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Find love
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At the same time the needs and possibilities, talents, the child is often not taken into account. And then - more. Man grows, for it is becoming almost the norm to go against his own wishes, a solid "you should," "so it is necessary," life goes on completely Saturnian principle.
But the principle of the sun - is suppressed, which is moved in the back: the man does not know, just do not even understand what it means to live for yourself. And where "live" there, as we already know, and "love." So, to attract love into your life, we should be ready for this. Prepared for the fact that not only get but give, give love.
And to give, we just need to revive itself is initially given to us, the ability to love. For a start, you simply love yourself, learn to love yourself.
I always suggest to start with, to believe in yourself, believe in their own strength.
Yes, it is not easy (especially when a lot of years we have something to inspire, forced demanded to suppress our individuality). But it is - maybe.
Let's try to change our attitudes. Not "I have to (must)," but "I want to do it, I love it to do it."
For the first time will have for a careful follow-up, your thoughts, moods, as soon as proskvozilo "should (must)" immediately fix our to "like, I like it."
(And not stupid "like, because we need" - violently, as we know, love can not be, and our subconscious, we deceive still fail, it will give a signal that "it's not yours," "you this alien" "You nasiluesh yourself"; subconscious mind has the ability to resist the limitations that are imposed from the outside, that a given individual is simply alien who go contrary to his personality ...)
Let's not about finding a loved one from the standpoint of "looking for my soul mate." Yet every one of us - a complete personality, an independent unit of life. What happens after that is out of fear of being alone, we snapped the first comer, or hold on to all the forces we do not need, you yourself outdated attitudes.
I offer myself honest answer to the question: "Who am I (name), half or all of the same person? What I like to be? What in me is valuable, important, wonderful, it makes me a person? "That is, it is very important to realize the Self Value:" I - there. " The principle of the Sun, "Shine always shine everywhere ...").
However, many, during this operation, the principle emerges suddenly brighter moon - "candle reflected light", that is, translating other people's expectations, go with the flow, do not the works, and accept. That's where "is taken and" - the desire to be "half" there.
And, in the absence (or loss) of the second "half" - a feeling of inferiority, a sense of helplessness, even the desire to be the victim of someone arises.
To impose their beliefs, especially during work, especially this, no one going, but always suggest at this stage to decide - one else wants to be the Sun (and create love, give love, to radiate love to give back, too, is love ), or the Moon (only receive, reflect, translate, light but not heat).
If the second - probably further work is meaningless, I suggest a person to continue to be a "moon" until now, finally, I do not want to be a "sun". When a person chooses to be "sun", wants to live, create, love ... In accordance with its sun (and they are always visible in the natal chart) principles ... So, in an effort to better understand, learn myself, I propose to answer another series of questions .
Namely: "Who am I, Imyarek, but just as a person? What I want to aspire to anything in this life? What is your dream? What is it - I really like to do, to feel? What exactly - I love? "
And, honestly answering these questions honestly to ourselves, and we will do some real progress in the direction of self-love.
This work - frankly, not easy, not for one day, and a month, sometimes even stretch on for years. But the results exceed all expectations. When we finally manage to get rid of the imposed on us from outside, no longer match someone else's (not our own) expectations, not be carried out on the manipulation.
A feel - kind of whole. Self-sufficient and confident individuals. You can, of course, be dissolved in another (the principle of Neptune), and adjust (the principle of the moon). Again, this kind of love is possible, too, it happens to have the right to exist.
That's just it's more an illusion, not true love. Care facility such love from our lives - and once empty, the light faded, nothing pleases. But when, giving his love to another, we are left with the Him, self-sufficient, and we like it, the emptiness and will not occur.
For the sun can fade, just because something has changed in our lives and some relationships have come to naught, or moved into a different quality.
"The truth is that there is an ideal partner in our lives only when we become perfect. Ideal not in terms of standards of beauty, but in terms of peace and harmony in his own soul. " Wonderful words: "peace and harmony in his own soul."
Emit light, to give warmth. Carry a love. Each of this particular wish.
Tatiana Zanadvorova