Fasting days for weight loss, beauty and a slim figure

 Lose weight, fasting days for weight loss
Fasting days for weight loss

Fasting days for weight loss and beauty: on the third day, the complexion is fresh, the skin is smoother, more expressive look, and most importantly - you'll be slimmer and feel fine.

You like to eat? We too. And by the way, do not feel at this point no remorse. What for?

It does not mean to be a gourmet delicacies to overeat in large numbers, trying to cram in as much as possible themselves goodies. It should not have fun on the number and the quality of meals and arrange fasting days for weight loss.

In addition, we try to move as much as possible. Let's not every day, but doing exercise, walk a lot, and weekends are not sitting at home watching television, and get out into the countryside.

In general, despite the shortage of time, we'll do a lot to stay in good shape. I feel like saying: 'What are we clever! All we have something beautiful and wonderful! '

But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Surely you, as we sometimes wake up with an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and the complexion is poor. Do not worry. Nothing terrible happens.

Just body signals: 'It's time to start cleansing! 'You never did? Then join us.

Week unloading diet - That is what is now needed.

Diet, of course, not very diverse, but it is sufficient to maintain vitality.


Nutritionists claim that fasting days for weight loss and beauty is on the third day, the complexion becomes fresher, smoother skin, more expressive look, and most importantly - you'll be slimmer and feel fine.

In general, it's worth it, believe me! Without it, no way. After all, you and all of us used to do it with pleasure. Therefore, we give you a few tips to help you with dignity and with the use of food to survive a week of abstinence.

Rule number one: it stimulates the bowels

You can, for example, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach with Glauber's salt (about one and a half tablespoons per cup of boiling water). The taste of the Glauber's salt, frankly, not sherbet, but you can refine useful cocktail, add a tablespoon of lime or lemon juice.

I do not want to experiment with a drink? We offer an alternative: the first and fourth days of discharge diet please use douches mug. We agree, the procedure is not pleasant, but it is necessary.

Rule number two: wash off toxins

We'll have to have to do this. Because during unloading diet the body will actively get rid of accumulated toxins, some of which will be allocated through the sweat glands, you need to take a shower twice a day. It is also desirable for once take a steam bath.

Rule number three:   throughout the week green tea drink (at least 500 ml per day).

This flavored drink to support the body and help you to be always in good shape.

And finally, the fourth rule: do not forget about aromatherapy.

Maybe at first you are not used to torment hunger pangs. Aromatherapists this case advised to have at hand a handkerchief, which must first drop two drops of eucalyptus, pine and orange essential oils. If hunger haunted house - Light aromakuritelnitsu, dropping into it the same oil.

Attention! During the unloading week every day to drink at least 2, 5 liters of water.


1st unloading day

Breakfast: Muesli with apple slices, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 50 grams of low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: Steamed vegetables and cottage cheese.

Dinner: fruit salad, yoghurt and crispbread.

Between meals: sweet and sour apples (no more than 2 pieces at a time).

2-4 minutes day - diet

Breakfast: herbal or fruit tea, then a glass of serum or sauerkraut juice.

Lunch: Vegetable soup: 50 grams of tuber celery and parsley root, 30 g leek, 1 carrot, 1 potato. All coarsely chopped, pour 0, 5 liters of water. Cook for 30 minutes with a bay leaf and black pepper.

Dinner: vegetable juice mixed with mineral water.

5 minutes day - Exit from the diet

Breakfast: 4-5 pieces of prunes, herbal or fruit tea.

Lunch: Potato and vegetable broth.

Dinner: Tomato soup or soup Asparagus soup with crispbread, infusion of lemon balm, valerian or mint.

Between meals: sweet apples (no more than 2 pieces at a time).

6-7 minutes unloading days - Recovery

Breakfast: 4-5 pieces of figs or prunes, cereals, herbal or fruit tea.

Lunch: Steamed vegetables (without salt), and bread.

Dinner: Salad with apples and vegetables 1 apple, 1 half cucumber and bell pepper cut into, pour low-fat yogurt and stir.

Between meals Any dried (50 g each time).

Lose weight with water is easy!

 Lose weight with water - very easy!
Lose weight with water

American nutritionists recommend an easy way to lose weight with water, which is becoming very popular in the West.

It was found that the shortage of liquid body begins to experience stress and sends signals to the brain that are similar to the signals of hunger.

As a result, we begin there, at a time when we need a drink!

Unnecessary at the moment nutrients are stored as fat in the most secluded corners of our body and the corners over time cease to be secluded.

The bitterness of the loss of a slim figure we try to compensate dairy chocolate or harassing fitness classes.

But back to the original state can be balanced by providing water consumption.

Drinking every day at 2 - 2, 5 liters of water (in addition to juices, tea and coffee) we can suppress hunger and reduce food intake (of course, this is to limit the intake of fatty foods), and as a result we drop excess weight.

Moreover, it is necessary to drink water because even tea and coffee contain active substances that alter the chemical composition of the body.

And what about fizzy drinks, "saturated" with harmful chemicals that cause further dehydration.

Clean water - a vital necessity. For it to be in your home you must have a water filter or a day to defend the water. This will give you the opportunity to safely drink safe and clean water in all respects.

At the same time the skin will always be sufficiently saturated with moisture from the inside and, therefore, protected from frost and direct sunlight, drying and flaking. That is just one shot kill two birds with one stone - reset overweight, lose the excess fat and restore the freshness of the skin!

The purity of water in the diet plays a decisive role. Tap water contains an abundance of active chlorine and other impurities acquired during the passage of water supply systems, old and rusty.

Useful habit of drinking purified water will be gratefully received by your body.

So Defend filter or water, drink, and you lose weight!

Way to lose weight: eating right

 Ways to lose weight: eating right

Way to lose weight: The power supply system XXI Century, which incorporates the best achievements of the world experience of proper nutrition.

The basic principles of conscious power.

1. Teach yourself constantly drinking purified tap water for 2 to 3 liters a day.

2. Do not eat at pains, mental and physical malaise, fatigue, fever, elevated temperature, any discomfort. It is better to give up the food, but the most correct decision - to replace a meal with water.

3. Eat only when the sensation of hunger. In order not to confuse hunger with appetite for 30 minutes before eating accustom themselves to drink 200 ml of purified water.

4. Try not to drink during meals. Water leaves the stomach within 10 minutes after receiving it, taking with them the diluted gastric juice, which prevents digestion. Drinking while eating leads to bad mastication. It is necessary to drink water 30 minutes after receiving the fruit, 2 hours after food starch and 4 hours after the protein.

5. Train yourself not to use too hot or cold drinks and meals. Cold interrupts the action of enzymes, and hot food violates the tone of the digestive organs.

6. eliminate or reduce foods containing purine substances alloksurovye base and aflatoxin (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, extractive broths, including in the form of cubes, smoking) - all these products contribute to the formation of increased amounts of uric acid in the body and violate the acid-alkaline balance.

7. Discard all refined products: flour, refined rice, cereals, sugar and the products in which it is present. Instead of industrial refined sugar is recommended to use yellow no refined sugar, honey, dried fruits, sweet fruits and vegetables.

8. Avoid carbohydrates with high glycemic index: white bread, sugar, rice, semolina, potatoes, corn, cereal noodles, watermelon, ice cream, beer.

9. Be sure to enter in your daily diet natural raw food - vegetables, seeds, nuts, seeds, fruit.

10. In the summer and fall on a daily basis, and in the winter two - three times a week, start the day with fruit and vegetables as an independent meal. It is desirable to add 2-3 walnuts.

11. Be sure to eat in a single meal a large portion of salad. Lettuce irreplaceable biological human diet. Green leaves supply body complex proteins, vitamins, many alkali salts, especially iron and calcium in an easily digestible form.

Salads should be moist, consist of not more than 4 vegetables consumed without salt, vinegar, oil, lemon juice or other seasonings. They are used for such dishes: cabbage, green lettuce, celery, cucumbers, radishes, onions, tomatoes, watercress - salad, parsley.

12. The diet of 30% of calories should fall on the high-quality protein, another 40% - fruits and vegetables low in starch and glycemic index, 30% - on fats, of which 20% of a mono- or polyunsaturated, 10% - animal fats.

13. Eat animal fats in moderation, they inhibit digestion, especially the digestion of proteins, increasing the fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to an overload of the liver and kidney toxin.

Fat is not desirable to use together with proteins - milk, fish, nuts. Fats must be added to food just after its preparation. The ratio of animal and vegetable fats should be 1: 3.

14. If you must take a boiled (unnatural) food, be sure to combine it with raw vegetables. When this crude product must be 2-3 times longer than cooked.

15. Thoroughly moisten with saliva and chew any food. Solid or liquid food, saliva treated as a result of chewing, immediately exposed to digestive juices, is not retained in the stomach, well digested, absorbed.

She was not part of the lessons are not subject to rot and ferment. In addition, the body spends less energy on its own digestive and excretory processes.

16. The work of our body systems require a short break, or "sanitary hour". The break between the morning and the evening meal should be at least 12 hours. Not everyone agrees with this, but even those whose stomach works 2-3 hours a day on the walls of the colon accumulates from 3 to 25 kg of fat.

17. Reduce the intake of salt, and in cardiovascular diseases eliminate it altogether. The salt only two microelement - chloro, and sodium, while in sea salt of more than 64, and all of them are needed by the human body.

Vegetables such as garlic, onion, leek, horseradish, radish (their roots and herbs), perfectly complement the combination of natural salts and can serve as a substitute for salt. Sea kale can be used to prisalivaniya food.

Instead of salt you can cook Ghammas 1 of the grinding sea salt mixed with 12 parts of the ground (in a coffee grinder) sesame or flax seed, get a great product, enriching soups and salads (prisalivaem ready meals on the table).
