It is no secret that a lot of men and women have a problem with overweight and would like to become slim. He hated the extra weight, there is no easy way, it - a consequence of poor lifestyle, stress and emotions. Methods of weight loss clinic Doctors Bormentalja.
All of our lives, it twists and turns, ups and downs seamlessly reflected in the figure - someone loses weight, survived the tragedy, and someone gains weight, hitting a series of troubles.
Excess weight
The algorithm is a set of excess weight in childhood and obesity in many ways we owe our parents, who have inspired us, that is tasty and what is not. Judge for yourself, in the kindergarten age we get candy or ice cream for any reason: broken knees, offended or girlfriend came during beloved brother. So, step by step, we are taught to "jam" our problems, worries and fears, and as adults we unconsciously do the same.
This mechanism sits in us so strongly that we can not deal with it by yourself - how can you fight with an invisible enemy and unconscious? This is where lies the cause of all failures during the diet - the slightest stress enough to us like a magnet drawn to walk, to desire and the only effective sedative.
That's why any diet threatens us stress, for refusing to taste stimulus, we condemn the body to "break-up", in many ways similar to the brittle addict. It is no accident psychologists use the term - "food addiction", meaning a person craving for pleasure with the help of food.
Clinic Doctors Bormentalja
Until now, it was very difficult to help a person get rid of excess weight as a motivation was not enough for the patient could once and for all life to lose weight and not gain it.
And only with the advent of weight loss methods Doctors Bormentalja became possible to identify the psychological problems which "seizes" the person.
An effective method for weight loss
Weight Loss for Bormental during individual work with a person can eliminate the root cause of weight gain, decrease appetite, change attitudes to food, to restore adequate perception of nutrition and metabolism, to develop an indifferent attitude towards food, as a necessary source of vitality, not a pleasure.
Thus, weight loss method doctors Bormentalja - a special psychological technique developed at the Tomsk Medical Institute and foundation works hand-in-VM Spondylitis.
As a result of testing by means of a computer program, revealed the full picture of psychological dependence on food and develop an individual program of treatment of a patient for which it is easy, stress-free and violence are getting rid of excess weight.
Psychological correction of excess weight on Bormental includes several individual sessions and five group training sessions, during which gradually changes the relation of man to himself and to the problem.
So, the first stage engine runs the normalization of metabolism and elimination of overeating, the person gradually learns to eat rationally and calmly, without feeling a certain type of product increased traction - formed food stereotype of the "harmonious human".
The second stage is characterized by the awareness of the difference between hunger and appetite, the second concept gradually falls under the control of reason. To training connected breathing exercises, activates metabolism.
The third step gives a sense of inner harmony, eliminating the possibility of a disruption. On the fourth - a man in full control of their diet, full of vigor and resolute attitude to weight loss.
Thus, in a very short period of time a person completely changes your relationship to food, lose weight, and does not return to the lost kilograms ever. All the work on themselves, experts of the center is always connected and ready to support and help to overcome temporary difficulties.