Congratulations on March 8 my mother in verses holiday

 Women's Day, March 8 congratulations mom poems on the 8th March mom, congratulations on Women's Day


Mom, my dear!

Today I congratulate

You on the occasion of spring!

Let filled with fun

Your lovely eyes,

Blue as the sky!

Happiness wish

Health wish

And the most beloved

You call!

You mother,

You - the first major word

You put soul in me,

As the foundation.

Hope yours

I will try to justify,

No wonder I have a son (daughter)

your (your) calls!

Author Olga Kulemina


Many women have a good,

Well, my mother - the main!

And it March 8

Before all, I congratulate!

I wish her health -

That all have the strength,

I'll give my love

The first one that has grown up!

And yet - the heat, good luck

Desire of the soul -

To sleep peacefully at night,

The days were all good.

To the joy and celebrations

We divided into two,

But the troubles and sorrows

Let there be no!

And the wish to meet

Many happy years

For a long time I would have warmed

Her eyes light favorite!

Author Tatiana Eloeva

Festive menu for March 8, delicious recipes that cook

 Festive table on March 8

We offer a festive menu of appetizers, salads, main courses and desserts, fast, interesting and tasty recipes, table on March 8.

Menu on March 8, snacks, recipes

Snacks are served on rolls with avocado. Its you cook 4 servings 20 minutes.

The ingredients for this dish:

1. 1 avocado

2. 100 g peeled shrimp

3. 300 g of cottage cheese

4. 300 g of ham or carbonade

5. Table 1. tablespoon lemon juice

6. greens, lettuce, green onions feathers for decoration.

In the avocado, remove the pit, the pulp mash with a fork and mix with lemon juice.

Shrimp boil and finely chop. Mix cheese with avocado and shrimp prepared. Season with salt and pepper.

Ham slice. Each piece lay out stuffing and roll tube.

Feathers bow tie around the rolls and remove them for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.

Before serving, complete your greens.

What to cook for March 8, tasty salads

A perfect solution would be a salad with shrimp, cooking time, which is only 15 minutes and it contains only 175 calories. On 4 person take:

1. 200 g peeled shrimp

2. 150 grams of mushrooms

3. Table 1. tablespoon of vegetable oil

4. 1 red onion

5. 1 large apple

6. 100 g of pickles

7. 20g parsley

8. 150 g of light mayonnaise

9. Lemon juice

10. 1 tsp. spoon of mustard

11. 40 grams of lettuce

12. 12 pitted olives for decoration

Shrimp boil for 5 minutes, let cool.

Mushrooms cut into slices and cook 7 minutes in vegetable oil, just let cool.

Onion peel, and cut into thin rings. Apple cut into 4 pieces, remove core, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice (1 table. Spoon).

Cucumbers cut into slices.

Greens finely chop.

Mayonnaise mixed with lemon juice and mustard and whisk lightly.

Lettuce wash and dry, spread on a large platter.

All ingredients are carefully prepared, mix with dressing and place on lettuce leaves. Garnish with olives and parsley.

The main course on March 8

The main dish could be salmon with basil sauce. Cooking it takes 30 minutes. We need these ingredients:

1. 500 g salmon fillet

2. Table 2. tablespoons sunflower oil

3. 250 g of mayonnaise

4. Table 4. tablespoons chopped green onions and basil

5. 1 lime

Fillet wash, salt and pepper and sprinkle with oil. Fry in a pan until cooked. Lime peel, flesh cut into small slices. For the sauce, combine the mayonnaise, onions, basil and lime, mix thoroughly. When a table lay the fish on a platter, pour the sauce and garnish with lime slices and greens.

Fine Desserts, Recipes

And for dessert you can cook easy and delicious Italian cuisine "panna cotta". To do this, take:

1. 600 ml cream

2. vanilla sugar to taste

3. 50 g of powdered sugar

4. The bag of powdered gelatin

5. Table 1. Spoon - cognac

6. 4 pieces. cherries (can be frozen).

Dissolve the gelatin in 4 table. spoons of hot water (not boiling water) and mix well. Leave on for 4 minutes. Cream-heat, pre-mix them with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, pour in brandy. All mix thoroughly and connect with gelatin. By formochkam lay cherries, and fill them with the resulting mass. Dessert excellent freezes for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

The perfect complement to your dishes on the table would be a good wine or a true woman's drink champagne.

This is such an easy, delicious and a lot of important fast is a festive menu on the 8th of March. Good mood and good appetite!

Congratulations on March 8 women in verse

 Women's Day, congratulations on March 8 women verses women, women greetings in verse


If the figure 8

We lay on its side, so

We get the infinity -

A very interesting sign.

In it for the woman merge

So many happy take

What enumeration

It makes live without troubles.

There you can see the happiness

Endless always.

None of the trouble storm

I will never come.

And to see is

Endless Wallet

All purchases and gifts

He has attracted to itself.

And, of course, you can remember

Endless interest -

With him after meetings victories events

So much is - the whole forest!

Well, the main thing for women -

Endless love

Also there is a pleasant figure

And worries sweet blood.

How to congratulate lovely women,

All taken into account, remember the essence?

You just need to figure 8

Quickly flip!


8th March. We praise this holiday

In it a woman - the basis of all bases!

And if we forget about it -

We each March Recalls again!

Author Tatiana Eloeva

Congratulations on March 8 mother-fancy cardboard

 March 8, congratulations on March 8, his mother-mother-verses, congratulations mother-in verse


My favorite mother-in-law, I congratulate you

With spring, and serene holiday!

From the heart, I wish you

Health and happiness, successes in all.

Forget grudges, forget the troubles,

And will be friends for years to come!

Author Svetlana G. Olegov


Mother-in-law, my dear, you should also know

As the only-in-law loves you.

There is a reason you decent show

Sweets and give a little to say:

You reliable mother-in-law, I know about it,

And that's why I'm congratulations.

Let happy sun and the birds are singing,

Let all you do is all for you drink.


Mother-in-law - you are my light bright!

In the Women's Day

I drink a glass of wine before bed I

I praise you really feel like it,

Mom, really just like a native!

Only praise and not grublyu ...

It is necessary to put only "point":

Three women in the world all my life I've been like -

Mother, mother in law and daughter home:

Yes, the only daughter of your daughter again,

Now - the wife of his home!

I live with you just like in paradise !!!


Congratulate her mother-in spring Women's Day -

Sacred cause of every man, and have nothing to say!

You, mother-in-law, I wish on March 8,

To not become discouraged!

To his temper sometimes you removed,

And do not you shpynyat-in-law!

So that in life you really do not know the problems,

And remember that there is a favorite son in law!


This is going to congratulate the mother in law,

Happy beautiful!

And not too lazy to tell everyone that

Without my mother in law would be boring!

I tried not to notice

Your Mom, causticity and jokes.

As the door you can hang around,

My wife was not up to the jokes ...
