Of course, the dream of every girl or woman to be the owner of slim and beautiful figure.
But if you are not sure of the quality of the food, occasionally allowing yourself to eat too much, from the dreams of the ideal figure you can safely leave.
Dreams with such an approach to the body, are unlikely to become a reality.
What is the list of the most high-calorie foods that are contraindicated for the slim figure that should be excluded from your diet, and you can just limit?
Calorie food is defined as follows. The greater the number of components such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates found in the product, the higher the calorie content of such a product.
Simply divide the variety of foods in their calorie content, considering the analysis of the presence of the above components.
Foods that contain protein (milk, meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish) referred to srednekaloriynym. Note that the proteins are mainly used for plastic exchange.
Protein is vital for the growth and development of the organism involved in the replacement of some components of aged cells.
It is a kind of building material for the cells, but not for the production of energy. We should not impose a limit on the consumption of protein by the body.
Common necessary for women the rate of consumption of these substances is approximately 100 - 120 grams per day.
Figure varies depending on the body weight and level of exercise and activity. However, it is undesirable to prevent oversupply and protein in the diet, because the excess is deposited in the form of fat in problem areas of the body.
From what products get fat
The most high-calorie fats are. When fat splitting begins to process and digestion in the digestive system, it produces twice twice more energy than the same amount of carbohydrates or proteins.
Therefore, hence the notion that foods high in fat spoil the shape.
The most high-calorie fat-containing products are any oil, fatty meats and fish, bacon and other foods high in fat.
Carried away by abusing and dishes, with a high fat content, the figure clearly deteriorate because of excess body weight. Only strict control will help to avoid problems in the future.
Carbohydrates are also considered to be useful ingredients that are able to change shape not for the better.
Such a negative effect is due not so much the calorie carbohydrates (it is the same as the caloric content of protein), but the number of substances consumed by eating.
Most high-calorie foods, spoiling figure
Sugar products contain huge amounts of carbohydrates. Desserts, sweets, candy - this is one solid carbohydrates. So sweet lovers very much at risk of ruin her figure.
Also, a large number of carbohydrates can boast of pasta, different types of bread, almost all cereals.
Summarizing all the above, it is clear and it is clear that the most high-calorie food, which bring only harm the figure will be articles that contain both a lot of carbohydrates, and fats.
It is not necessary to seek snack "in haste" to get involved in "fast fudami" - better to try to include in your daily diet is only the most useful and not very high-calorie foods that will benefit figure.
We have given you examples of what most high-calorie foods on which fattening and fattening usually what foods spoil the figure should be excluded from the diet have less calories and can be eaten, but with limitations.