Nearing a wonderful and truly spring Women's Day March 8. As is known, the success of the festival is not the number of meals and not the number of orders. But the good mood of the guests easy and relaxed atmosphere have always been the key to the success of any celebration.
Women's Day Scenario corporate holiday
Many schools and kindergartens kids will celebrate this holiday, I congratulate their mothers, grandmothers, sisters. And every organization, every company is committed to congratulate his beautiful half of humanity. How can you do without a corporate party?
For corporate events are part of a team unity, where employees are combined into a single, friendly staff. Good corporate holiday is sometimes a means of achieving different goals.
As a rule, leading to such acts as director of the festival, the boss of the company. But if the case is to instruct young active slave - it will be much more interesting.
So, I propose a short program for a successful corporate party.
First of all, when all participants have gathered, the first word on the rules of etiquette, given the boss. (If the boss - a woman, laying on the mission deputy).
The text of congratulations women
Women I want to congratulate you on the holiday of spring,
Tenderness flowers and sun shine,
Let your days are always clear,
and the sun peep through the window you !!
Let the warmth of awakening of nature, the attention and devotion of men will add you strength and confidence. I wish you that every day you passed greeted with a smile and joy.
Let your women's uniqueness, charm, ease, always ready to help you in solving difficult problems. Good health, happiness and family warmth! Happy Holidays!
Next in the process of celebration you can spend 4-5 contest to lighten the mood a little.
Contests on March 8 for adults
1 contest "What's in the box? "
For this competition need box, it can be a shoe, but a beautiful bright glued paper. In the box are added all sorts of minor little things: sweet, ring, necklace, lipstick, key chain, figurine, condoms, etc.
Women in turn put their hand in the box, in this case, without opening the cover, and discovered one of the subjects have to guess what kind of object it is. Whoever guesses - receives a gift.
2 competition "darts"
On the wall with tape attached balloons. The beads previously hidden piece of paper written in different kinds of jobs. Participants take turns throwing the spear, the one who gets to the ball, needs to read and execute the task. Tasks can be varied, depending on the relations in the team.
3 contest "Sweet Couple"
This contest is best done between feasts. All participants are dealt cards. On the cards are written the names of the movies or cartoon characters: Cinderella, Malvina, Fox Alice Prince, Jerry Carlson, Pinocchio, Tom, and so on. D.
But each card must have the appropriate pair. When all the cards handed out, and participants get acquainted with them, team-leading each character seeks his mate. Who was the first up to the task - gets the prize.
Music unit
4 Competition "tail"
Participants are divided into two teams. Participants become one after the other in a column, portraying the long caterpillar. Latest Members for the belt mesh bow back (tail). First team tied a blue tail, the other - the red.
According to the team leading the first "track" should occur in the "tail" different "tracks", and vice versa. In this game prized agility and resourcefulness. The winner is the team that first tear "tail" rival.
5 Contest "Pins"
On one of the workers attach clothespins on clothes in different places. Four young men have blindfolded collect all the pegs. The one who had the most to remove pegs.
6 competition "Amateur Art"
Each participant has to "pay off" - to tell a poem or sing a song. Those who are not able to think of anything - will be fined.
7 contest "Toast"
The competition is exclusively for men. Someone will come up and say the most original toast to women.
Music unit
Whatever your ideas for contests on March 8, as long as they were friendly character, and then the time spent in the team, will be remembered with particular warmth.