What are the most high-calorie foods, from which get fat

 Most high-calorie foods that spoil the shape

Of course, the dream of every girl or woman to be the owner of slim and beautiful figure.

But if you are not sure of the quality of the food, occasionally allowing yourself to eat too much, from the dreams of the ideal figure you can safely leave.

Dreams with such an approach to the body, are unlikely to become a reality.

What is the list of the most high-calorie foods that are contraindicated for the slim figure that should be excluded from your diet, and you can just limit?

Calorie food is defined as follows. The greater the number of components such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates found in the product, the higher the calorie content of such a product.

Simply divide the variety of foods in their calorie content, considering the analysis of the presence of the above components.

Foods that contain protein (milk, meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish) referred to srednekaloriynym. Note that the proteins are mainly used for plastic exchange.

Protein is vital for the growth and development of the organism involved in the replacement of some components of aged cells.

It is a kind of building material for the cells, but not for the production of energy. We should not impose a limit on the consumption of protein by the body.

Common necessary for women the rate of consumption of these substances is approximately 100 - 120 grams per day.

Figure varies depending on the body weight and level of exercise and activity. However, it is undesirable to prevent oversupply and protein in the diet, because the excess is deposited in the form of fat in problem areas of the body.

From what products get fat

The most high-calorie fats are. When fat splitting begins to process and digestion in the digestive system, it produces twice twice more energy than the same amount of carbohydrates or proteins.

Therefore, hence the notion that foods high in fat spoil the shape.

The most high-calorie fat-containing products are any oil, fatty meats and fish, bacon and other foods high in fat.

Carried away by abusing and dishes, with a high fat content, the figure clearly deteriorate because of excess body weight. Only strict control will help to avoid problems in the future.

Carbohydrates are also considered to be useful ingredients that are able to change shape not for the better.

Such a negative effect is due not so much the calorie carbohydrates (it is the same as the caloric content of protein), but the number of substances consumed by eating.

Most high-calorie foods, spoiling figure

Sugar products contain huge amounts of carbohydrates. Desserts, sweets, candy - this is one solid carbohydrates. So sweet lovers very much at risk of ruin her figure.

Also, a large number of carbohydrates can boast of pasta, different types of bread, almost all cereals.

Summarizing all the above, it is clear and it is clear that the most high-calorie food, which bring only harm the figure will be articles that contain both a lot of carbohydrates, and fats.

It is not necessary to seek snack "in haste" to get involved in "fast fudami" - better to try to include in your daily diet is only the most useful and not very high-calorie foods that will benefit figure.

We have given you examples of what most high-calorie foods on which fattening and fattening usually what foods spoil the figure should be excluded from the diet have less calories and can be eaten, but with limitations.

How to keep weight after dieting, become slim and beautiful

 How to keep weight after the diet: tips

You can not keep the weight off after a diet? What is the reason why you can not maintain normal weight? Useful tips and tricks how to become slim and beautiful.

You probably already know the reason: to eat and were more likely to hold snacks, not because you want to, as it were, trying to catch up, and almost fearing the new "of dietary" times.

We offer a little change your own lifestyle and diet, in order to not gain weight and keep the weight off.

These guidelines can help you make a diet for a good figure, in other words, to develop habits that will keep the weight ideal for a long time.

To save weight eat strictly when you are hungry.

In that case, if you drag to eat anything outside activities that have nothing to do with the real needs of your body in food, drink a cup of water, go do something exciting, stop thinking about food, cheat your appetite and eat food only If there is a real hunger.

During power pay attention to the taste of dishes, enjoy them slowly, savoring each slice carefully.

To save weight and become slim menu, choose the quality, but not quantity.

In the east, they believe that feeds not so much the food as the accompanying emotions.

It is advisable not to eat if you are excited, angry, feel anger or resentment, very tired, take a shower, take it easy, relax. It was only later you can eat.

In order to save weight when eating, allow yourself to think strongly about the good and pleasant, only good thoughts and emotions. For example, how changing the menu in the near future you will get a beautiful, elegant and slender figure, tripping, thin waist.

Slowly chew culinary delights: for one morsel of food is to do 9-14 chewing movements. From the point of view of physiology act of chewing prepares the gastrointestinal tract to food intake, improves digestion of culinary delights.

Also in this situation, there is one very basic point: not immediately hurried meals shall have the ability to stop time. The fact that a signal that you already ate, to the brain only after 20 minutes.

When you eat together with family, friends or alone, avoid things that distract your attention: magazines, radio, newspapers and TV.

Refrain from eating at odd moments on the go and standing, it will allow you to maintain your weight.

Always nice Serve your desk, in the case, even if you expect a lunch alone.

To make it easier to fix his choice food, be sure to change the surroundings. Change your permanent place at the dinner table.

We recommend to change or add something new in the kitchen design.

Using these tips you will not gain weight and keep weight after weight loss, maintain ideal weight after a diet for life and become slim and beautiful.

How to quickly lose weight at home

 How to lose weight quickly and easily, without causing harm to health
How to lose weight fast

Article on how to properly and quickly can lose weight at home without diets and harm.

There is no need to resort to strict diets that are very difficult to endure, or grueling training in the sports hall to lose weight, those few extra kilograms on the eve of the summer.

To lose weight quickly and easily, it is enough to make a few small changes in your lifestyle and pay attention to some habit.

- Increase physical activity, move more. This basic rule underlying all later.

- Adjust the quantity of alcohol consumed. This way you are saving not only his liver, but also reduce the amount of calories consumed and will be able to control his appetite, which typically increases after drinking alcohol.

- Do not worry. In stressful situations, our body produces cortisol, a hormone responsible for the accumulation of fat, mostly in the abdomen.

- Drink plenty of water. Various studies have shown that a large amount of consumed water (do not overdo it, we're talking about numbers within reason!) Helps burn calories faster.

- Drink cold water. Your body will expend more calories to warm the water and your body.

- Limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially those contained in the sweet. Eat less bread and pasta, as well as candy, cookies, ice cream, cakes ...

- Cheese, yogurt and milk. Fortunately, these products you do not have to give up, but if you want to lose weight, go on a low-fat cheese, yogurt and milk.

- If you're used to eating more than three meals a day, do not forget to have a bite. Of course, you need to consume only low-calorie food. The best option is an apple - it fills the stomach to satisfy hunger, but do no harm to your figure.

- Physical exercise. Sedentary lifestyle - the main enemy of harmony. Make your life an active - more you walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and in the evening in front of TV prefer a walk in the park.

- Reduce portions. Indulge in your favorite dishes, but significantly reduce the portions.

- Avoid soda and sugary drinks. Plain water is still the best solution. And not just for a slim figure, but also for health.

- Do not be distracted when taking food. You can eat more than normal, viewing your favorite TV shows or reading books, newspapers.

- Keep track of the bowels. Depending on the age and weight of the intestine may build up to 5 - 10 kilograms overweight. Regularly clean the intestines. It will be very good for your figure and health.

- Sleep without a blanket. Your body will expend more calories to warm your body.

These are a few simple rules will help you lose weight easily, quickly and correctly to lose weight at home without dieting, without harm to health, back in shape, have a slender figure and will not require much effort.
