How to become a happy, feel happy!


Each of us has their own ideas about happiness and its necessary components. Someone full of happiness need their own villa on the shore of the ocean, and someone quite a small house in the village. Someone needs a complete wardrobe by famous designers, and someone enough for a small increase to the salary.

Rich and attentive husband, good health, an interesting job, a luxurious fur coat to toe, a few days on an expensive resort - all of which can be an attribute of happiness, of which we dream. I think that, you only lose weight by 3 kg, cured teeth, wait until the child goes to school and become independent - and everything will be fine.

Happiness always seems a few steps, you only need to take the final leap. But this did not happen. Not because we do not try, on the contrary, we are struggling to seek goals. Just happiness - a blue bird that flies away as soon as it is approaching.

What you need for this?

Poll female audience showed that nearly half of women are sure that higher wages will make their lives more pleasant. Almost a third believe that if they were able to bring the figure to the ideal, they would be happier. Two women out of five would like to live in their own home in the country, and about the same number think that happiness is impossible without true love.

Women recognized that family life guarantee secure old age for them is much more important than passionate sex, and buy beautiful dresses uplifting better than enjoying the sunset. Does this mean that money brings happiness to people? Maybe this is true: the money give a sense of confidence in the future. But on the other hand, if you ask your friends about their happiest moments, the memories are very rarely associated with money.

They will tell you about the first love of a child for the first time sneezed and smiled as the birds sing at dawn in the country and sparkling dewdrops. In many cases, even impossible to say that it has made such an amazing moment. You just suddenly stopped and realized that life is beautiful - because of some tiny, seemingly insignificant detail.

This means that happiness is more important to enjoy the present, than denying yourself the pleasure, to strive for global achievements in the future.

Fewer goals - more satisfaction out of life

We live in constant competition. Survival of the one who is smarter, smarter, stronger, more beautiful, more slender and often goes to the gym. Psychologists believe that this is the constant pursuit of victory makes women less happy. You can earn more than your friend, but never become richer than the oligarch's wife.

One thing it can become a valuable occasion for women's depression. If you are constantly striving to distant horizons and dissatisfied with what you have, you probably will not feel happy. Commitment - excellent quality, but sometimes it prevents us from enjoying today.

The fact that the achievement of any global goal will make us happy, a very common human error. In fact, really happy are those people who enjoy the process, are engaged in favorite business and enjoy it. Psychologists advise at least sometimes to live for today. No one is stopping you from a few months to plan a holiday or save for a new car. But in any case, do not deny yourself all the pleasures of today for what might happen next.

Do not envy the stars

Celebrities spoil the life of mere mortals - has led to the conclusion of the public opinion. Transfer of the stars make ordinary women feel fat, poor and miserable. The same effect is produced fashion magazines and tips on keeping in shape - to abandon the strife and spend three days at the spa.

Yes, if you could afford to devote three days, you do not need to have any interior! That is why scandals in stellar families cause a stir among the public. They give us a chance to make sure that the rich also cry. Of course, it's gloating. But, on the other hand, the ability to understand the complexity of that there are even millionaires. Perhaps they do not have what you have, - loving healthy children, for example.

Are you born miserable?

Among the people you know for sure there are people, vampires and humans-rays. The first while talking literally suck out of you all the power and looking for a second reason you are filled with joy. They are always in a good mood, and perceived failures solely as annoying little things that will soon go into the past.

The ability to enjoy life is laid in early childhood and is dependent on a mother's love. If the girl you feel that you love and appreciate in the future will be a positive look at the world. And if my mother was strict, you have all chances to become a pessimist. But no matter what, everyone can be named.

5 small steps to happiness

1 refers to people close to the same responsibility as the work. You know that for promotion sometimes you have to give all your best. Relationships with family also require work, and very difficult. Be attentive to your loved ones, do not let them and not hurt. Peace in the family - this is one of the most important components of happiness.

2 Professional successes are also very important in order to get pleasure from life. If you are sure to do their work, then you feel realized. Do not be afraid to change the scope of activities, if you know that the work does not bring you anything but irritation. And does not work wear. In order to enjoy life more important than a good rest and interesting leisure time than the money you can make, grinding away all night.

3 helps those who are in trouble. You can donate a small amount to a shelter or to give old things. Offer any possible assistance to those in need.

4 There is a psychological theory of "three stages of happiness." The first stage - a little joy in life: food, drink, sports, sex, enjoying a good book. The second stage - a lesson that you like: your work, motherhood, or just growing flowers. The third stage - is the use of the favorite activities for the benefit of others. And if you manage to combine all three elements, you are satisfied with life.

5 Under no circumstances do not forget that happy people can also sometimes something is missing. The next time you're feeling sorry for yourself because they did not receive the desired, remember the words of Bertrand Russell: "The feeling that you still something lacking - is an essential component of happiness."

Test: How much are you satisfied with their lives?

Think about what areas of life are the most important to you and write them on a piece of paper - children, health, relationship with her husband, job, friends, leisure, etc. Then evaluate each item on the 10-point system.

Do not think about it too much dough, and expose those estimates that come to mind at first. This exercise will help to understand which area bothers you the most, and you should work on first.

How to become a female bitch

Table of contents
How to become a female bitch
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Our society has developed a stereotypical image of women as a hysterical bitch vamp, but what is its essence vzapravdashny, few people realize. Being a bitch - is an art that really requires a lot of sacrifices.

Bitch - it's not an insult but a compliment. Being a bitch fashionable.

It is a kind of ideal of the modern woman and a special science. Lovely ladies sharpened claws, dyed scarlet mouth and take courses on "Stervologiya."

They are prepared to do anything to earn the title of "bitch": bad girls came to the fore. Strong, tough, self-confident and do not obey any rules other than its own. They are no longer put in the corner.

They give the example of the most lovely, who have patience, humility, the ability to forgive all and always wait for the mysterious female happiness. Yet this little bitch - sensitive female soul.

Go over the corpses "to his goal" is not given to all. In general, "bitch" from ordinary women differs only in self-confidence, lack of tantrums and self-sufficiency. In general, it's pretty nice lady, she manipulates men unnoticed, using the wisdom of women, rather than harshness and intransigence.

Bitch men admire, it may be different - and fluffy kitten and vamp, and a gray mouse in sneakers. The main thing that it was the most comfortable and that she radiated confidence and self-love.

Signs predator still present - "deep alluring eyes, his voice husky, habits of predatory cats, knows the specific techniques of seduction." Of course, it seduces men in batches. But - in the search for a single.

Stervologiya - this is what mothers taught their daughters back in the days of chivalry, the girls were able to be loved and happy.

Then this science somehow got lost. Bitch - it's not hard, selfish woman. Do not confuse this concept with a bitch.

Bitch - a wise woman . which is able to manage their lives, all get along, never whines and not only gets the benefit, but also gives a lot.

The main features that deter many women from being able to become the other - the fear, shyness and self-doubt.

"Bitch" in our terminology - is a strong, successful, self-confident women, more emancipated, free and ironic.

Since the values ​​of modern society include professional self-realization and independence, a woman is successful in the work, and even the ambitious ambitious, it is insistent, persistent, committed to growth and development in all.

This is not the feminists with their hatred of men, but rather the players, skillfully managing male attention, it is women who twirl man as they want, but at the same time he feels himself master of the situation.

In order to dispel the myth hardened, talk about the external appearance of bitches that we dictate expensive gloss and fashion-channels. Bitch - is not necessarily burning brunette with a fluffy mop of hair extensions and eyelashes, "acrylic" manicured, well-groomed skin ...

The dress by Dior, with a bag Prada, shoes by Manolo Blahnik, fragrance from Chanel and Bitch may be the one female of which all "good" takes on Troyeschina (though there is no real difference in quality), and also feels good "in the image."

That, of course, does not exclude the presence of grooming: skin, hair, nail, and the rest of the "merchandise." Stervizm - rather, it is the inner content, which dictates that special, exceptional behavior.

And most of the game it is worth it. She chooses the best and best. Manipulate the man himself to please, and even so he did not notice it and took it for granted - the ability to still something immediately and you will not learn. But the difference between "being" and "sound" is also great.

First we need to understand and define what hath need of you this way and how to try on. It may be that the image that you simply did not go. Ugly duckling swans are only in fairy tales and dramas, but also in life there is a place miracle. And "flower girl" can get used to the role of the notorious stinkers.

At first, it is true, it might seem absurd to familiar surrounding - with time and they will be eliminated, and it will only mean that you were able to reach an entirely new, higher level of communication.

Get ready, because your faithful companions will delight both men and women envy. Two sides of the coin, and you choose which one is for you more. Many men recognize that the word "bitch" they included a lever that starts the flywheel of erotic fantasies.

They identify with the bitch vamp - luxurious sexy, flawed, certainly endowed with flexible, trained body, captivating forms, luxurious mane (they already see her hair spread on the pillow) and a sensual mouth.

This is a strong, solid, extraordinary personality, domineering and cruel. At one of the forums I saw the girl's soul cry: "Men like bitches! Teach you how to be a bitch! ". The answer is: easy. We just really love, then disappointed, and, in the end, become embittered. And then you will osterveneete. The truth is just the opposite with the delivered result.

For example, tell a story about the transformation of a good-natured housewife in predator.

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