How can I lose weight fast without dieting, exercise and tablets

 How to lose weight without dieting and exercise

Detailed instructions for women as quickly as possible to lose weight without dieting, exercise and tablets. The methods and tips of a psychologist and a nutritionist.

Not many lucky women in the world that can boast a perfect slim figure.

For many girls and women there is no topic more painful than the extra weight, no matter how much "extra" kilos you at are, and what matters is that you are going to get rid of them!

So, if you are serious about losing weight, then this article is for you, there you will find step by step instructions that will help you effectively and without any restrictions to lose weight without dieting and exercise!

Take the first step on the way to its lightness and harmony - tune to the success and promise yourself not to deviate from the intended path, boldly and without doubt begin the path to its perfection, and the result will not make you wait a long time!

First of all, buy a notebook in which you do for yourself the important notes, as well as scales, so you can control the weight changes. If now, perhaps, you do not even want to come close to the scale, then everything will change soon, to be sure, and each time, getting on the scale, you will be pleased to note that they have become even slimmer.

Getting up in the morning, before breakfast, and go to the toilet, consider for the first time and record the resulting number in a notebook next to the date. This will be the "starting point."

Thus, the methods and tips on how you can lose weight fast without dieting

1. Locate the incentive motivation for weight loss. And let it be a stimulus to think about where you embrace the strongest emotions and enthusiasm. Do you want to please a man? Planning a pregnancy? The wedding is not far off? Going on vacation in the south? No matter what kind of incentive, it is important for him that you can and want to work.

Record your incentive red pen on the first page of the notebook and read it every day several times. Your stimulus should be written in the present tense, for example:

"I slim and fit, I am very attractive to men," or "My weight is perfect, I am gorgeous look," do not write something like "I cease to be a thick, strip off the extra weight ...", in the statement should not be a particle "no" and any negative descriptions.

2. Select the photos of women with slim and beautiful figure in a swimsuit, cut them out and attach to a notebook, or store on your computer in a separate folder. Do not look at them with anger, resentment or jealousy.

Understand one thing for myself - the same beautiful figure will you, if you show patience and willpower. All in your hands. Every day look at them and let finding a beautiful slender figure will be your desire. Repeat this to yourself every time you will be tempted to give up, but this could be at the beginning.

3. Completely give up sweets - candy, chocolate, jelly, ice cream and so on, drink tea without sugar, and if you really like sweet tea, use honey, but no more than two cups of tea with honey a day. A couple of days you get used to it, it is not difficult. If the house has reserves of chocolates - treat your friends, girlfriends, but get rid of the inventory as soon as possible, so as not to be tempted.

4. Stop eating bread and pasta.

5. emphasizes fruits and vegetables as well as fish and dairy products. And there are no special diets is not necessary!

6. Drink at night tea for weight loss, dietary supplements with a slight laxative effect is very effective in combination with limiting starchy foods and sweets in the diet, it is checked.

7. Take a course of cleansing enemas - one enema every 4 days 4 times. That is, 4 enema for 16 days.

8. Eat more frequently and in small portions, so as not to stretch the stomach, and soon notice that eats one apple. If your appetite is very strong, take with food tablets microcrystalline cellulose, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They suppress the appetite and excrete toxins.

9. More than you walk. Make it a rule at least one hour every day to spend outdoors.

10. Do not eat after 18 hours, only water or yogurt 1% fat.

That's the whole secret of how to lose weight fast without dieting, exercise and tablets.

By following these simple rules, you will achieve your. Initially, you may be hard to get used to the restrictions, but after 2-4 days the new diet will be familiar to you. In the early days, it makes sense to dive as much as possible to work or socialize, not to think about food.

Find a fun thing for the soul, and then thinking about the food you will not have time. Ask for the support of close friends, tell them about his quest, and then they will not call you, "McDonald's" and resent the fact that you refuse their treats.

A week later, again weigh in the morning, make a note in the notebook, and repeat this step 1 time per week, the same day. The result will surprise you, rest assured!

Slim figure will remain a dream only lazy, but if you follow all the above rules, techniques and advice, very soon will be able to quickly lose weight for free.

Good luck and success to you, dear women!

7 myths about diet foods

 Power to weight loss, can I lose weight with low-calorie foods

Usually those who want to lose weight, use a low-calorie diet foods for weight loss, considering that this is the quickest and easiest way to lose weight. But many of them are guided by "myths" about some foods for weight loss.

Next we will look at seven major misconceptions about low-calorie foods.

Myth 1. Fruit diet - is the surest and quickest way to lose weight

The fruit is a large amount of glucose, fructose and carbohydrates, which when combined can lead to the opposite set of extra kilos. Since fructose inhibits the body's production of insulin and as a result - constant feeling of hunger.

So now have their extensive use of the diet, where consumption of fruit and juice are allowed strictly before noon, then the digestion of carbohydrates is increased by 2-3 times.

Scientists have shown that if the bedtime drink fruit (grapes, cherries, etc., and especially banana), then no diet will not help to lose weight, but rather the weight will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. The most fat-containing fruit found .. avocado. It contains 1/3 fat and almost 300 calories respectively.

Myth 2. Vegetable salads contain almost no calories

This is partly true, but only if the right to choose the ingredients and the main thing - filling. For example, a beet, having only 90 kcal, can lead to unnecessary kilograms because of the large amounts of starch and sugars.

If you choose a vegetable diet, forget about gas stations such as olive oil and corn oil (over 900 kcal per 100 g), as well as a variety of sauces, which in most cases are based on the mayonnaise (250-350 kcal per 100 g).

Myth 3. If after a fatty meal to eat a lemon - quickly grow thin

This is the most common misconception. Acid in lemon or lime is really useful because it can help speed up the metabolism, improve digestion, but only on the condition that it must be consumed before a meal (10-15 minutes).

Juice necessarily be diluted in plenty of water. Such a diet is only suitable for people who have a healthy stomach.

Myth 4. Muesli is the fastest and easiest way to lose weight

On the very fact if you compare the caloric cereal and cakes or ice cream, it is difficult to detect a significant difference. So 100 grams of cake or ice cream for about 300-400 calories, and 100 grams of muesli - 360 kcal. Just after taking the muesli is a feeling of satiety for a long time, the reason why a high content of fiber, which improves digestion.

And the more you can forget about the slim figure, if you like roasted muesli with dried fruit slices, for 100 grams, for example, of raisins contains about 300 calories.

Myth 5. sweeteners will not add extra weight

In fact, natural sweeteners (fructose, sorbitol, etc.) sufficient calories. A synthetic substitutes contrary cause us constant hunger, because the body takes everything out of habit sweet as a natural source of carbohydrates.

But as soon as the body "understands" that it is not fueled by natural substances, begins to rebel and demand additives, this petite and growing like a rocket. Some alternatives, such as saccharin, even given as a lure for the animals so that they will gain weight.

Myth 6. Black bread and bran bread - Diet

The difference between these varieties and allowed white bread - not significant, except in black and bran More complex carbohydrates. And if you compare calorie, then 100g of white bread contains about 230 calories, 100 grams of black - about 210 calories and 100 grams of bran - about 190-200 kcal.

So if you eat 50-100 grams of wholemeal bread, unleavened desirable, then the damage will be minimal for the figure. But remember, like most carbohydrates, bread is best to eat before noon.

Myth 7. Low-fat dairy products cause harm to the minimum figure

Scientists have shown that overweight can not only eating foods high in fat. During the experiment, it was found that women who ate low-fat products, significantly gained weight, as opposed to those who ate foods with a standard fat.

This is due to the fact that in low-fat products are added by a large amount of sugar and starch, which quickly affects their caloric content. On top of these products contain high levels of carbohydrates. Also important also a psychological factor when seeing the words "0% fat" is used for a lot longer than usual.

Given all these myths about weight loss and strictly choosing a diet food to lose weight, you'll find a very quick and easy way to lose weight.

In any case, remember that you - unique !!! And if you do decide to go on a diet, consult a nutritionist who always something for you to pick up!
