How to make a flat stomach, get rid of belly fat


Useful tips on how to make a flat stomach, how to get rid of belly fat, what are the ways to remove belly fat.

Sit back and remove stress.

Stress - the main cause of the accumulation of belly fat. Stress increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that promotes the accumulation of belly fat.

To relieve tension great help following exercise. Sits in a quiet and convenient location. Gaining a deep breath and slowly exhale. It will clarify the head. Continuing to breathe deeply, focus on the pronunciation of the word "one" on each exhalation. (If distracted, do not worry. Again, focus on the word "one".) Doing exercise for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day.

Stop smoking

"Smoking helps me to be fit," - says the majority of smokers. But the fact that smokers belly fat focuses more than non-smokers.

Forget about alcohol

A glass of wine at dinner - and you're not intermeddle in jeans. Alcohol increases the level of cortisol, laying belly fat, says Dr. Seidel.

Drink plenty of water

In the premenstrual period drink a lot of water. This will help remove the swelling, without harming the general condition of the body.

Eat more fiber foods

It has a positive effect on weight loss (fiber fills the stomach and, therefore, does not feel hunger) and thus does not cause constipation, which can cause bloating, says Lawrence J.. Cheskin, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management in Baltimore . Daily enough to eat 25 to 38 grams of fiber in the form of food cereals, fruit and vegetables or food additives.

Retractable stomach

Imagine that within "the magnet that pulls the stomach to the spine." Maximum draw the stomach that does not cause discomfort, and soon it will become a habit - like breath. Do it always, as soon as you remember. Soon get used.

Presses abdominal muscles

Exercise as much as possible while standing. In this case, the abdominal muscles are working. "It helps keep the body in a certain weight, and strengthen it" - says the fitness instructor. Watch out for him. Posture should always be correct, and the abdominal muscles - pulled, but do not hold your breath.

Do not forget about the bones

Osteoporosis - a disease that affects the bone. Weak bones of the spine are not able to hold the weight of the body, and this may eventually lead to the stoop. "Stoop, no room for abdominal and poetomuzhivot begins to bulge" - says Vilibald Nagler, MD, a retired physical therapist at New York Cornell Medical Center. If you are 50 or more, you need every day to take 1200 mg of calcium from food and nutritional supplements. (If you are under 50, the daily intake of calcium - 1000 mg.)


No exercise will not help make the stomach flat until the muscles hidden layer of fat. The best way - aerobic exercise 45 to 60 minutes, five times a week. After Barbara Taylor, Pasadena, California, started to run, walk, climb stairs at least an hour, five times a week, she not only opened the abdominal muscles. She lost weight from size 16 to 4, while dropping about 30 kg.

Getting rid of excess weight

Angela Susi, 50, of Vancouver, British Columbia, got rid of 13 cm around the waist, and slimmed down from 12 to 3 sizes. "In April, I got in a swimsuit she wore 20 years! - She said - This is like a new birth! The stomach has become much flatter, more visible muscles. " Set a goal - exercise two or three times a week.

Your slim figure, self weight control

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Your slim figure, self weight control
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 Slim figure, self weight control

Find a man who would have been completely satisfied with their figure is quite difficult - especially if this person is a woman. The desire to lose weight, probably at least once in their lives visited by everyone. But when these thoughts from the category of theoretical and hidden in the far corner of the labyrinths of our consciousness into being the management of

active action, necessarily reflect: What are these active steps should be?

Is it possible to deal with the problem yourself or just need expert help?

Of course, you can take up the case itself, the benefit of the shelves of pharmacies and literally bursting with different teas for weight loss and beauty, promises a pleasant harmony in a couple of weeks of use. Magazines - glossy and not - talk excitedly about how to lose weight. In general, it seems that the deal with the problem of extra kilos can be anyone who can read. But is it really?

Maybe not worth the risk, and are best left to "conducting" the process of finding harmony professionals?

Albert Laporte head of the laboratory Gernetic Synthese

Specialist often no different systemic approach. For example, a doctor may prescribe hormones for correction of excess weight, but does not give advice on nutrition. Hormones also very dangerous because they violate the endocrine system. So be careful.

And listen to the professionals need if they do not agitate for unnatural and radical measures.

A slim body. In general, everyone should understand that the best way to harmony - is the way of health, without operations and medicines. And in any case, can not eat that offers TV!

Svetlana Kovaleva, dermatologist, cosmetologist company Tsentus

Self weight control is possible, but, like every struggle requires a detailed study of the "enemy" - its strengths and weaknesses. It is important to know the reason for which the body persistently "outgrow" your favorite dress. So the first thing that has to make the one who is going to lose weight - is to consult an endocrinologist.

If any disease (diabetes, etc.) They are excluded, the reason lies in the hereditary constitutional peculiarities, physical inactivity and eating disorders. To lose weight within reasonable limits (down from 30 kilos per month), it is necessary to have a "food diary" and review its exercise.

In the "Diary" write down everything they ate, even the "crumbs", and put the calorie (now full of reference books on the subject). I assure you, you will be smitten by the amount eaten. To estimate the wasted calories you can buy "calorimeter" (waist mounted device on the wrist - sensor), or about to count using the same directory.

Remove from the diet of sweets, cakes and getting rid of the habit of "snacking", strict taboos on eating after six in the evening will give a stunning effect. Not immediately, of course, but after 1 month, you will start 5-2 "shrink." The main thing at this time does not lose control of the evening hunger and inability to "eat the goodies."

Good results are obtained and separate food diet based on blood tests. Very important is a sensible exercise with a feeling of "muscle joy" (though walking to the subway and up the stairs). In short, it is possible to lose weight on their own, unless you have no comorbidities, and the process is designed for a long time.

Very dangerous sharp weight loss, debilitating stress, strict diet - All this is perceived by the body as a powerful stress triggers the development or exacerbation of many diseases.

Are dangerous, and various kinds of "coding" (I believe that we can not allow any external manipulation of its own psyche).

The pharmacy has a lot of assortment lipolitikov ("solvent-fat"). External safe and effective when administered systemically (visible effect appears at the beginning of the third week). Oral, oral, it is very different in the action, so you need to carefully read the instructions. Afford reception "Meridia", etc. can only very healthy people.

If you want to lose some weight without losing health, not to get angry and to enjoy life, then you just need to have a little less than usual, and to move a little more. And most importantly - to love the body that chose your soul. And all the changes their appearance to carry out not under the false slogan "I hate this body and I want to change! "And with the slogan" I love myself and I want to make the figure even better! ".

Svetlana Kruzhalin, head of the European fitness studio "Frau-class"

You can engage in the process of reducing its weight by yourself, if you are clearly aware of the correctness of the chosen path. Everybody knows: to remove extra weight and not directly dial them again, you have to limit yourself to food, reducing the number of calories consumed.

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