Tips how to lose weight in 1 day

 How to lose weight in 1 day
How to lose weight in 1 day

Everyone has long known that in order to look good, it is necessary to regularly visit the gym, diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle. It turns out this is not at all, and many put up with this. However, when it comes to a party, you need to lose weight in one day, there's every girl wants to show himself exclusively with the best hand.

Opinion polls have shown that most of the shortcomings of the external members of the fairer sex are concerned first and foremost, excessive fullness.

You can lose weight - there are many different diets and fitness programs to reduce weight, but what if the party was to one day? Do not despair.

Today, to help all those who are in such a difficult situation, coming stars of show business with his invaluable advice on how to lose weight in one day and by the evening to be the center of attention at any party.

1. The day before the party, you can make your stomach flat, if you reduce the liquid content in the body, says the famous singer Mariah Carrey. You can either simply to use less liquid, or purchase special pharmacy formulations based on algae and sea salts, which reduce the liquid content in the body.

The next day, however, is not recommended to drink a lot of water, salt and sugar. This may adversely affect your health.

2. Victoria Beckham advises use tan. It is necessary to apply a thin layer of bronzer to the places that you want to hide. If done correctly, the impression that you have muscles there, not fat.

However, not to get worse, Victoria advises to apply to a special room where the solution to your problem will be engaged professionals.

How to become slim for 1 day

3. Visagistes of many celebrities say that many of the shortcomings of your body can be corrected with the help of make-up. By increasing the expressiveness of the eyes, lips and cheeks, you can create the illusion of refined face. If done correctly, the eyes of many will be turned on your face, not the body.

4. Bridget Jones advises poddevat skintight elastic shorts. This she learned from her grandmother. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or sports store. "Good elastic shorts will make you slim without diets and harm to health" - said Jones.

5. Follow the bearing. This is nothing new, but the correct posture "make" you 2-3 cm higher, and therefore slimmer. Stylists recommend keeping head evenly over the widely straightened his shoulders.

The chin should be slightly raised. Nothing complicated about it, the only difficulty is to make a habit of correct posture.

Tips world stars

Effective ways to lose weight

 Ways to lose weight

How many times told the people: to love yourself and love your neighbors. How much money you earned psychologists in various trainings, inspiring diffident customers that they are great. How many tips given zakompleksovannym women doctors.

How many lovely femmes spoil your nerve cells and play a dangerous game with the metabolism to achieve one thing - the ideal figure. When I think about how important it is for the people is the problem of excess weight, I feel frankly scary.

After all, few people are concerned about environmental issues and famine in the African villages, but the bumps on my ass - every first. And nothing can be done until society imposes on us the stereotypes, divides into winners and loosers, set goals, which are so difficult to achieve.

Only one thing - to play by the rules, are not particularly bothered on his own imperfection. There is cellulite? Fight, but do not forget, for what and for whom you do it. Ask the man she loved, whether it concerned bumps on your ass.

If you care about - not get rid of cellulite, but from men. After all, no wonder they say «nobody's perfect». However, to get a little better not harmful.

Effective ways to lose weight

In order to adjust its shape and does not amass gastritis or anorexia, do not make unnecessary movements! Lose weight slowly, carefully and without unnecessary perfectionism.

Method 1

One of the curious and reliable ways to get rid of excess weight is a diet of cereals. Its essence - to have a week alone porridge: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The main thing they chew thoroughly and eat without salt.

During the diet you should drink 2 liters of still water, two daily. This method is very useful for those suffering from gastritis, colitis and similar sores.

The first day of the diet - "Hercules." In the evening, pour a glass of oats in a bowl and pour boiling water. In the morning, add the grated apple and a spoonful of honey.

The next day, eat only rice (preferably wild or brown). Boil it and add apricots. Apricots pre-fill with boiling water and leave for one night - to infuse.

On the third day, a glass of boiled buckwheat mix with a little fried onion and eat with pleasure. The next day, eat porridge again, then - the rice, then - buckwheat. To achieve the effect of cereals is not necessary to replace the other. A week later, you will not regret that sat on the "kindergarten" diet, as it is a great way to lose weight.

Weight Loss 2

If you do not give rest to cellulite, you can choose the one fairly simple and not too rigid diet. It will not only help smooth out bumps, but will also provide removal of toxins, which, as we know, is the best building material for the "orange peel".

So we know that cellulite is directly related to an excess of water in the body. We get rid of the water - and get rid of cellulite.

The method: to daily drink 6-8 glasses of non-carbonated water and eat more foods rich in potassium. Make dishes from cereals, fruits and vegetables the main components of your diet. So you not only get rid of cellulite, but will remove excess subcutaneous fat.

That it often settle dangerous toxins and wastes, trapped in the body with fast food, drugs and pollution. When you get rid of toxins, the effect is not just cosmetic: improve health, decrease general fatigue.

Method 3

To get rid of excess weight, the morning before breakfast, drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water with the juice of half a lemon. Then Eat fruit salad (suitable watermelon, kiwi, apple, pear, melon), seasoned with 1-2 tablespoons of baby fruit puree.

For lunch, prepare salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, parsley and dill. Add a handful of sprouts sprouted grains, a handful of sunflower seeds (best pumpkin) and fuel from vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Afternoon snack should consist of low-fat yogurt or popcorn without flavorings, made from rice flour cake with fruit jam and a handful of dried fruit. You can add nuts and seeds. For dinner, eat a tablespoon of red lentils finished with herbs and 1 clove garlic.

Within the framework of this simple diet you quite quickly get rid of cellulite and lose about 3 kilos per week. What is particularly pleasing: no inhumane starvation and damage nerve cells.

Method 4

A very effective way to lose weight and a water diet. Its principle is based on the fact that without the proper amount of moisture in human metabolism slows down, decreasing the amount of energy, and the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

This water makes the metabolism burn calories 3% faster and suppresses hunger caused by fatigue. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, you can easily prevent fatigue, which leads to overeating.

To achieve the effect you need to replace sugary sodas for water and reduce the consumption of tea and coffee to a minimum. Be present vodohlebom! Drink the first glass before breakfast, the second - instead of coffee, and then tsedite water instead of Coke through a straw.

To constantly drink water there was disgusting, add the juice of half a lemon or grapefruit. Finally, drink water when experiencing a slight feeling of hunger. The main thing - do not get involved in soda, otherwise all the positive effects - nothing.

Actually there are many ways to lose weight . diet and exercise to help you become slim. There are hard and not very popular and unconventional. But no matter what diet you choose, remember that it is necessary to lose weight sensibly, without overtaxing not exhaust itself. Only in this case, an excellent result will not take long.
