Products that help to lose weight

 Products that help to lose weight
The product helps to lose weight

Some foods not only add to your extra weight, but also helps lose weight, burn excess fat. Grapefruit. Some studies suggest that regular use with every meal half of the fruit of grapefruit or 150 gr. its juice

can reduce the average weight for 2 weeks at 2 kg. It is believed that this happens for one simple reason.


It lowers insulin, which in turn reduces your desire for something to eat. Naturally, the less you want to eat, the fewer calories you accumulate and spend more have accumulated, and the weight is reduced. If you do not like grapefruit, you can squeeze the juice from it and mix with the juice of orange and lemon, which further will strengthen your immune system and help to cleanse the body of toxins.

Green tea.

This plant is not only prevents the formation of cancer cells, to help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, but also has beneficial effects on the metabolic processes in the body. So how many calories you can burn thanks to green tea. It is believed that drinking 5 cups of green tea a day, you lose 70-80 calories. Not bad, right?


If you drink enough fluids in the form of clean water, you will be hard to lose weight and become slim. Lack of fluid in the body slows metabolic processes, may lead to a decrease in blood glucose level, weakness and dizziness.

Low-fat dairy products.

These products not only supply your body with calcium, but also increase the body's production of the hormone calcitriol, a hormone that causes the cells to burn more fat. Therefore, include in your diet low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

Protein foods.

Proteins - the necessary foundation for the formation of muscle mass and, as we know, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn - even if just relaxing. Moreover, for the assimilation of proteins spent more calories to digest than fat and carbohydrates. Thus, protein foods also helps you burn fat. The best sources of protein - chicken, fish, egg whites, turkey, fish.

Acute food.

Do you like spicy food? Then we have good news for you. Acute spices help burn fat as make your body sweat, increased heart rate, which in turn speeds up the metabolism. However, there is one "but" if you like spicy chips or spicy fried food - it is unlikely to help you throw a couple of kilos.


Studies show that a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with a meal helps to absorb sugar more efficiently and reduce the level of blood sugar. This is an important point, because high blood sugar leads to the formation of more and more fat. Cinnamon can also be used instead of sugar, as it has a natural sweet taste.

How to quickly get rid of belly in 2 weeks, effective exercises


For many women, in particular, with an excellent figure and an ideal weight, the press, or rather lack thereof - is one of the problems of patients. Nature is so ordered that the greatest amount of body fat in women it accumulates in the abdomen - to protect the fruit from damage.

It is not surprising that the body does not want to quickly say goodbye to their defensive stocks. These problem areas lose weight in the least, but the new kilos added here.

How to quickly get rid of belly for 2 weeks, we offer you the most effective exercises. But do not be too zealously taken for the process of swing press. So you will not get rid of excess fat from the abdomen, and the muscles increase in size and you run the risk of a pedestrian waist.

Train without fanaticism: two to three times a week is enough to cause muscle tone and drive away the excess fat from the abdomen. Perform about three exercises per workout. First, start with the pumping of direct abdominal muscles, and then proceed to the oblique. Perform the exercise 15-30 times for 3 sets each.

Home - machinery

Of course, it is best to carry out effective exercises under the strict supervision of a trainer. He can supply you with the correct technique, if you want fast get rid of belly . For example, during the housing boom have to make sure that the lower back pressed against the floor. The neck should not be tense.

If you want to get a clear relief and drive away the excess fat from the abdomen - You better do the exercises with weights, for example, with a dumbbell that you put on your stomach. If you have back problems, before going to the gym is to consult a doctor. He will tell you what muscles need to shift the focus of training.

Effective exercises for the stomach

A reasonable alternation

For a more effective workout is recommended to alternate the exercises with varying amplitude. Here are the most popular exercises that will help you as quickly as possible to get rid of belly:

Exercise for the press 1. Curl

Aimed at the rectus abdominis, performed with a small amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor and press your lower back to the floor. The legs bend at the knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear off your head and shoulder blades off the floor, chin pointing to the ceiling. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

2. Reverse Crunch

Aimed at the rectus abdominis, performed with a small amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear off your head and shoulder blades off the floor while lifting the pelvis. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

3. Raise the trunk

Running with a large amplitude. How to: Lie on the floor. The legs bend at the knees. Get Hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the inhale tear the body off the floor, getting up to the knees. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

4. Exercise Lifting legs

Running a large amplitude How do to quickly get rid of belly: sitting on a chair, lean your hands on the edge. On the inhale, tighten the legs to the body. On the exhale, return to the starting position.

5. obliques

How to do: sitting on a chair by turning the housing. To exercise the oblique muscles, you can use all of the previous exercises, making them steer.

However, these exercises should not do, if you have back problems

Do not forget to also do abdominal massage, swimming pool and aerobics to body fat gradually left, and they were replaced with beautiful muscle definition. Such effective exercise will help to quickly get rid of belly at regular employment, about 2 weeks will be a noticeable good result.

Author: Eugene Pasha

How to remove belly fat fast and effectively lose weight permanently house

 How to remove belly fat, get rid of excess belly fat is very easy

Doctors found a link between fat deposits around the waist and abdomen typical of middle-aged men and women, and heart disease as well as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and increased risk of some other serious illnesses.

Many of us believe that if, pinching myself, we capture two centimeters of fat, you need to stop eating ice cream. But the fat that can grab fingers, that is located directly under the skin, in fact harmless. Much more serious problems arise from the visceral fat that is deposited around such vital internal organs like the intestines and liver.

"The threat to health is determined not by what you have excess fat, and even where it is concentrated," - said Dr. Arthur Frank, medical director of the program on the fight against obesity at George Washington University.

How do you know whether you need to reset the excess fat on the abdomen and waist, without resorting to costly screening for scanning tomography or by magnetic resonance imaging?

There is a simple and sure way: calculate the ratio of waist to hip size. Divide the waist circumference (at its thinnest point) on the circumference of the hips (at widest point). A person with a waist circumference 68, 5 centimeters and 98 centimeters hips, this coefficient is equal to 0, 7. Obesity specialist from Washington, Dr. Uzin Callaway believes that the ratio is higher than 0, 80 and 0 for women, 95 for men it should round up the abdomen.

Despite the dangers, many are finding that to get rid of fat on the abdomen, flanks and waist is very easy - if you separate the myths from the facts. These tips will help you succeed where many are defeated.

How quickly remove belly man and woman at home

1. Remember, men and women lose weight differently. Any woman, began to fight with the belly in the company of a man waiting for the same frustration that and Nancy Johnson. Dr. Frank explains: "When a man and woman of the same height and weight get the same food and the same exercise, the man will lose weight. Why?

Because kilogram of body weight in men accounts for more "lean" tissue, and this is what burns fat. "In order to achieve even half of what men are making, most women have to exert much more effort than they expect.

Some believe that men have more will power, but it's not true. "Both sexes like fatty foods," - says Adam Drewnowski, director of human nutrition at the University of Michigan. His studies show that women prefer to consume fats in sweet form: pies, cakes and chocolate, while men eat more salty fatty foods: fried potatoes, sausage, hot dogs. Therefore, support each other, if you are with your spouse have decided to return the slender figure. Consider biological differences between you.

Get rid of fat on the abdomen and flanks

2. Find out for yourself the truth about low-fat products. Quaint and severe diets often help you quickly lose weight, but mainly due to water and muscle mass.

To permanently remove the stomach and reduce the waist, you need to get rid of excess fat. Most experts recommend a diet low in saturated fat, including fresh fruits, vegetables and foods rich in starch, such as brown rice, whole grain breads and pasta.

Of course, you have heard that pasta "harmful" to you that when you eat them, in the body there is a chemical reaction involving insulin, as a result of which you get even fatter. But Dr. Gerald Riven of Stanford University said that this is not true. "Insulin does not promote weight gain. And people are getting fatter not of pasta, - he said. - Weight gain due to an excess of calories."

If you are healthy, forget these fears. "Calmly eat spaghetti. They are useful, - says Dr. James Hill, deputy director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado. - Just do not eat too many of them. From any of the product, if there is too much, you get fat." The only important caveat: if you have a metabolic disorder, which is called insulin resistance, be careful with diets low in fat.

If you change too many calories, which give the body saturated fats (butter, cream and eggs), calories from carbohydrates (pasta worn, rice, potatoes, low-fat desserts), warns Riven, then you can raise the level of blood sugar, or increase the risk of heart disease.

If you do not know whether you suffer insulin resistance, consult your doctor. All this confusion with the pasta reveals a very important point: there is no one "right" diet for everyone and for everyone, because not everyone is equally fattening. The point is not how much fat in your diet, the main thing - how many calories in it.

To quickly and effectively lose weight and remove the stomach men and women, to reduce the waist, you need to get calories from different healthy foods.

Reduce the waist is very easy

3. exercise at their own pace. Squats help to improve the tone of the abdominal muscles. But in order to remove deep fat, you have to strengthen all the muscles of the body. Maybe you do not feel like your stomach flattens when you train the shoulder or buttock muscles or thigh muscles, but that's it. Among experts there is no consensus on what exercises give greater effect.

Some prefer strength training, lifting weights and training on simulators; others recommend jogging, cycling and swimming, where enhanced oxygen exchange. After hearing conflicting advice, you can decide to combine both types of exercise to achieve maximum effect. But for beginners, it is important to just start moving. In a study at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, two groups of obese women, received the same, poor fat diet.

One group of "round up" the weight of running and swimming, the other engaged in the weights. After 16 weeks, it was found that women in both groups, the amount of fat on the waist decreased similarly.

At what rate should do the exercises? It seems amazing, but when you're not in the best physical shape, slow and performed without much stress exercise can do more good.

In a study conducted in the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research in Dallas, overweight women were divided into three groups: fast walkers, walkers and moderate "turtles." Who threw more fat? "Turtles!" "While this is only a theory, - says John Wells led the study - but the bottom line is that our body burns two types of fuel: glycogen, which can be compared with the high-octane gasoline and oil, which is more like a low-octane gasoline.

In all likelihood, if you are forcing your body to run in a race car, you need a high-quality fuel, and at a leisurely walk your body can use more low-grade fuel, that is fat. "

How to effectively lose weight permanently house

4. Pay attention to bad habits. Weight gain in stressful conditions - a common occurrence, and applies not only to men. When scientists at Yale University examined the group of 41 overweight women aged 18 to 40 years, they found that those who had deposits of fat in the abdomen, produce much more of the hormone cortisol with stress, which they could not cope.

"We know that stress hormone cortisone in combination with adrenaline stimulates fat deposition in the abdominal cavity, - said Dr. Redford Williams, professor of psychiatry at Duke University. - Probably, stress causes our bodies to redistribute excess fat, transfer it to other sites, such as the hips, at the belly. "

Trying to cope with stress by means of smoking or drinking can lead to double trouble. Compared to non-smokers of the same height and weight, smokers have a higher waist-to-hip ratio, and they are more dangerous, deep-lying fat.

"Most lean smokers say," I can not quit, because then I grow fat and die, "- says Dr. William Castelli, director of the Framingham Cardiovascular Institute. - Even if you quit smoking, they really become thick, they do extend their life by giving up smoking.

Mortality among lean smokers is nine times higher than that of thin-smoking ". Similarly, heavy drinkers have a higher ratio of waist-to-hip and more deep-lying fat than non-drinkers. But you can not say that every drunk you a glass of wine poses a danger." If you drink no more than two servings of alcohol per day, it is unlikely to lead to an increase in fat deposits in the abdomen, "- said Dr. Scott Weiss, associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

5. Do not look for excuses

They only hurt your health. There is a widespread belief that "with age, some people are bound to get fat."

This is ridiculous: a man can not be too old to remove the stomach and reduce the waist. The medical school at Washington University in St. Louis, a group of men and women aged 60-70 years for the first time in many years the beginning of the physical activity.

After 9-12 months, the men lost weight more than women, but in proportion to body weight and they both dropped the same amount of fat, especially around the waist. What about fashion excuse if your weight problems are explained by genetic predisposition? Forget about it.

Even if you have a lot of fat people in the family, you can still reduce your waist, abdomen and remove excess fat.

Claude Bouchard, professor of physiology of exercise Laval University in Quebec, concluded that only 35-40 percent of the difference in weight between people of the growth is due to genetic factors. The remaining 60-65 percent of all depends on you.

So throw away all the excuses, select from the chair, get your waist and stomach - and your health.
