About love


Do you want to tell me now that my heart is going on? No? And I still tell because keep it to myself no more strength ...

You know, on the street the rain: wet, cold and dirty ... And the soul of birds chirping and want to laugh and sing (what I'm doing on the sly).

An icy wind is taken under clothing, it permeates to the bone - and that's good. At this wind did not fall asleep, do not forget who you are and why.

What nonsense all our life, if there is no place for such a simple and vivid feelings as love ...   not love to something, to someone ...

just love the very feeling that permeates right through you, change the world around, it paints the pieces of glass that make up the whole of our life the variety of colors ...

because everything is so simple - just want ... just want to love this world, this life, these people ... so simple and so complicated at the same time -

There is nothing easier, but there is nothing more difficult and more important. if it is - take it for granted, but when she escapes, escapes unseen shadow - too late.

And again - re-start education of his own soul, to re-look a spark ... The world is simple - people are complex. Like all simple and complicated ...

I ran in the rain - to freeze and humming to himself a simple love song. I'll come home and sit down to write poetry, then I will read them aloud to the night's rain.

And tomorrow is a new day, the first and last of those that remained - and that's fine.

Well, because love is life.

All. I escape into the unknown, but only in order to come back with glowing eyes, you swirl it in the dance of madness and then dissolve in the silence of eternal summer.


The four main causes of unhappy life


Failures and suffering is too often accompany the lives of many people and most of these people are not even aware that they can easily get lucky people and for all to settle in my heart the joy of a happy life. Life can be unlucky for four main reasons, but about them later.

Now, let's consider the paradoxical situation that we can see in life.

In the life of a lot of poor people who are ill.

In the life of a lot of rich people who are too bad.

In the life of many people whose nerves are so tense that life becomes a real torture.

You've probably seen the situation where the lack of information inflicted real damage your career, relationships with people, and even your life. If you owned at the right time the necessary information, then your life probably would have been at the moment is more preferable than life today.

You know, no matter how happy she would be if at the time you would have known more.

A person can be a full-fledged master of his life, not human suffering.

Now let's look at the four main reasons why people become unhappy and deleting that you can dive into the ocean of happiness.

The first reason is the lack of a clear understanding of the people, for which they live.

When a person knows why he lives, it automatically connects to the emotional source of power that fills it. Everyone has their own answer to this question, his own personal program of life, realizing that the man is filled with forces always reach the objectives, all the while feeling the support of Fortuna and happy people around him. People say such a man, he does his job.

The second reason is the lack of the necessary human information.

Owning all the information is not easy, and know where to find the information you need is easy and accessible to everyone.

The third reason is the presence in the lives of a large number of unpleasant sensations that even if there is a man of wealth, do not allow them to enjoy.

Negative emotional component can even make people think about the premature passing on the other side of life. You may have encountered the rich people who threw everything and went away from civilization.

The fourth reason for which the person becomes unhappy, a financial disadvantage.

The person may be ill physically. He may not have the material means to live, to move the car, at home and even life is not always enough food and clothing. Any of the above reasons may put the life of any person in serious situation.

What to do if a person was in a serious situation?

First we need to convert these four reasons in four sectors of our support. The first sector is called a vital program, the meaning of life or their business. The second sector is called Information, emotional third sector and the fourth physical or material.

Support this as food deliveries army, which was in a serious situation. Science has long been identified and is studying these sectors. Has been tremendous progress in each of these sectors.

However, the secret of the united support of all four sectors possess only those people who know how to build their happy future and manage the events of his life. Just keeping all four sectors of our life, life gives us his power.

Thus, we can enrich the hours of our holiday extra luxurious comfort. We will be able to experience life as a kindness, not as a struggle, because we live better. We can really become masters of their desires and achievements, because it is up to us now depends on their rapid implementation.

With support for all four sectors of the life you have the opportunity to understand the feelings, to find a reliable life-support and enjoy what is given to us at birth time, because on you is now becoming dependent on just how happy it will occur in your life.

The undeniable fact is that time can be painted in favorable and unfavorable color, filled with those or other events, those or other emotions. You have the power to fill the time of your life, and those colors, emotions and events that match your inner needs and desires.

And the faster you can do it, the faster you will support outlined above four sectors of your life. Supporting the four sectors of your life, you get a guarantee of finding harmony, which generate the greatest energy in your life.

With this power you can invoke awe at your enemies and to attract a healthy, beautiful and successful people who will fight for the right to provide you with service.

If you do not support the four sectors of your life, you may come around only gray houses, only hastening indifferent people, good news can gradually move into other people's lives, and the purpose of life may be waiting for the end.

Support all four quadrants of your life and you will begin to attract embodied in the life of your dreams, just as pollen attracts bees buzzing.

Supporting all four quadrants of your life you will feel like awaken your senses, because you no longer have to defend themselves.

You are a wise man, because it probably already know what the taste of poorly protected life.

Today you have the opportunity to effectively support all four quadrants of your life, and remember that pleasure, which appears when you are lucky where others fail.


Recipe female happiness


Recipe women's happiness: family, work and the man who is able to load and unload the washing machine.

These are the results of a research project, which cost 160 thousand pounds of taxpayers' money.

British women are happy, if the organization of their life is different from traditional ideas, and no longer want to be housewives and sit at home, caring for children, state the results of a study published by the Council for Economic and Social Research.

"Our results contradict claims that women would be happier if it went back to the traditional role of housewife," - said the head of research Professor Rosemary Crompton of the City University of London.

"The recipe for personal happiness, satisfaction of the family and reduce stress, gets home, apparently in conjunction liberal attitudes to work outside the home and a more equitable sharing of domestic responsibilities."

"Men often neglect washing and ironing and doing the cleaning. However, they are more than ever before, take the time to children, minor repairs, cooking and grocery shopping. They are better than the French and Portuguese men, and the difference between them and the Scandinavian men negligible" .

The study concerned the lives of women in the UK and Portugal, as the final stage of a comparative study of family relations, employment and working outside the home in the UK and Europe.

The results showed that the conflict between family and work is associated more with the way people work, what with the fact of working, and highly dependent on the availability of part-time employment and gender policies in relation to working time.

In the UK, the researchers found a correlation between the level of stress in women and their ambitions.

"Women, to climb the career ladder in the UK, often have a long working day and can not afford high-quality services for child care and professional workers to work on the house," - says Professor Crompton.

"In Portugal, career advancement for women means the promotion of orderly hierarchy. They have shorter working hours than the same women in the UK, and they have greater access to professional help at home."

The conflict between life and work was more noticeable in the Portuguese women who are engaged in monotonous or manual labor than in the same British women. "This is hardly surprising because many Portuguese women with children up to 15 years of work more than 68 hours a week.

However, in the UK in this group full time occupied only 29% of women, "- says Professor Crompton. The study has been used the scale levels of conflict between work and family, developed by the research team.

Men and women of the EU asked questions, including how often they are coming to work, "too exhausted to do household chores", and how often they "find it difficult to concentrate on work because of domestic problems."

These results showed that, despite the large number of in Portugal men and women, busy full time, among them more people-oriented family values ​​than that of the British.

Happy life
