Rapid weight loss: a seven-day fasting Handling


Rapid weight loss How to lose 10 kilos in a week?

Handling a seven-day fasting (recipe developed by physicians). You can practice the unloading of each month. Weight loss at the first discharge 10 kg. - One hundred percent guaranteed.

In repeated - no more than 3-4 kg. A little bit of willpower and you can become slim and beautiful!

The seven-day fasting handling:

1 day: 1 bottle. mineral water is divided into 6 portions (but it is possible for four doses).

Day 2: Milk 0 8 liters per day. In 20-21 hours - one apple.

Day 3: 1 bottle. min of water during the day.

Day 4: Vegetable Day. Lettuce (liter jar): fresh cabbage, carrots, greens all kinds. The salad is added 1 tbsp. Spoon stretch. oil. Salad is divided into 3 parts. On this day you can drink 2 tablespoons. water and 2 tbsp. unsweetened tea.

Day 5: Milk 0 8 l. during the day.

Day 6: Breakfast: egg Var., 0, 5 cups of tea. At 11 days: a glass of vegetable broth (only broth) of potatoes, cabbage, carrots, any vegetables.

Lunch: 100 grams. beef (100 gr. - about four speech. box) plus 100 grams. canned zel. peas.

Afternoon snack: an apple. At dinner - apple. At 9 pm - the apple.

Day 7: 100 gr. cheese plus 2 cups milk or 1 bottle. kefir. In the evening, just 1 tablespoon. tea without sugar.

The advantage of this diet: - availability, low cost and no exotica.


When the seven-day fasting discharge absolute guarantee of losing 10 kg. weight.

Diet for people with willpower. It is recommended to start on Monday (or better on the 4th phase of the moon (decreasing), we recommend to watch the lunar calendar for 2012.

Our ancestors, and modern believers during Lent has always encouraged and recommended to eat some porridge - perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. This year, the post will be held from March 13 - 30aprelya. Easter falls on April 30th.

Since there is meat in the diet, it is advisable to start fasting after Easter, if you are a believer. Moreover, that does not prevent pre-cleanse your body of cereals have accumulated over the winter slag ...

Finally, the first three days is very headache. Try to sleep more, but if you go hungry, "on your feet", the effect will be even more noticeable.

A little bit of willpower and you - slim and happy.

I wish you success and victory in the struggle for your health and mood.

Basic rules lemon diet for weight loss


Recently, nutritionists have debunked the myth of the wonderful slimming effect pineapple. They now have a new favorite - lemon.

What are the basic rules of the lemon diet?

Based on the properties of lemon British physician Teresa Chong has developed a special diet

and released a whole "lemon book."

According to Chong, all our ills associated with obesity occur primarily by disorders of the digestive system.

The latter, they say, do not let your body get all the nutrients needed to burn fat - hence taken unnecessary weight. And the traditional diet based on starvation only aggravate our problems.

Trying to lose weight, we will only spoil your stomach and deprive the body of needed energy. Hence the feeling of lethargy, depression and as a result, slowing the metabolism. And after this there and overweight, according to Chong.

The new method, developed by a dietician, does not imply a serious limitation in food. "Lemon" diet simply advises to adhere to proper nutrition - not to overdo it, but do not try to constantly nedoest. A staple for you to become a lemon - it juice, pulp and peel.

This citrus normalizes the process of assimilation of nutrients and metabolism, promises Chong. According to her, oddly enough, it differs a high content of lemon citric acid compared to other fruits.

And it is well stimulates digestion reacts with enzymes and toxins from the body. In addition, consumption of lemon reduces the risk of diabetes to earn. However, even a miracle diet from Dr. Chong has the same flaws as everyone else.

Firstly, it is not suitable for people with high acidity. At best you may get heartburn at worst - an ulcer.

And secondly, exercise, you still can not be avoided. And then all of your "lemon" efforts turn to ashes, writes Daily Mail.

7 rules lemon diet for weight loss

1. Every morning drink lemon juice, diluted with hot water. If not juicer, mash a couple of slices of lemon in boiling water.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables 4-5 times a day. Not necessarily every time a download of an entire portion of salad. One or apple, for example, carrots will suffice. Along with fruits, eat a couple of nuts - squirrel help you "bring down" the level of sugar, which is found in fruits.

3. Add to soups and salads shredded lemon peel. Meat and fish during cooking necessarily sprinkled with lemon juice.

4. Try to eat less sugar. And do not forget that he may be hiding even in savory taste foods - white rice, potatoes, white bread and corn.

5. Do not exclude fats from your diet. Look for foods that contain omega 3 and omega 6 - is nuts, and fatty fish. Avoid rich products and red meat.

6. Discard the semi-finished products and canned food, try to eat only fresh products. Of course, our prices follow this rule is difficult, therefore, of all the "canned" products of your choice on beans and lentils.

7. Take your time: eat regularly, at intervals of 3-4 hours. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. If after dinner you feel that you are still hungry, wait a minute 15 - 20: Your brain just does not have time to process the information and send a signal to your body that you already ate.

Your slim figure, self weight control

Table of contents
Your slim figure, self weight control
Page 2

But if disturbed metabolism, no strict diet in addressing the problem of excess weight is unacceptable. They can only aggravate the situation and even significantly impair health, increasing failures in violation of the functions of the body and aggravate chronic diseases.

And because of all the intricacies of their own health, we know not always, better to do without independent experiments. If possible, consult a professional, it will help the best way to solve the problem and determine which fitness program is right for you optimally, in order not only to promptly correct the figure, to lose weight, but also to continue to maintain it in good form.

To understand how to choose a specialist qualified can be in two weeks: it is usually much time to wait the first results. But if the positive changes your body shape is not visible even in a month, then the recommended program is not suitable advice given unprofessional.

Irina Nekrasova, a doctor MMC On Clinic

It depends on whether the person's weight exceeds the norm. Perhaps he, and there is not much excess weight and there is only a psychological obsession, it occurs most often in young women who strongly customize themselves to the modern standards of beauty.

If the overweight person is less than ten kilograms, it is not terrible, for the winter, for example, we get fat a little. With such surpluses can cope on their own, without the help of doctors. You just need to reconsider the power to call for help, and his will.

When the weight of a lot more than normal and is becoming a threat to the heart, blood vessels and so on, then, of course, you need to turn to professionals who will not only competently to reduce weight, but also to overcome psychological barriers. Of course, there are cases when a person weight beyond reasonable limits to 100-130 kg - in this case, apparently, should resort to emergency methods (liposuction, reduction of the stomach).

Just do not forget that all these aggressive methods of struggle for thinness too deeply affect the human body. Therefore it is better to try to get rid of this problem by traditional methods using dieticians.

Maria Demetrius, a registered dietitian Clinics Medical Nutrition

If the answer to this question in one word - for or against, I am definitely against it. Without the help of professionals to better weight control not to start. After all, just because the body never gets better, and then we must look for the causes of excess weight that only by professionals.

Of course, there are people who can deal with being overweight themselves. But they are not so much. For this purpose several conditions must be met: First, the person should be practically healthy, and secondly, in his life should be no serious stresses and, finally, it must plan not to lose too much and not too fast. However, in order to know exactly at least on the first condition, it is necessary to have to refer to specialists.

If everything is fine and you are absolutely confident - you can get to work. But, alas, such bright prospects, frankly, a rarity in our time. Often we just do not have sufficient health, but also set ourselves the incredible goal.

Most of those who lose weight was determined to want everything at once: for example, to lose ten kilograms, and preferably for a week. In pursuit of the beauty of the few people think that the wrong weight loss may lead to very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, to avoid problems that can and should be improved only under the supervision of professionals.

The most popular and effective means - is diet and exercise. With their selection of highly individual approach is necessary. For example, women are very fond of "sit down" for fruits and vegetables and even find it extremely useful. And in fact, not everyone will take the body like food with joy.

Also, there are many adherents of starvation. But in reality, such measures are justified only for people with severe allergies or asthma. In almost all other cases, this method will cause only harm. And similar examples can lead indefinitely.

Because, if your plans do not throw a kilogram or two, and say goodbye to quite a significant number of these, consider the possible consequences of the wrong weight loss.

Price "initiative" in this issue may be too high: from nervous stress to severe disease. So maybe not worth the risk?

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