If you want to
lose weight for the New Year, we offer you 3 express diet: lose weight by 10 kg for 3 weeks
Lose weight for 1, 5 weeks 5 to 8 kg and rapidly lose weight, for 3 days from 3 to 5 kg.
3 new express diet or surgery "New Year"!
Before the New Year a few days left, and her favorite dress or suit you and it is impossible to get into? It does not matter, but only a matter of time !! Presented express diet can throw 3 to 10 kilograms in a few weeks or even days!
1. Express diet: lose weight by 10 kg for 3 weeks
Lose Weight 10 kg, for 3 weeks or interleaving method. This diet consists of successive two-day cycles.
The first and the second day is to drink half a liter of 1% yogurt, a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice without salt and eat 2 slices of rye bread unleavened (between juice, bread and yogurt should be a break of at least 30 minutes).
Third and fourth days - protein.
For breakfast: organic coffee or tea with milk, half a spoon of butter with a slice of unleavened bread, half a spoon of honey.
For lunch: a glass of low-fat fish or meat broth, 100 grams of cooked meat or fish (can be baked in foil), a slice of unleavened bread.
At lunch: a glass of 1, 5% milk, sour milk or yogurt with half a teaspoon of honey.
At dinner (no later than 19.00): 50 g cheese or low-fat cottage cheese, 100 grams of cooked meat or 2 eggs. An hour after dinner - a glass of 1% kefir.
The fifth and sixth day - vegetable.
For breakfast: tea or coffee, 2 apples, oranges or 2, or 3 kiwis;
Lunch: vegetable soup and salad (no potatoes);
in the afternoon: 2 apples, oranges or 2, or 3 kiwis;
dinner tea, a slice of rye bread, coleslaw, beets and carrots.
Then return to the menu of the first two days, and so within 3 weeks.
During a diet, it is desirable to take a multivitamin and drink daily from half to two liters of boiled water or mineral without gas.
As sauces and condiments you can use apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, dry and fresh herbs - parsley, dill, basil and so on. Do not add salt and pepper. Sugar, alcohol and fizzy drinks are also banned.
2. Lose weight for the New Year fast for 1, 5 weeks 5 to 8 kg
Lose weight for 1, 5 weeks 5 to 8 kg or soup diet.
The main component of the diet - vegetable soup with a great detox effect.
It requires 6 medium onions, 5-6 tomatoes, a small head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery, 2 carrots. Vegetables, cut, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes over high heat.
It is desirable to have unsalted soup, but if unusual, the first 2-3 days can be added in a couple of pinches of sea or rock salt. There should be not only for dinner, but at lunch and dinner, and only 20-30 minutes go to authorized products.
Options menu express diet for a day:
soup, and 1 kg of any fruit (except bananas);
soup, and 1 kg of any vegetables;
soup, low-fat boiled meat - up to 400 g, leafy greens and vegetables (except potatoes and beets) - up to 500 g;
soup, black or brown rice (brown or white) - up to 500 g, leafy greens and vegetables (except sugar beet) - up to 500 g
Change them to the food was varied. Vegetables and meat can be eaten boiled, baked in foil, steamed.
During the day you should drink at least 8 glasses of water plus unsweetened tea or coffee. Sol, as well as sugar, banned. Salad vegetables better fill the vinegar or lemon juice, once a day you can add to them a teaspoon of olive oil.
3. Express Diet: Lose Weight Fast 3 days 3 to 5 kg
Quickly lose weight in 3 days 3 to 5 kg or kefir, buckwheat diet. This diet is not easy to sustain, but the result is worth it.
Menu express diet on day 1, 5 liters of yogurt which should be divided into 5-6 doses at regular intervals.
Drink it should sips: If you drink in one gulp, the body does not have time to get a signal on the flow of food and as a consequence will be hunger.
Breakfast should be prepared the night before: wash 3 tablespoons of buckwheat, pour them a glass of buttermilk, and refrigerate. In the morning swollen buckwheat and stir slowly eat.
Also during the day, you can drink up to two liters of still mineral water plus tea or coffee without sugar, but not later than 15 minutes before and no earlier than half an hour after the yogurt.
With these new express diet you can lose weight for the New Year and lose from 3 to 10 kilograms of excess weight and not think about what Christmas outfit will remain in the closet!
Nicelady.ru wishes you a Happy New Year!