Our relationship with our loved ones and the world


Sometimes it happens that we do not feel comfortable in the circle of his friends and relatives. Perhaps a few tips to help you figure out what is the cause of such a feeling.

Choose carefully the people with whom communicate

Our environment is very influenced our vision of the world, plans and desires. Even a very strong and powerful man, who has a very feasible dream, can crush if he was not in that circle.

We need to communicate with people who support you and always aspire for more, believe in the possibility of a person to achieve what he wants. If a person is filled with healthy ambitions and aspires to more, he and others will call and keep this feeling.

In addition, the ability to perceive other people's ideas and do not criticize and say "yes, you will do it" - this is an important quality for people who need to be near you.

And, moreover, your friends have little to share your interests, because if you spend time for a common cause, the development in this area and improve come faster.

It can even compare with the reading. If anyone is not interested, then you will not read so much, because you have no one to share my impressions. And if you read many of your circle, it is an incentive to read more, to share and exchange information.

Remember the boomerang

All our emotions and wishes of others come back to us. It's as versatile as that thoughts become reality, and therefore, if they are negative, then so soon happen in reality.

This is easily explained by the fact that the thought of what - the poor, or doing some business, and thinking at the same time, "I will not work," we are programming yourself for failure.

And if you thought that everything would be fine, but it does not work, then just do not need to fall into a stupor and bewilderment. Such situations need to be taken with a given, as a test, and an additional incentive in spite of everything to achieve the desired.

But the boomerang effect also suggests that a bad promise to others then back to us, as is usually responsible for evil evil. If you design at good thoughts, you'll not only keep your mind pure, but evil is directed at you, will be absorbed by going from your kindness, at least partially.

As if all this strange and primitive sounds, the setting up of himself, his thoughts is the basis of harmony in life. And if you want to change the world - start with yourself.

Love your loved ones, and their energy will come back to you

In today's world we often make selfish, suggesting to us that we have to take care only of himself, and the more we do not owe anything to anybody. But we forget what matters most - our loved ones are those due to the fact that they care about us, and think not only about themselves, and we must in turn do the same.

If you want to receive love, it must be able to give. So do not hesitate to take care of and show our love for family and friends, your ego from it does not suffer.

But you will be much easier to live in this world, knowing for sure that people close - friends, relatives, you do not just like that, and you will remember them not for show. Reveals itself not a bad thing, because you get a result anymore.

Our relationship with our loved ones and the world


Sometimes it happens that we do not feel comfortable in the circle of his friends and relatives. Perhaps a few tips to help you figure out what is the cause of such a feeling.

Choose carefully the people with whom communicate

Our environment is very influenced our vision of the world, plans and desires. Even a very strong and powerful man, who has a very feasible dream, can crush if he was not in that circle.

We need to communicate with people who support you and always aspire for more, believe in the possibility of a person to achieve what he wants. If a person is filled with healthy ambitions and aspires to more, he and others will call and keep this feeling.

In addition, the ability to perceive other people's ideas and do not criticize and say "yes, you will do it" - this is an important quality for people who need to be near you.

And, moreover, your friends have little to share your interests, because if you spend time for a common cause, the development in this area and improve come faster.

It can even compare with the reading. If anyone is not interested, then you will not read so much, because you have no one to share my impressions. And if you read many of your circle, it is an incentive to read more, to share and exchange information.

Remember the boomerang

All our emotions and wishes of others come back to us. It's as versatile as that thoughts become reality, and therefore, if they are negative, then so soon happen in reality.

This is easily explained by the fact that the thought of what - the poor, or doing some business, and thinking at the same time, "I will not work," we are programming yourself for failure.

And if you thought that everything would be fine, but it does not work, then just do not need to fall into a stupor and bewilderment. Such situations need to be taken with a given, as a test, and an additional incentive in spite of everything to achieve the desired.

But the boomerang effect also suggests that a bad promise to others then back to us, as is usually responsible for evil evil. If you design at good thoughts, you'll not only keep your mind pure, but evil is directed at you, will be absorbed by going from your kindness, at least partially.

As if all this strange and primitive sounds, the setting up of himself, his thoughts is the basis of harmony in life. And if you want to change the world - start with yourself.

Love your loved ones, and their energy will come back to you

In today's world we often make selfish, suggesting to us that we have to take care only of himself, and the more we do not owe anything to anybody. But we forget what matters most - our loved ones are those due to the fact that they care about us, and think not only about themselves, and we must in turn do the same.

If you want to receive love, it must be able to give. So do not hesitate to take care of and show our love for family and friends, your ego from it does not suffer.

But you will be much easier to live in this world, knowing for sure that people close - friends, relatives, you do not just like that, and you will remember them not for show. Reveals itself not a bad thing, because you get a result anymore.

Important lessons of a happy life, Regina Brett 45 life lessons

 Important lessons of a happy life

These lessons should be read periodically at least once a week!

Regina Brett in his 90 years of 45 lessons that teach life.



"Wishing to mark the anniversary of the 45th anniversary, I was 45 lessons that taught me life. And that's the most demanded article I ever wrote! I turned 90 years old, and here again I publish these lessons."

Regina Brett. Important lessons of a happy life.

Please continue reading these lines to the end.

1. Life is not fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, take another step forward.

3. Life is too short to spend it on the anger and hatred.

4. Work will not take care of you when you're sick. It will make your friends and parents. Take care of these relations.

5. Each month, pay the debts on loans.

6. You do not have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It heals better than crying alone.

8. Acceptable angry at God. He will understand.

9. Mines money to retire from the first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, pointless to resist.

11. Make peace with your past so it will not spoil your moment.

12. You can afford to cry in front of their children.

13. Do not compare your life with someone. You have no idea that they have to experience in reality.

14. If the relationship should be a secret, you should not participate in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But do not worry, God never missed.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that can not be called useful, beautiful or funny.

18. What does not kill you makes you stronger.

19. Never too late to have a happy childhood. However, the second childhood depends solely on you ..

20. When it comes time to follow what you really love in life, do not say "no."

21. Burn the candles, enjoy a good sheets, wear beautiful lingerie. Nothing to keep for a special occasion. This is a special case - today.

22. Prepare an excess, then come what may.

23. Be eccentric now!. Do not wait for old age to wear a bright red clothing.

24. The most important sex organ - is the brain.

25. No one except you, is not responsible for your happiness.

26. If any so-called catastrophe ask the question: "Will this be important in five years?"

27. Always choose life.

28. Farewell to everything and everyone.

29. What other people think about you you should not worry.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. It does not matter if the situation is bad or good - it will change.

32. Do not take yourself seriously. Nobody does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because he - God, not because of what you did something or not.

35. It is not necessary to study life. You appear in it and do as much as have time.

36 is old - a cost-effective alternative than to die young.

37. Do your children have only one future.

38. All that finally makes sense - it is what you experience love.

39. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles are everywhere.

40. If we piled into a heap of all our problems and compared them to other people, we would have taken its lively.

41. Envy - a waste of time. You already have everything you need.

42. However, the best lies ahead.

43. No matter how you feel, rise, get dressed and go out to the people.

44. concede.

45. Although not life and tied a bow, it's still a gift.

Important lessons of a happy life!

Regina Brett wrote the 45 lessons life, perhaps someone they are also useful.

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Nice to live in the world

With luck, no loss!

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