The American Dream: a diet without dieting


Joy - have? Scientists said: to lose weight you need to eat more and more.

Nutritionists US desperate struggle with excess weight of their fellow citizens. Well, Americans love to eat. And depressed at the sight of small portions.

A team of scientists from the University of Washington decided to pull the plug on the "intractable" - eat all you like, can then lose weight! Member of the revolutionary experiment, 100 women became overweight.

Half of the group was appointed scant clinical nutrition for hours and fat burners, and the second half was allowed to have any number of times per day in any number, but withdrew from the diet of fatty and starchy foods.

And after three months, the majority of patients from the second - well-fed and happy - half lost an average of 2 - 3 kg more than the "hungry" group. And most of all managed to lose those who ate 25% more than usual! Hence, the diet - "soap"?


Svetlana care, dietician:

Light food is never too much - The secret of the American experiment is simple: there is a lot, but a specific set of products. Because of this you will not get extra fats and carbohydrates (from a surplus which we get fat).

In addition, when "free diet diet" no hunger, as the volume of food will be familiar or even more. What is important is the psychological aspect, because we "eat the eyes." The signal of the saturation to the brain only in 20 minutes after the meal.

And when we see before us a large portion, it does not matter - or a high-calorie food, eyes literally cheating stomach and after a meal you really feel that ate. It's summer, all greens, vegetables and fruits is full and they are affordable.

You can take time off from the richness of the meat products and borscht. Give also from soups and puree from fatty dressings, which can be replaced by lemon juice or yoghurt. Fruits addition will fill your need for sweet.

Lose weight and will help fiber found in a variety of legumes and whole grains. So eat more and lose weight!


Natalia Gridasova, psychoendocrinology:

We are not ruminants! - I do not think that low-calorie diet to overeat - it is the right decision. One of the main problems of those who can not drive away those extra pounds - have a habit uncontrollably.

And from the need to just get rid of, not cultivated. Calories - the question of self-discipline, and improper eating behavior. Sorry, but the man always chewing huge portions of vegetable salads, like a cow in the meadow.

The men - omnivorous animals, and we need fats and animal proteins. I had to communicate with patients, after sitting on a fat-free diets have spoiled teeth, nails (calcium is better absorbed because only milk, cottage cheese, cheese), hair fell out.

Besides, people who are overweight often have digestive problems - gastritis, colitis. And if these diseases have fresh fruits and vegetables generally need to care - it is fraught with bloating, diarrhea.

So no need to reinvent the wheel: You want to lose weight, bring the power back to normal and physical activity.

What you need to eat to lose weight


10 myths about food: what to eat to lose weight

Scientists have proved that the mass of well-known ideas about healthy living is actually just a set of commonplaces allegations from a medical point of view, do not correspond to reality.

The daily diet of a person should hold a certain amount of energy, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and other biologically active compounds. Failure of any components and products may adversely affect health.

Myth 1: From carbohydrates fattening

The idea that carbohydrates from fattening - is fundamentally wrong, experts say. Carbohydrates attract water, so reducing the carbohydrate content of the diet, you can actually lose weight. However, such a reduction would deprive the body of energy.

2: Fresh vegetables healthier frozen

Frozen fruits and vegetables if they are not subjected to additional freezing and unfreezing, we kept in accordance with the rules, almost no way inferior in quality fresh, confirmed the doctor of medical sciences Boris Sukhanov during an online conference at RIA Novosti.

Moreover, the researchers believe that in the winter fresh-looking vegetables that are doing a long way to go before you get to the counter, contain virtually no vitamins and minerals. Frozen vegetables, in contrast, typically are processed within a few hours after being picked and their nutritional value is retained.

3: The bread should be completely excluded from the diet

Bread - one of the most consumed foods, replace it is hardly possible, and do not need. But remember that these are empty calories that a person does not need, need. And from this point of view, just bread should not be abused. Most of the grain in the daily diet should be provided black varieties or bread baked from a mixture of cereals, bran, etc.

4: Late dinner leads to excess weight

Nutritionists believe that the late dinner does not affect the shape, if not to overeat, do not exceed the daily requirement of calories and a late dinner if not the only meal of the day. Of great importance is the fact that it has at night. Sometimes people save up the most delicious in the evening, considering that after a day they deserve special refreshments.

Myth 5: The less we sleep, the more actively grow thin

It looks quite logical. After all, in a dream, our metabolism slows down and uses less energy. So if you sleep less - fat will disappear faster. All just the opposite. Scientists believe that good sleep is absolutely necessary component of weight loss programs.

During sleep, levels of the hormone that signals the brain about hunger, decreases. The researchers came to the conclusion that if you sleep at least an hour less than it should be, it can lead to hormonal imbalance.

6: Chocolate is harmful to health

Studies have demonstrated that cocoa beans contain a large number of special substances which can improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to these substances is reduced pressure and blood clotting and inflammation. The effect resembles the action of aspirin. So it is to give up chocolate, scientists do not recommend. Suffice bitter chocolate drink or eat a small tile once daily.

7: Running in the morning is always useful to all

A popular and brilliant in its way of healing the body access to many consider running in the morning. While this is an exercise that must be properly distributed. If you are going to run, be sure to consult with a specialist, otherwise you can overdo it and "run to a heart attack," experts say. The fact that one person benefits, for others it may be poison.

8: From protein food supplements muscle grow

Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle argue that protein supplements help to increase muscle mass. But this is more a trick of companies producing dietary supplements: in fact, extra protein does not affect the muscles, if a person is not engaged in strength training. The required amount of protein the body gets from food, and extra protein can become an extra load.

Myth 9: Any amount of alcohol is dangerous

Proponents of a healthy way of life urge to completely abandon the use of alcohol. However, scientists around the world have long come to the conclusion about the benefits of, for example, red wine - it contains ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In moderate amounts of wine and beer, on the other hand, useful for the organism. According to doctors, it is not necessary to exclude alcohol from the diet - you need not to abuse them.

10: Cholesterol - the cause of heart disease

It is wrong is the notion that cholesterol - a major cause of heart disease. The level of cholesterol in the blood is important, but based on it is impossible to tell whether a person has a heart attack. In this sense, the superiority belongs hypertension. Under the pressure of the blood in the arteries can be formed holes. The body eliminates these lesions with the help of cholesterol.

If cholesterol is useful, the holes clogged smoothly. However, if the harmful cholesterol, that eventually occludes the vessel. This leads to a heart attack. The optimum pressure of 115 to 75, and if it is above 140 over 90, then you are already at risk.
