Every woman in varying degrees, tends to be more feminine, which is quite natural, because it is a property helps the fair sex to be realized in this world. This issue does not lose its relevance, and to this day.
Oddly enough, but nowadays many women lack the simple femininity and because of that often there are certain difficulties that they encounter almost every day. Recognizing the problem, the woman asks: what makes it more feminine and how to develop yourself?
Femininity - a state of mind
In fact, it is not as difficult as it may seem initially, but it should always be remembered that the word "feminine" is not limited to the comely manner that creates woman. Femininity - a state of mind, therefore, very important to be rather than to seem.
It is necessary, first of all, feel like a woman, is the basis of the property. After overcoming a major difficulty, which consists in self-consciousness, minor criteria are quite simple and they do not take a lot of time and effort. However, they also deserve our attention.
Of course, a great role played by the appearance of femininity in women. More precisely, even not the looks, but how well you are able to care for themselves. Well-groomed woman gets a lot of advantages, so this position is very advantageous for the beautiful half of humanity.
Beautiful young lady will never be deprived of the attention of others, anyway, she attracts, often causing sympathy or envy. Moreover, if a woman is aware of its appeal, it gives it a special charm and it is felt by other people.
Based on the first criterion, I can highlight one more, not less important. Self-esteem of women, and it should not be overstated, and objective. It should be the desire and incentive to improve, not resting on its laurels.
Women with adequate self-esteem is easiest realized in society because there is harmony between the wishes of the girl and her real possibilities. In this case, the woman evaluates himself as the weaker sex, and acts appropriately, while not rejecting their true nature.
Manners, speech, and behavior of the girl
The following is attributed to the above behavior of the girl, her mannerisms, speech. For many, this criterion is key, because it is very important to the ability to correctly apply the girls their femininity, show themselves in the best light.
This is facilitated by smooth movements, cultural and refined speech, courtesy and flexibility, decent behavior towards others and a lot of other factors that need to understand and take note.
Achieving this is simple, the main thing is not to deny their feminine nature and allow yourself to be a true woman. This image of a girl is considered the most preferred among men, as a man always wants to feel dominated, being with a woman. This is the psychology of men, so feminism has nothing to do with femininity.
Also, the weaker sex is peculiar sentimentality, but nothing wrong with that. This is absolutely normal, and does not need to be ashamed, to conceal their true feelings.
Allow yourself to be weak when you need support and care. Decent man you certainly will understand and be satisfied with your openness. Give vent to emotions, only to comply with certain facets permissible so as not to make stupid mistakes.
Femininity is closely intertwined with the wisdom of a girl and her psychological maturity. This allows us to assert themselves in society, to find harmony with nature, so these women are condemned to happiness. His female happiness.
You have become a grandmother, I do not run from happiness
That came this extraordinary moment in your life - you become a grandmother! Now you do not just "Tanya", "Marina" or "Olenka". Now you also "Grandma," "Grandmother" and simply "grandmother."
Modern women have become younger. And by the age when your children have a baby, many women feel that they are all the same and graceful young girls as they were 20, even 30 years ago. What is the reason!
In the first place, that all life has changed. The role of women in family and society has become completely different. Increasingly, developing industry for the preparation of ready meals and convenience foods.
To help in the household came washing machine and dishwasher, dryer, refrigerator and many other technical innovations. We do not even notice how all these silent workers have taken the hard work and freed from heavy routine. As imperceptibly role of women is changing more and more.
And if even 50 years ago, a woman from the heavy daily work for 45-50 years already forgot about the rest, he turned outwardly and inwardly in a tired gray grandmother, now at this age is still too early to think about old age and infirmity.
So 50 years ago, the appearance of grandchildren was ready old, about anything other than the household did not consider the grandmother.
Now the situation has changed
For some women who look great, like men, enjoy life, the fact of becoming a grandmother becomes a terrible ordeal.
Some of them even hide from their colleagues about the appearance of grandchildren and other shocking way perceive this as the end of a fact of life, others simply do not participate in the lives of their kids.
Why is this happening?
Why, instead of getting infinite pleasure from the diversity of life, some women fleeing from their happiness is?
The problem is that women now have changed. But the very notion of "grandmother" and the attitude to this concept remained unchanged. We still understand by the term good plump woman who walks the entire day in an apron, bakes cakes and knit sweaters with reindeer antlers.
Even the word "grandmother" became a household word. "She became a grandmother," we often hear the opinion of a woman at the age that no longer look after themselves, and interested in life.
Do not run on happiness!
Do not be afraid of erroneous stereotypes. Only it depends on you, whether you are "grandmother" or "Grandma! ". One word, but it may make quite different concepts.
By the time the grandchildren, the woman's life becomes freer, more independent. After children are grown, usually occurs in a period of stability. And sometimes the grandchildren appear first in the retirement age.
In addition, and most women already at high tide there is a need for new experiences, new rapprochement with the related person. So do not be afraid to go down to meet all of these happy moments.
The happiest children are those who have a grandmother, present, loving and caring, young and beautiful, funny and catchy!
Drop unnecessary stereotypes, do not let life pass you by, and of your dear grandchildren!
How to become more feminine
Every woman in varying degrees, tends to be more feminine, which is quite natural, because it is a property helps the fair sex to be realized in this world. This issue does not lose its relevance, and to this day.
Oddly enough, but nowadays many women lack the simple femininity and because of that often there are certain difficulties that they encounter almost every day. Recognizing the problem, the woman asks: what makes it more feminine and how to develop yourself?
Femininity - a state of mind
In fact, it is not as difficult as it may seem initially, but it should always be remembered that the word "feminine" is not limited to the comely manner that creates woman. Femininity - a state of mind, therefore, very important to be rather than to seem.
It is necessary, first of all, feel like a woman, is the basis of the property. After overcoming a major difficulty, which consists in self-consciousness, minor criteria are quite simple and they do not take a lot of time and effort. However, they also deserve our attention.
Of course, a great role played by the appearance of femininity in women. More precisely, even not the looks, but how well you are able to care for themselves. Well-groomed woman gets a lot of advantages, so this position is very advantageous for the beautiful half of humanity.
Beautiful young lady will never be deprived of the attention of others, anyway, she attracts, often causing sympathy or envy. Moreover, if a woman is aware of its appeal, it gives it a special charm and it is felt by other people.
Based on the first criterion, I can highlight one more, not less important. Self-esteem of women, and it should not be overstated, and objective. It should be the desire and incentive to improve, not resting on its laurels.
Women with adequate self-esteem is easiest realized in society because there is harmony between the wishes of the girl and her real possibilities. In this case, the woman evaluates himself as the weaker sex, and acts appropriately, while not rejecting their true nature.
Manners, speech, and behavior of the girl
The following is attributed to the above behavior of the girl, her mannerisms, speech. For many, this criterion is key, because it is very important to the ability to correctly apply the girls their femininity, show themselves in the best light.
This is facilitated by smooth movements, cultural and refined speech, courtesy and flexibility, decent behavior towards others and a lot of other factors that need to understand and take note.
Achieving this is simple, the main thing is not to deny their feminine nature and allow yourself to be a true woman. This image of a girl is considered the most preferred among men, as a man always wants to feel dominated, being with a woman. This is the psychology of men, so feminism has nothing to do with femininity.
Also, the weaker sex is peculiar sentimentality, but nothing wrong with that. This is absolutely normal, and does not need to be ashamed, to conceal their true feelings.
Allow yourself to be weak when you need support and care. Decent man you certainly will understand and be satisfied with your openness. Give vent to emotions, only to comply with certain facets permissible so as not to make stupid mistakes.
Femininity is closely intertwined with the wisdom of a girl and her psychological maturity. This allows us to assert themselves in society, to find harmony with nature, so these women are condemned to happiness. His female happiness.