Set daily habits that contribute to maintaining and enhancing the joy of life and happiness: the regime, like the one that we are working in sports or healthy food. Aristotle said that the purpose of all human activity to be happy.
It is a long time, people paid little attention to this idea. Perhaps Aristotle spoke also about how to be happy, but his words did not reach us. If so, he could start his reflections with an analysis of the causes of happiness and unhappiness.
Two Ways
1) Find out what times you are experiencing the greatest happiness, and expand these times as possible.
2) Find out what times you least happy, and cut them as much as possible.
Give more time to activities that really enhances your happiness, and spend less time on all the other classes. Start with a refusal from the "failures in misfortune," activities that actively make you miserable.
The best way - is to stop being miserable.
Systematically ponder ways to make more joyful for you those classes that are not currently bring you satisfaction and make you miserable. If it works - great. If not, think about how to avoid these situations.
Seven habits of every day
Once you get rid of or at least, have launched into action a plan to get rid of the causes of your unhappiness, try to focus your energy on the positive pursuit of happiness. For this there is no better time than the present. Fortunately, there is only now.
We can remember the happiness that has taken place in the past or plan something that will bring us happiness in the future, but the fun of these actions we can get only now. What we really need is a set of daily habits that contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of happiness, a regime like the one that we are working in sports or healthy food.
1. Exercise.
2. Stimulation of mental activity.
3. The spiritual or creative stimulation, meditation.
4. Do good deeds.
5. Spend breaks with good friends.
6. Deliver yourself pleasure.
7. Congratulate yourself.
One of the main ingredients of the day, I believe exercise.
I always feel great after a workout (if not during it). It seems that exercise releases endorphins, natural antidepressants are similar in structure and action with some stimulant drugs (but not dangerous, and you do not need to spend money on them!).
Daily physical exercise should be the most important of your habit. On weekdays I always do before going to work and I watch to unforeseen situations at work do not take the time of my training. If you are often on the road, you have when buying tickets, plan your training time and, if necessary, adjust the working plan so as not to miss a workout.
If you occupy a high position, tell his secretary to never put any meetings for up to 10 am, and you'll have enough time to exercise and the preparation of the working day.
The second key component of the day I call to stimulate mental activity.
You can grab this component to work, but if it does not, ensure yourself some daily intellectual or spiritual exercise. There are many activities that are suitable for this purpose - it all depends on your interests: solve a crossword puzzle, check out some newspapers and magazines, read the book, talk for at least twenty minutes on an abstract theme with your very smart friend, write a short article or magazine review, in short, do something like that that will require you to active mental work (television viewing, even very high in this category of activities are not included).
The third important daily habit for you to become a spiritual and creative stimulation.
All is not as menacing as it sounds: all you have to do - is to give your imagination or your mind for at least half an hour of material to work with. Go to a concert, an art gallery, a theater or a movie, read a poem, watch the sunset or sunrise, take a look at the starry sky or visit any event or place that energizes you and drives (it can even be bowling, racing, political rally , church or park). Very good for this meditation.
The fourth habit - to do good deeds.
This should not be a major event for the charity; it can be a chore services, such as payment of someone's parking or help the person who asked you about how to get to such and such a street. Even a small altruistic act will have a huge effect on your mood.
The fifth habit - to carry out work stoppages in a pleasant conversation with a friend.
This, at least half an hour spent in communion with one another tete-a-tete, when you will not bother with the form of the meeting, you can choose for yourself (and will approach a conversation over a cup of coffee and a leisurely walk).
The sixth habit - to give yourself a treat.
For this to happen every day, make a list of all the pleasures that can afford (do not bother to show this list to anyone not!). Get that every day you could strike out at least one pleasure - as has already been obtained.
The last habit of happiness - at the end of each day congratulate yourself that you have followed the daily habits
Since the purpose of these habits is to make you happier, but not more than unhappy, then you can be considered a success the implementation of five or more rules (including and seventh). If you can not afford to count the execution of five rules, but still achieved something significant or treat yourself, congratulate yourself that the day is not lived in vain.