Proper nutrition and weight loss on blood group

 Nutrition for blood group diet

Article for those who want to lose weight and become slim, feeding on the blood group. Recommendations for proper nutrition on blood group are very simple, and everyone can make their own diet.

All the products are divided into two groups - very helpful and harmful. It is recommended to include in the diet as much as possible and useful products completely eliminate harmful. If you want to lose weight - eat well, and in any case, do not overeat. Hazardous products can disrupt the body's metabolism and it reflected badly on your figure.

Proper nutrition of 1 blood group

• One-third of all people is the first group of -0 (1). They are encouraged to include in the diet of meat (except pork), beef liver, seafood, seaweed, pineapple, broccoli, buckwheat, parsley, lettuce, spinach, radishes, ginger, red wine, herbal teas.

Exclude harmful products: wheat, corn, cabbage, spicy, sour, smoked, pickled foods, sauces, coffee, alcoholic beverages, St. John's wort, senna, echinacea, beans, potatoes, citrus fruits, ice cream and chocolate.

2 blood

• People with the second group A (M) are shown cereals, grains, legumes (especially soybean), pineapples, fish (except herring, turbot and halibut), coffee, wine (especially red), vegetable oils (except corn and peanut), vegetables , lemon, carrot, grapefruit and cherry juice, fruit, onions, carrots and garlic.

Prohibiting harmful products: tea (except green), dairy products, pepper, crab, shrimp, seaweed, ice cream, oranges, bananas, coconuts, eggs, spices, sauces, pickles, chocolate.

3 blood

• People with a third group (1M) is useful to the meat (except duck, chicken and pork), and dairy products, eggs, fish, cereals, legumes (soy!), Vegetables, fruits, green tea, herbal infusions (ginseng, sage, licorice), juices (pineapple, grape, cranberry), greens.

Exclude harmful products: buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts, corn, lentils, tomato juice, alkaline water.

4 blood group

• People with the rare fourth group AB (IV) are useful mutton, rabbit and turkey, fish, dairy products, tofu, cod liver oil, peanuts, walnuts, fruits, vegetables, ginger, mint tea, hawthorn, valerian.

Exclude harmful products: corn, spices (especially pepper), sunflower oil, seaweed, crabs, squid, pork, buckwheat.

Weight loss and proper nutrition

Of course, this is a very brief summary of the theory of nutrition on blood group. Nutrition for blood group diet has a right to exist, and helps many people. But we must remember that it is recommended only completely healthy people.

Some scientists, nutritionists are skeptical smile when they hear about the blood group diet. It often happens that people have been intolerant of just those products that they recommended.

So if you still want to eat, given blood group, please refer to the competent doctor. It will allow you to observe any such diet or prohibit doing this, once the issue individually.

How to lose weight 10 kg without dieting, to start losing weight

 Lose Weight Together

A huge number of women trying to lose weight, using a variety of ways: someone goes to the gym; someone sitting on a strict diet; some glue on the body questionable adhesives. "I really want to lose weight 10 kg without dieting," the article, you'll learn where to start, what to do, how easy it is to become slim, healthy and beautiful at the same time.

All the ladies want to be beautiful, but my personal recipe for weight loss is not for those easily wind blows, and those who are really in need of correction. I warn you once: to lose weight quickly - and soon it will type. So if you want to lose 4-10 kg in six months (!), You need to be patient.

Where to begin:

Step №1

The first limit your portions. Yes, you heard right, it is serving. A variety of food can remain the same, be it green or cookies. No matter how trite, but it depends on the amount of weight.

Make this step is not easy as it may seem. It should be a long time to cultivate the idea of ​​what kind of shape you would like to achieve. Well, cut portions can think about the next step.

Step №2

It is he who causes panic in many women: start counting calories. How many complaints had heard that all my life do not want to count calories to lose weight do not give treacherous. So, to expose the myth that has crept into the minds of millions of women.

Nothing you a lifetime do not have to be considered! After two or three months spent with a notebook and a calculator, you will learn how to keep all the numbers in my head, to the same note about calorie food consumed.

And what to do, ask to visit with the campaign? Do not take it the same? Well, always say the same thing: do not try to observe the regime on holidays, not to spoil your holiday! Often there are cases when the weight is on the spot. And once you have overeaten, he promptly crawled down. Dear ladies, forget all the stories about what the end of life will remember the lost days of counting calories, this is not true.

Step №3

You cut yourself portions, count calories. But how much you need them? In this matter, there is no consensus. Some nutritionists advise to eat 1100-1200 kcal, while others assert that less than 1,200 calories a day consumed generally contraindicated.

And once again come to the aid of experience, not mine, but a close friend. She read a lot of horror stories on the Internet that 1000 kcal per day during the week stopped the bowels, he immediately began to eat up everything that is not eaten before. Only here the stomach told her indigestion and bloating.

What lead story: the first few months you have to restrain themselves within the true desires. Would you like to eat? Drink a glass of water, wait half an hour - an appetite like a hand lift. Our brain often gives us wrong signals. Of course, if your appetite is not appeased, it is necessary to take some food.

And most importantly, if you really want to lose weight 10 kg without dieting: forget the snacks! Calories they add enough and also harm the stomach.

In conclusion I would say that whatever weight loss method you choose, do not drive themselves into a state of discomfort.

Believe me: to lose weight easy and nice, especially - to look at the scale, the arrow that daily, sometimes with a few stops down the creeps.

Author Xenia Komarova

How to lose weight 10 kg without dieting, to start losing weight

 Lose Weight Together

A huge number of women trying to lose weight, using a variety of ways: someone goes to the gym; someone sitting on a strict diet; some glue on the body questionable adhesives. "I really want to lose weight 10 kg without dieting," the article, you'll learn where to start, what to do, how easy it is to become slim, healthy and beautiful at the same time.

All the ladies want to be beautiful, but my personal recipe for weight loss is not for those easily wind blows, and those who are really in need of correction. I warn you once: to lose weight quickly - and soon it will type. So if you want to lose 4-10 kg in six months (!), You need to be patient.

Where to begin:

Step №1

The first limit your portions. Yes, you heard right, it is serving. A variety of food can remain the same, be it green or cookies. No matter how trite, but it depends on the amount of weight.

Make this step is not easy as it may seem. It should be a long time to cultivate the idea of ​​what kind of shape you would like to achieve. Well, cut portions can think about the next step.

Step №2

It is he who causes panic in many women: start counting calories. How many complaints had heard that all my life do not want to count calories to lose weight do not give treacherous. So, to expose the myth that has crept into the minds of millions of women.

Nothing you a lifetime do not have to be considered! After two or three months spent with a notebook and a calculator, you will learn how to keep all the numbers in my head, to the same note about calorie food consumed.

And what to do, ask to visit with the campaign? Do not take it the same? Well, always say the same thing: do not try to observe the regime on holidays, not to spoil your holiday! Often there are cases when the weight is on the spot. And once you have overeaten, he promptly crawled down. Dear ladies, forget all the stories about what the end of life will remember the lost days of counting calories, this is not true.

Step №3

You cut yourself portions, count calories. But how much you need them? In this matter, there is no consensus. Some nutritionists advise to eat 1100-1200 kcal, while others assert that less than 1,200 calories a day consumed generally contraindicated.

And once again come to the aid of experience, not mine, but a close friend. She read a lot of horror stories on the Internet that 1000 kcal per day during the week stopped the bowels, he immediately began to eat up everything that is not eaten before. Only here the stomach told her indigestion and bloating.

What lead story: the first few months you have to restrain themselves within the true desires. Would you like to eat? Drink a glass of water, wait half an hour - an appetite like a hand lift. Our brain often gives us wrong signals. Of course, if your appetite is not appeased, it is necessary to take some food.

And most importantly, if you really want to lose weight 10 kg without dieting: forget the snacks! Calories they add enough and also harm the stomach.

In conclusion I would say that whatever weight loss method you choose, do not drive themselves into a state of discomfort.

Believe me: to lose weight easy and nice, especially - to look at the scale, the arrow that daily, sometimes with a few stops down the creeps.

Author Xenia Komarova
