Favorable days for weight loss on the lunar calendar

 Lunar calendar slimming

Starting a diet for weight loss is necessary on certain days.

In any lunar days should stop there to lose weight faster and better?

Lunar calendar WEIGHT LOSS - auspicious days.

Indeed, many nutritionists believe that begin to deal with excess weight should not be a Monday or even on the first day, and guided by a certain scheme.

The specialists are divided into two camps, and almost did not declare war on each other. Some people believe that to lose weight should be on the moon, while others believe that the days of the start of the menstrual cycle determines the weight loss. We argue with anyone will not, and because in any case tell you about both methods.

It is believed that the energy of the moon not only causes the tides in the ocean, but also significantly affects the amount of fluid in the body.

And if so, it is possible to develop a lunar calendar, and weight loss.


From new moon to full moon, the body absorbs particularly well all sorts of drugs. And if so, you can start to use supplements that reduce weight, herbal teas and other useful stuff.

The Full Moon   load is not necessary. In these days of toxins excreted very rapidly, so it would be nice to arrange a couple of days of discharge and be satisfied with what some low-calorie apples.

After the full moon appetite will increase, and therefore you should not go on a diet - too painful to observe it. During this period, try to fill the fridge with fresh vegetables, fruits and other useful Labuda, withdrew to a safe distance chocolates and ice cream.

And try to do sports more - so you burn extra calories, which is sure to type in the period of gluttony.

In a day new moon   again arrange a fasting day. Try to drink plenty of fluids, ideal "kefir" or "dairy" days.

Well, you do not have to come every night to look out the window, trying to determine at what stage is the same moon,

Lunar calendar, depending on the weight loss cycle.


Many experts believe that the success of your weight loss depends on what stage of the menstrual cycle, you decided to go on a diet.

Phase 1   (starts about 2-3 days of menstruation and lasts about 2 weeks).

During this period, the content of estrogen in the female body is gradually increased, so we feel extremely fresh and energetic.

Physiologists say that this is the right time to go on a diet, because in this period of metabolic processes in the body is more intensive and the result will be more impressive.

Phase 2   (starts around the 15th day of the cycle).

It is a neutral phase. You can go on a diet, but the hunger pangs will happen to you often enough. And if so, try to be active and move as much as possible.

Phase 3   (a week before the critical days).

Go on a diet during PMS is not worth it - you now and so easy. And if you deprive yourself favorite foods, it simply izvedet everyone around her bad mood.

Of course, this does not mean that you can buy the whole range of confectionery store, but a little treat yourself not only possible, but necessary.

When to get a haircut in the lunar calendar

 When to get a haircut

If you are going to the hairdresser, you need to look not only at the content of the purse, and on the day of the week.

When to get a haircut in the lunar calendar

It is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon and remember that if:

get a haircut at the rising moon rising, the hair grow back faster

and if descending waning moon - the hair will grow more slowly.

When the hair do not cry.


Even the day of the week, in which we get a haircut, can affect the quality of hair.

For example, a haircut, made on Monday, will help get rid of depression, anguish, unpleasant memories. On this day, all the negative haircut.

If a haircut on Tuesday, you can protect yourself from surprises, protected from trouble and even get help.

A visit to the barber shop on Wednesday to help build relationships with people, to eliminate confusion in the deeds and thoughts. Often a haircut in this day of the week becomes a harbinger of unexpected news.

Better get a haircut on Thursday, haircut, made on Thursday will help to strengthen your credibility, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

On Friday, it is not necessary to visit the barber. According to astrologers, this day biochemical processes in the body slowed down, and after Friday hairstyle hair will not grow.

Saturday Grooming helps to get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with themselves, increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps to relieve some of the problems that have arisen due to the fault of others.

On Sunday, you can not get a haircut!

On this day, your connection with personal egregor (guardian angel) to maximize strong.

If that day to change something in your body, and even more so to cut some part, it is possible to break the relationship with the cosmos.

These recommendations are also fully applicable not only to the hair, but also to the nails.

The value of the lunar days of the lunar calendar

 the value of lunar days

People have long known about the influence of the moon on their lives, well-being, health and success in business.

Each lunar day has its own significance, because luck favors those who take into account the lunar calendar, moon phases and significance of lunar days .  

  In the 1st lunar day can not have a lot of contacts. This day - the spiritual.

On Day 2, try to think more about others than about himself.

The 3 can not start a new business. Better to just go to the sauna.

The Retreat 4 and all think carefully about.

The 5 need to eat a lot, because all the calories burned.

AT 6 good study science or art.

The 7th day is impossible to tear books, letters, and even paper. As for food, then refrain from chicken and eggs.

The 8 clean your body by fasting.

9 - satanic. Whether you are someone Flatter, or you.

In the 10 day lunar Spoon money at the corners of his apartment. This wealth.

11 is very good for different things, where you crave victory.

The 12 drink plenty of water.

The 13 anti-aging through a variety of masks and procedures.

The 14 useful dry fasting. You can eat only nuts and pickles.

15 also satanic. Get every kind of asceticism. It is not recommended to eat apples.

The 16 day waiting for you spiritual and physical harmony. You should not eat animal foods, and mushrooms. The fish can be.

In the 17's better to have a contact with only one person. We do not recommend the use of alcohol and drugs.

The 18 anti-aging. Again, go to the bath-taki.

The 19 candles burn and clean his apartment.

In the 20th lunar day hungry and spiritually helpful to see clearly.

The cleansing of the body 21.

At 22, you can eat a lot.

At 23 it is necessary to use food and spices. Less oil, but more than juice.

24 is good for the treatment of the body with the help of drugs designated by you.

In 25 helpful just relax.

26 day - this post. Refrain and love.

At 27 you succeed, doing any work.

At 28 you can not rip and give flowers. While most people in this day remains in high spirits.

29 lunar day - is an obligatory fast. Cleaning the body, and no job.
