Products that help to lose weight

 Products that help to lose weight
The product helps to lose weight

Some foods not only add to your extra weight, but also helps lose weight, burn excess fat. Grapefruit. Some studies suggest that regular use with every meal half of the fruit of grapefruit or 150 gr. its juice

can reduce the average weight for 2 weeks at 2 kg. It is believed that this happens for one simple reason.


It lowers insulin, which in turn reduces your desire for something to eat. Naturally, the less you want to eat, the fewer calories you accumulate and spend more have accumulated, and the weight is reduced. If you do not like grapefruit, you can squeeze the juice from it and mix with the juice of orange and lemon, which further will strengthen your immune system and help to cleanse the body of toxins.

Green tea.

This plant is not only prevents the formation of cancer cells, to help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, but also has beneficial effects on the metabolic processes in the body. So how many calories you can burn thanks to green tea. It is believed that drinking 5 cups of green tea a day, you lose 70-80 calories. Not bad, right?


If you drink enough fluids in the form of clean water, you will be hard to lose weight and become slim. Lack of fluid in the body slows metabolic processes, may lead to a decrease in blood glucose level, weakness and dizziness.

Low-fat dairy products.

These products not only supply your body with calcium, but also increase the body's production of the hormone calcitriol, a hormone that causes the cells to burn more fat. Therefore, include in your diet low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

Protein foods.

Proteins - the necessary foundation for the formation of muscle mass and, as we know, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn - even if just relaxing. Moreover, for the assimilation of proteins spent more calories to digest than fat and carbohydrates. Thus, protein foods also helps you burn fat. The best sources of protein - chicken, fish, egg whites, turkey, fish.

Acute food.

Do you like spicy food? Then we have good news for you. Acute spices help burn fat as make your body sweat, increased heart rate, which in turn speeds up the metabolism. However, there is one "but" if you like spicy chips or spicy fried food - it is unlikely to help you throw a couple of kilos.


Studies show that a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with a meal helps to absorb sugar more efficiently and reduce the level of blood sugar. This is an important point, because high blood sugar leads to the formation of more and more fat. Cinnamon can also be used instead of sugar, as it has a natural sweet taste.

How to hide the full figure, visually lose 1 - 2 sizes

 How fast to lose weight several kilograms

You want to be slim quickly? Or choose your own style, in which you are at all times will become slimmer and slimmer look. Then for you a few useful tips and tricks that can help you to become slim and beautiful without dieting, how to lose a few kilograms, visually visually lose weight, how to hide the full figure and remove 1 - 2 sizes.

Long decoration. Elegant long earrings, necklaces, chains will add to your figure, vertical lines and visually pull it.

Make the volume of your hair. Thin hair will automatically focus on the face of even the most slender person doing better. Lush hair of medium length hair, on the contrary, visually makes less oval face.

As visually lose 1 - 2 sizes

Parted hairstyle makes a round face, and a side parting draws. Rule perfect parting, he must start above the highest point bending eyebrows and reach the top of a straight line.

With the help of makeup, "increase" of the eye. The more eyes, the narrower and thinner face looks. A little blush at the bottom of the chin visually will adjust its shape and help achieve the effect of cosmetic braces.

The maximum effect is visually lose weight quickly you can achieve only if successfully applied rouge and emphasize the space under the cheekbones. The space between the cheekbones and jaw, upper jaw where it ends, emphasize saturated tone blush shade gradually thickening towards the ear.

Tone on tone clothing. The best way to make an impression as if you were on a diet a month, from head to toe dressed in a dark blue dress with a vertical white stitching. Avoid large patterns. They make you better.

This simple method makes it easy to visually quickly lose weight by several kilograms. When selecting clothing is required to give preference to dark clothing. A well-known fact that a fat woman in dark clothing looks more slender than in the light. Visually lose weight it will also dress or suit in vertical stripes.

Obese women are invited to dress fitting dresses, no waist can hide the tight skirt and a sweater. Catchy color pattern helps to hide some figure flaws - get rid of the stoop, wide waist, disproportionate or asymmetry of body parts, so the remarkable figure proportional to its use is not recommended.

In the narrow shoulders and wide hips to try to advise visually expand the shoulders, using clothes with shoulder pads. When large breasts main task - to visually balance the volume of the breast and thighs. The upper part of the model should be a very simple style. Perfect in this case, with elongated lapels blazer is soft and flowing blouse material.

Full thighs and stomach will want to hide with the help of blouses and jackets with a soft free-form. At full hips, knees and calves well look close-fitting dress flared up to the calf. Attention will distract from the problem areas on the skirt sections.

How to hide the full figure

With wide waist advised to select single cut model, and if the cut-off, then the thighs. the most convenient choice - Short straight dress and blazer length just below the waist. Undesirable flashy dresses and stretch. Overestimated waist allows you to focus on the chest and reduce the volume of the lower body.

To legs seem slimmer, it is recommended to wear a skirt made narrower, up to the middle of the knee. It will help reinforce the impression of dark matte tights and shoes with a small heel.

Obese women should not forget that long coat visually increase the figure, so preference should be given a short model. Your ideal length - a little above the knee, it should only be opened kneecap.

Visually quickly lose weight by several kilograms help you buttons. The most important thing - to make it as much as possible, and they were placed in a row. This vertical line of buttons visually narrows and slim figure, the same effect is produced form-fitting things with zipper.

Cups - "Demi". It is the most suitable bra for those who would like to hide a few extra kilos. This bra lifts the breasts and diverts eyes from bulging tummy.

Do I need a belt? He admitted. But do not choose a wide belt, and a thin strap, which is able to visually make the waist thinner.

How to become slim and beautiful without dieting

In order to hide the full figure is absolutely no need to dress in loose clothing that hides silhouettes of figures, or wear loose sweater below the hips. With the help of slimming underwear and pantyhose pressing visually possible to quickly lose weight by several kilograms, and create the appearance of an almost perfect priests.

The most important thing - the right to buy underwear depending on what clothes you are going to put on top.

Waist grace. The more you want to pull, the more closed-clothes will buy. If you would like to wear a tight dress, grace - is exactly what you need. Most models grace gives slimming effect not only in the buttocks, but also in the stomach and prevents the formation of folds of fat on top of the laundry.

Tights. Pantyhose are of two types - Press and lifts. The pressing pantyhose buttocks reduce in volume. And raises tights will give a beautiful shape saggy buttocks, it is also called "Brazilian butt." An important negative of tights - it's tight pants, and they can not be put on a mini skirt.

Slimming pants - shorts. If you would like to wear tight pants, it is desirable to select the Waist panties shorts, they are quite close buttocks and ends about mid-thigh. Upcoming not slimming panties and lift the buttocks. They are more convenient to wear a loose-fitting clothing.

The most important rule - slimming underwear should be your size, not the size to which you plan to lose weight.

These useful advice and tips to help you visually to quickly lose weight, become slim and beautiful without dieting, visually lose weight, how to hide the full figure and remove 1 - 2 sizes.


I wish you success!
