How to keep a slim figure and weight after the diet

 How to maintain a slim figure after diet

Any diet, especially with respect to mono-diet, exposes the body to stress. How to keep and maintain weight after weight loss, how to properly get out of the diet, not to recover after the diet and maintain a slim figure.

That's right, not only to start a diet and stay on certain restrictions, it is important to get out of the tempo without losses to the body, and, of course, save the acquired form of a slim figure. Finally, hungry days and nights in the past. Long live update slim figure! Now you can endlessly admire the graceful, smart forms, and even let a little sweet.

It was felt that, after exhausting diets, you can safely go back to the previous regime, to enter back into the diet pastry, cakes, biscuits and that it does not affect the parts of the body lost weight.

Circulated among women believed that after exhausting diet, your body is afraid of a repetition of the situation, and actively collects stocks, preparing thus for the upcoming tests. The evidence, however, as this is no rebuttal.

Any diet, especially with respect to mono-diet, exposes the body to stress. That's right, not only to start a diet and stay on certain restrictions, it is important to get out of the tempo without losses to the body, and, of course, save the acquired form of the figure.

Choose a diet is not difficult, everything depends on the characteristics of the organism. Short and rigid diet, usually to get rid of extra kilos, but they later returned, and even complications. The lighter diet, the longer it will have to wait for the result, but the body will get used to such a regime and starvation will be without consequences.

You can not pace yourself diets many days, and simply deleted (limit) from their diet, some "bad" foods, such as flour products, pies, cakes and other. These measures significantly sparing clean weight.

Slim figure will continue long after the diet, weight loss only if the pace is slow.

Definitely that one diet is not enough, be sure to connect the sport. The body, which is to lose weight, does not look very attractive, and physical exercise will help to quickly return the form. Even twenty minutes a day devoted to basic exercises (squats, bending, Swing press), not only pulled the figure, but also improve health.

Do not forget about the usefulness of daily walks. The body requires oxygen saturation of all organs. If you do not forget about a balanced diet, sports, walks, the result is not long to wait, otherwise, the diet will become a never-ending process.

How to leave your diet

After completion of the process of losing weight should not relax and pounce on the previously forbidden foods, one should begin with a light meal, gradually adding calorie foods. Low-fat soups, boiled meat, buckwheat will be faithful to your allies.

Perfect solution if certain foods replaced by a similar, but less fat. For example, sugar is replaced perfectly sweet dried fruits, fatty meat boiled fish or chicken is considered a dietary rabbit meat.

Useful cereals, fruits and vegetables, boiled for a couple of meat, cheese, baked apples and other products. It should drink more fluids, at least two liters a day. In the evening, it is not necessary to load your body, it is best to restrict a glass of kefir or fresh apple.

The main rule is that you need to follow, this is what should give the body the best and most useful, then it will not fail.

Of course, the effect of diet, it is necessary to completely revise habits, reorganize the whole organism to positive change, then the result will not be long in coming.

The best gift would be tightened slim figure, gorgeous skin, strong nails and hair. Simply prevent the appearance of problem areas, than to wear down a diet, to restore the body.

How to quickly lose weight at home

 How to lose weight quickly and easily, without causing harm to health
How to lose weight fast

Article on how to properly and quickly can lose weight at home without diets and harm.

There is no need to resort to strict diets that are very difficult to endure, or grueling training in the sports hall to lose weight, those few extra kilograms on the eve of the summer.

To lose weight quickly and easily, it is enough to make a few small changes in your lifestyle and pay attention to some habit.

- Increase physical activity, move more. This basic rule underlying all later.

- Adjust the quantity of alcohol consumed. This way you are saving not only his liver, but also reduce the amount of calories consumed and will be able to control his appetite, which typically increases after drinking alcohol.

- Do not worry. In stressful situations, our body produces cortisol, a hormone responsible for the accumulation of fat, mostly in the abdomen.

- Drink plenty of water. Various studies have shown that a large amount of consumed water (do not overdo it, we're talking about numbers within reason!) Helps burn calories faster.

- Drink cold water. Your body will expend more calories to warm the water and your body.

- Limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially those contained in the sweet. Eat less bread and pasta, as well as candy, cookies, ice cream, cakes ...

- Cheese, yogurt and milk. Fortunately, these products you do not have to give up, but if you want to lose weight, go on a low-fat cheese, yogurt and milk.

- If you're used to eating more than three meals a day, do not forget to have a bite. Of course, you need to consume only low-calorie food. The best option is an apple - it fills the stomach to satisfy hunger, but do no harm to your figure.

- Physical exercise. Sedentary lifestyle - the main enemy of harmony. Make your life an active - more you walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and in the evening in front of TV prefer a walk in the park.

- Reduce portions. Indulge in your favorite dishes, but significantly reduce the portions.

- Avoid soda and sugary drinks. Plain water is still the best solution. And not just for a slim figure, but also for health.

- Do not be distracted when taking food. You can eat more than normal, viewing your favorite TV shows or reading books, newspapers.

- Keep track of the bowels. Depending on the age and weight of the intestine may build up to 5 - 10 kilograms overweight. Regularly clean the intestines. It will be very good for your figure and health.

- Sleep without a blanket. Your body will expend more calories to warm your body.

These are a few simple rules will help you lose weight easily, quickly and correctly to lose weight at home without dieting, without harm to health, back in shape, have a slender figure and will not require much effort.

How to lose 10 kg in 3 months and effectively free


"That does not say, but there is no justice in the world! All diets are tried, and the days of handling different species and even hunger, and the scales as bonded on the same figure is worth it!" - Think about how many times have you said to yourself like in a fit of despair. How can I lose 10 kg effective for 3 months, free weight loss methods by leaps and bounds, biorhythms slimming

That's just right here at anything.

Often, in the pursuit of harmony, many forget about such an important part of our lives, as harmony with itself.

Our body - a complex mechanism that operates by its own rules. One of them is the laws of biorhythms. About 100 years ago there was the theory of "three biorhythms": intellectual, emotional and physical.

It is the knowledge of your physical biorhythm will configure "on the wave" of his body, and joint, coordinated efforts to achieve superior results.

Experts say that the subject of a diet based on cycles of the physical biorhythm, you can reduce your weight by 7-10 kg in three months.

However, this method is not intended to be limited to a menu selection or starvation. All that is required of you - to plan meals according to the following graph.

Weight loss by leaps and bounds

Period from 07 to 09 o'clock in the morning our body is provided for breakfast. At this time our stomach wakes up, and there is nothing better than to treat yourself to light meals, either - porridge or muesli with milk, nuts and fruit.

From 09 up to 11 hours rest our stomach, passing the pancreas. A hearty breakfast in this period will not benefit, your best option is a low-fat dairy products or fresh fruit and vegetables.

Heart begins its active work with 11 to 13 hours. During lunch it is better to limit one type of food: soup, salad, steamed vegetables.

From 15 to 19 hours, experts advise to drink more, as during this period increased the intensity of its work, the kidneys and bladder. For dinner you can cook vegetable soup, white meat and fish.


Period from 19 to 21 hours is optimal for sports or hiking in connection with the increased intensity of blood circulation. But the job of the kidneys is slowed down - it means that you should limit yourself in the fluid, and try not to eat.

21 to 1:00 the night is not recommended to eat fatty foods, since their work begins to the gallbladder. Light snacks are allowed a small amount of fruit. This period of time is best spent for the benefit of yourself, take a bath, get ready for bed.

From 05 to 07 am wake-up time of the large intestine. If the schedule forces you to be awake at this time would be useful to a glass of water and a handful of dried fruit.

Like any other method of weight loss, this method is not a panacea, but as the saying goes, "Forewarned is forearmed!"

All you get!

Author: Elena Ohrimenko
