New competitions for adults

 New contests, contests for the New Year 2011

New Year's Day is an occasion not only to gather around the table in friendly company, but also to have fun. Spend during the celebration of a few Christmas competition , The variety of it. Then the guests will not be bored at the table. Cheerful and joyful atmosphere, competitions for the New Year for adults   decorate your appointment.

New competitions

Elochka.Traditsiya decorate the Christmas tree originated several centuries ago. Let your holiday will be beautiful and unusual trees.

For this competition you will need to 8 people. They are divided into 2 teams of 4 people. One of them is the Christmas tree. Other participants offer to dress up her toys, which lie in the magic bag.

A surprise for the participants will be that instead of ornaments there will lie a variety of items - a pan, hanger, toilet paper, towels, liquid soap, plastic cups, discs and some old hat.

Each in turn pulls on one subject out of the bag. The winner is the team that quickly along tree. And viewers can choose the most beautiful "tree" by voting for him with applause. Victory receive gifts, such as real toys for Christmas tree ornaments.

Competition New ads  

Before the New Year at all television channels appears festive advertising. Which pleases his cheerful musical backgrounds create Christmas mood. In addition, this holiday is associated with the preparation of all the different salads.

But the very popular products in the holidays are fruits and vegetables that no one advertises. Let's fix this injustice. Call three people to participate in the competition. Their task - to advertise products that are commonly used for cooking the Christmas dishes - onion, carrot, cucumber.

Participants turn their backs, and leading the audience shows vegetables, which need advertising. Parties do not need to know that they need to advertise. The winner is the one who will tell more convincing about the product. Select the winning audiences. The gift hand him the vegetables, which were advertised.

Competitions for adults Christmas card

The most precious gift one that is made with their own hands. It has long been the tradition of New Year's Eve to give each other cards. Trifle - but nice.

For this competition you will need drawing paper, brushes and paints, 4 persons. Participating equally divided into 2 teams. One person from the team is blindfolded. The second keeps drawing paper. The task of those who blindfolded, draw a Christmas card with tree.

The action process should lead the party that holds the foundation for a card. It should prompt his friend where to send the brush.

The winner is the team that will draw the most beautiful card. Win would get the resulting work of art.

Spontaneous competitions for the New Year

Interesting guests will contest that will take place at the table during the meal.

Suggest four invited to speed clean mandarin. Where do without them? It is a fruit, the smell of which we associate with the holidays.

Another unexpected competition can be drinking a glass of champagne on the rate. Apply a few people.

What holiday without desires? Let guests in turn called the one word that you could wish for. For example, warmth, comfort, smiles and happiness. Wishes should not be repeated. Retiring the party that held the answer for more than 2 seconds, and one that will repeat what has been said.

When you spend those contests, drink champagne for the coming year and say kind words of congratulations, the fun does not end on this.

You can arrange a dancing Christmas songs start led dances around the Christmas tree, and the holiday will be remembered for a long time all present its warm atmosphere.

Happy New Year!!!

Christmas menus, delicious salads, recipes, food for the New Year

 New Year's menu, salads recipes for New Year

Not far off is the most important night of the year. New Year's gathering for the holiday table the whole family, and many housewives are already up New Year's menu.

We offer you delicious salads, and recipes for the New Year

Guests always want to hit the original recipe salad, and even desirable that it was nice and easy to prepare, because December 31 is always so much trouble!

Christmas menu

So, how about a delicious salad "Christmas ball"?

You will need:

- Chicken breast cooked in advance (350 grams);

- Hard-boiled eggs (4 pieces);

- Prunes (100 grams);

- Crushed walnuts (100 grams);

- Cheese (about 100 grams);

- Mayonnaise to taste;

- Garnet for decoration.

On a flat circular plate spread layers, giving the shape of a ball: chopped fillet, most of the grated egg yolks, chopped prunes, grated cheese, chopped nuts, proteins. Each layer lubricates mayonnaise. Now comes the fun part - decorating.

It can be striped Christmas toy: spread on white rows of pomegranate and nucleoli remaining yolk. Form a loop for your New Year's sphere of sprigs of dill and now a tasty New Year's miracle finish.

Delicious salad in the New Year

Another idea: a real "Christmas" salad.

You need:

- Boiled beef or a smoked delicacy (300 g);

- Pickled cucumbers (100 grams small or 2 - 3 large pieces);

- Potatoes cooked in their skins (2 - 3 pieces);

- Cheese, grated on a fine grater (200 grams);

- Hard-boiled eggs (3 pieces);

- Mayonnaise, salt and spices to taste;

- Garlic (1 clove)

- Pomegranate, beets, carrots and herbs for decoration.

This is also a layered salad. The layers should be spread in the shape of Christmas trees, each promazyvaya mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic and herbs. We spread a salad in the following sequence: grated potatoes, ½ sliced ​​cucumber, meat, the remaining cucumber, eggs, cheese.

Top the salad with mayonnaise generously grease and sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Decorate received a "Christmas tree" garlands and toys from pomegranate, carrots and beets.

Recipes for the New Year

With salads understood, and how to be a hot dish?

For those who believe in omens, an important condition for the gala dinner on the table will be the absence of dishes from the rabbit or hare.

So, for the preparation of "Spicy beef" should be:

- The flesh of beef (800 g);

- Small carrots (1 - 2 pieces);

- Onions (2 to 3 pieces) - grated cheese (150 grams);

- Broth (1 cup);

- Butter (1 tablespoon)

- Flour (1 tablespoon)

- Cream (1 cup);

- Raw egg yolks (3 pieces);

- Salt, spices (bay leaf, pepper) to taste.

Boil until tender beef with spices, one onion, carrots. Cut into slices, put into a form sprinkled with fried onions (the remaining onion), pour prepared sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

To prepare the sauce: melt the butter and saute the flour in it until golden brown, then carefully to avoid lumps, add sour cream and pour broth, wait until the boil, then turn off the heat and cool slightly.

Then pour the sauce the egg yolks, add salt, spices, peremeshat.Govyadinu put in a hot oven and bake for about half an hour, until the cheese is browned. Serve.

Dishes and recipes for the New Year

To make this "Christmas goose" is required:

- Goose (approximately 3 to 5 kg);

- Peeled apples and coring;

- Almonds (3 - 4 tablespoons);

- Onions (3 - 4 pieces);

- Carrots (2 pieces);

- Herbs (oregano, parsley);

- Salt, spices.

Prepared goose carcass of a good rub with coarse salt, spices, from apples, almonds and a small amount of greenery. Put the goose in the shape of feet down, pierce in several places with a fork, pour a little water into the mold.

Put in a preheated to 200 - 250 ° C oven and bake for about one and half hours. Then, turn the goose, add to it chopped into small slices of onions and carrots, add water. Put another 1, 5 hours.

Then remove the goose from the mold and bake on the grid for a further 30 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees. Serve, garnished with slices of apples and herbs.

Bon Appetit! And delicious New Year!
