add the cornflakes (4 tbsp. Tablespoons) and thawed berries (2 tbsp. Tablespoons of cherry, strawberry or raspberry) .


Mushrooms with Chinese Cabbage Cooking: Chinese cabbage leaves (6 pcs.) Coarsely chop. Sliced ​​mushrooms (100g) fry in vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), add the cherry tomatoes (2-3 pcs.) And simmer for 3 minutes. One minute until ready to pour the beaten egg (1 pc.), Put the cabbage, salt and mix.

In the evening

Buckwheat porridge with ham Cooking: onion (1 pc.) Fry in vegetable oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), add the washed buckwheat (3 tbsp. Tablespoons) vegetable broth (1 cup), add salt and cook for 15 minutes. The porridge ready add the sliced ​​strips of lean ham (50 g).

Snack before bedtime

3 Mandarin

2nd day


In the morning

Salad Liomi Finish: mix in a deep bowl, oatmeal (1 tbsp. Spoon), dried fruits (1 tbsp. Spoon), nuts (1 tbsp. Spoon), canned corn (4 tbsp. Spoon), pumpkin and sunflower seeds (for 1 tsp.). Kefir (0, 5 cups) Beat with thawed cherries or strawberries (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) and pour this sauce salad.


Chicken stew chicken breast without skin 125 g potatoes boiled in their skins 1 pc., Olive oil, 1 ch. L., Mushrooms 4 pcs., Canned green peas 2 tablespoons. spoons, carrots 1 pc., 50 g soybean sprouts, soy sauce 1 tbsp. l., lemon juice, chopped parsley to taste the chicken breasts wash, dry, cut into pieces, put in a pan with hot oil, season with lemon juice and cook for 15-20 minutes. Carrots, potatoes, peel and coarsely chop. Add to the chicken breast chopped mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, peas, soy sprouts, pour soy sauce and simmer for 7-10 minutes. The finished dish and decorate with chopped parsley in giving a toast.

In the evening

Cabbage salad with celery Cooking: shredded cabbage (150 g), pour in the salted boiling water for 2 minutes and drain the water. Add chopped celery (100 g), grated carrots (1 pc.) And Apple (1 pc.), Diced. Mix everything, add salt and season the sauce. For the sauce, mix the mayonnaise (1 tbsp. Spoon), yogurt (0, 5 cups), mustard (1 tsp.) And apple cider vinegar (0, 5 tsp.).

Snack before bedtime

3 tbsp. Spoon cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey

3rd day


In the morning

Breakfast 'Bouncy Max' Cooking: a piece of rye bread spread with non-acute mustard, top it with slices of fresh cucumber, slice lean ham (40 g) and one roasted on a hot dry frying pan egg, sprinkle with onion and parsley.


Cauliflower with tomatoes Cooking: small head cauliflower wash, put out in 15 minutes. Tomatoes (3 pcs.), Pour over boiling water, peel and chop. Rub the carrots (1 pc.}. Onion fry in butter, add the carrots and tomatoes, simmer 10 minutes, add salt and pepper. Pour this sauce cabbage.

In the evening

Salad with ham and mushrooms Cooking: sliced ​​tomatoes (1 pc.), Sweet pepper (1 pc.), Lettuce (0, 5 beam), and lean ham (30 g). Fresh mushrooms (100 g), cut into slices and add to the vegetables. Mix vegetable oil (2 tbsp. Spoons), apple cider vinegar (1 tsp.) Chopped dill (1 tsp.) And fill with cooked salad dressing.

Snack before bedtime

One pear or apple

Day 4


In the morning

Breakfast 'feast for the eyes' Cooking: low-fat cottage cheese (125 g) mixed with lemon juice (0, 5 pcs.) And the pulp of one banana. Season with a drop of fruit syrup and crushed ginger (a pinch). Garnish with pineapple (1 tbsp. Spoon). You can sprinkle with roasted sunflower seeds (1 tsp.).


Stuffed tomatoes tomatoes 2 pieces, 1 tablespoon bread crumbs. spoon, egg yolk 1 pc., grated cheese, 1 tbsp. l., crushed peanuts, yogurt, spices tomatoes wash, dry, cut off the top, remove the pulp with a spoon gently and set aside in a separate bowl. Mix the tomato pulp with bread crumbs, egg yolk, grated cheese and mix thoroughly. Cooked stuffing to fill with a mixture of yogurt, crushed peanuts, salt, pepper and nutmeg flavor. Stuff the tomatoes cooked stuffing and serve, garnished with peanuts and parsley leaves.

In the evening

Appetizer celery cheese Cooking: stemmed celery cut (100 g), pear, sharp cheese (50 g). For the marinade, mix the lemon juice (1 tsp.), Soy sauce (2 tsp.), Olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon) and paprika (pinch). Dress the salad with cooked sauce and sprinkle with roasted sunflower seeds (1 tsp.).

Snack before bedtime

1 banana

Day 5


In the morning

Millet porridge with raspberries Cooking: skim milk (1 cup) to boil, add the millet (3 tbsp. Tablespoons) and cook for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low and allow the porridge then another 10 minutes. Ready to mix porridge with berries (frozen or canned raspberries or cherries). When serving add the fruit syrup (1 tsp.).


Bean soup is ready: white beans (0, 5 cups) vegetable broth to boil in (0, 5 l). Shredded cabbage (150 g) put in a pan, simmer for 10 minutes and add to the beans. Fry the chicken heart (100 g) in a vegetable oil (1 tsp.) And put in a pot of beans. Wash and chop the parsley (1 bunch), chopped tomatoes (1 pc.), Put the vegetables in the soup, add salt and cook for another 5 minutes.

In the evening

Salad of radish (200 g), boiled meat (100 g)

Snack before bedtime

4 tbsp. Spoon cottage cheese with canned cherries

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