Solar and lunar eclipses in 2011, particularly

 Solar and lunar eclipses in 2011, particularly the recommendations, report

Solar and lunar eclipses are a unique and beautiful natural phenomenon that occur in the atmosphere and which can be observed from the Earth.

Moon is moving in its orbit, at least twice a year falls into the cone of shadow cast by the Earth.

This is a lunar eclipse. It can last for up to 108 minutes.

Lunar eclipse is complete and partial called private. During the full moon during the eclipse becomes blood red. Mystics is not here. This is because the Earth's atmosphere is transparent to rays of red-orange spectrum. During his private moon familiar to earthlings the color does not change, but the visible part.

Solar eclipse comes from the fact that the Moon closes a sun. It would seem that such a small moon, and the sun so much. How it can be close? It turns out that, because of the long distances, because the Sun is much farther from us than the moon.

Eclipses occur each year. It is normal, if not greater than 4. This eclipses in 2011 as many as 6, 4 and 2 sun moon and astrologers on this occasion do is not encouraging forecasts. When can we expect an eclipse?

Solar eclipse 2011

First Solar has already occurred. It happened on January 4. The second solar eclipse will occur on June 1, and the third on July 1 and the last on 25 November.

January 4th, 2011 at 8:51 GMT (11:51 Moscow time) - partial solar eclipse at 14 degrees of Capricorn.

June 1, 2011 at 21:17 GMT (June 2 at 00:17 Moscow time) - partial solar eclipse in Gemini

July 1, 2011 at 08:39 GMT (11:39 Moscow time) - partial solar eclipse is at 9 degrees Cancer.

November 25th, 2011 at 06:21 GMT (09:21 Moscow time) - partial solar eclipse of 1 degree of Sagittarius.

Lunar eclipse 2011

The lunar eclipse this year, both full. The first lunar eclipse will occur on June 15, the second on 10 December.

June 15, 2011 at 20:14 GMT (23:14 Moscow time) - a total lunar eclipse at 24 degrees of Sagittarius.

December 10, 2011 at 14:33 GMT (17:33 in Moscow time) - a total lunar eclipse in Gemini.

Features, impact, recommendations,

Eclipse is very influenced by the state of health of both the sick and the healthy, and begins to be felt for two weeks until the eclipse and held some time after the eclipse was over. The sun sends us to the ground their energy light rays.

When the path of these rays becomes the moon, there is a failure in many systems of the body. Even the pendulum, for unknown reasons, while during a solar eclipse is moving faster. The researchers also noticed that during the solar eclipse decreases the density of time. Well at least that it lasts only a few minutes.

The most vulnerable part of the population during solar eclipses - cores and high blood pressure. In patients with raised pressure, quickens the heartbeat and nervous breakdowns occur. Doctors recommend that people at risk of starting two weeks before the eclipse drink cordial and anti-anxiety drugs. Also, everyone, and the sick and healthy, recommend contrast shower.

These days there is increased nervous irritability, so it is not recommended to organize activities related to mass gatherings. It is also not advisable to enter into transactions, contracts, developing long-term projects, to journey, to engage in any activity. It is better to spend these days at home, dedicating their current work and simple meditation.

It is not recommended during the solar eclipse to make love. And born and conceived in these days will be full of fatalists. Regarding the observation of the solar eclipse doctors strongly warned not to look at the sun at any object, and especially in the telescope without special dark glasses. The lens focuses the rays on the retina produce irreversible changes.

Lunar eclipses happen only during a full moon, which is in itself already has an impact on people's health. Full Moon activates the activity of all viruses and bacteria, which leads to an increased risk of "catch" any disease. But most of all the full moon has an effect on the nervous system of people.

During a full moon, and especially during the eclipse appears high nervous irritability and even aggression. Therefore, it is desirable at this time to organize mass gatherings of people, to sign any contract, plan something for the future.

During the full moon and lunar eclipse especially, there is a surge of crime, so frequent thefts, robberies, fights. These days you have to be alert and attentive. It is very useful to the lunar eclipse to arrange fasting days. The body in this period will be easier to bear the burdens of refusing food.

Finally, during the lunar and solar eclipses astrologers recommend using meditation to try to change their destiny.

New and full moon, moon phases, lunar month

 New Moon and Full Moon, the phases of the moon, the moon, the moon is waxing and waning moon

Luna - one of the favorite objects of poets used to write lyric poems and love letters.

The moon fairy, witch, razluchnitsa, girlfriend, sovetchitsa, fellow traveler, even a savior.

As well, looking at the moon sigh and dream, and how to arrange a romantic moonlight rendezvous.

People from time immemorial watched our celestial neighbor. At first she attributed mystical, divine. Especially terrible it seemed during a total lunar eclipse, when a familiar pale yellow turned into a fiery red.

With such bad omens associated moon, attributed to her are many earthly troubles. But already in the II century BC, people have determined that the moon moves around the earth, and made various measurements.

Lunar month, moon phases

Now every schoolchild knows that the moon - a dark lifeless celestial body orbiting the Earth in its orbit. Yellow Moon seems due to the fact that it is illuminated by the sun and its rays reflecting surface.

The time of its revolution around the Earth called the lunar month. It lasts 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 2, 9 seconds. To simplify believe 30 days.

Twice during this period of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun line up in a straight line, a "mini parade of planets," we arrange. Once the moon turns between the Earth and the sun. Then our light illuminates the opposite side of the Moon to the Earth, which reflects its rays.

If we could at that time be at a point where it would be seen, for example, in space, the moon shone for us to its former bright light. But it is impossible to see the earth.

Moon for us at this time is not visible or is only visible during the day and is very weak, it seems that it is almost transparent. This is due to the double reflection of sunlight. First they hit the Earth, reflected from it, get to the moon, and once again recorded.

New Moon, the Moon rising

From the moment when the Earth, Moon and Sun line up clearly in line, begins the new lunar month, and the cycle is called the new moon. It lasts 4 days, two days before the start of counting, and two days after.

Then the planet apart, we begin to see the first crescent moon tonyusenkoy, which increases the more, the more divergent the planet. We say, the moon rising.

The full moon, waning moon

Time passes as she goes around the Earth in an arc of 180 degrees and again all three planets fall into line, but now we see a fully illuminated by the sun disk of the moon. It begins full moon. It also takes about 4 days.

Then, the disc of the moon is gradually turning into a sickle, until it again disappears from sight. We say the Moon waning. And so it runs every lunar month.

Total lunar eclipse December 21, 2010

 Lunar eclipse

On the morning of December 21, 2010 tens of millions of people will watch the lunar eclipse, where our neighbor in space horizon moon will be in the shadow of the Earth.

With favorable weather and clear this will be one of the most beautiful sights of nature today: a total lunar eclipse.

The passage of the moon through the Earth's shadow is equally visible in all the land where the moon is above the horizon. The lunar eclipse will be seen in Russia and Ukraine, in North and South America, northern and western parts of Europe.

In a small portion of northeast Asia, including Korea and most of Japan. The audience of observers may be about 1, 5 billion people.

Unlike solar eclipses, which require special precautions to protect the eyes, watching the eclipse of the moon safely. All you need are your eyes and your desire to see it live.

Binoculars or a telescope will certainly more complete and pleasant sight.

 Lunar eclipse 2010

Lunar eclipse 2010

The lunar eclipse will begin December 21, 2010 at 07:41 GMT and will last 28 minutes of 3:00, the total eclipse phase will be 72 minutes, you can check on their hours.

Last total lunar eclipse was on 20 - 21 February 2008 and has been seen in South America and in Europe, most of Africa and Western Asia.

In 2011, the planned two full lunar eclipse. The first eclipse of June 15 will be best seen from the Eastern Hemisphere and will continue in the full phase of the eclipse 1 hour 40 minutes.

Other total lunar eclipse will occur on December 10 and will be visible over the western part of North America.

The third total lunar eclipse will take place from 14 to 15 April 2014 and will be seen across North America.

Solar and lunar eclipses occur when repeated relative position of the sun, the moon and the lunar orbital nodes. This interval between eclipses the ancient Greeks called the Saros. It is 223 Moon turnover or 18, 11 days and 8 hours.

Some esoteric teachings say that the positions of celestial bodies has a hidden philosophical meaning and is associated with the rebirth of the sun.
