Lunar calendar for 2012 Moon phase, the full moon

 Lunar calendar for 2012 Moon phase, the full moon, new moon, waxing moon, waning moon

Calendar moon phases, full moon and new moon: Moon phases for 2012

The lunar cycle:

Rising moon - new moon to full moon of 14 days,

Waning moon - full moon to new moon of 14 days.

Favorable days - the days of the waxing moon, after the new moon and the days of the waning moon, after the full moon. In the days of the waxing moon is best to start a new business in life and in business, start to struggle with bad habits, quit smoking, sits on a diet, etc.

Adverse days - the days of full moon, new moon, quarter 1 and 4 quarters. In these days it is recommended to exercise caution, all well thought out to avoid trouble, watch out for health. All things to do better transferred to the days of the waxing moon.

Lunar calendar 2012 will help you determine what is now the moon is waxing or waning, full moon or new moon, favorable or unfavorable days for private affairs and business.

Lunar calendar for 2012

Date of Moon day Sunrise Time of call Zodiac sign Moon Phase
1 9 11:30 0:44 Aries 1 quarter
9 17 16:51 8:34 Cancer full moon
16 23 1:04 10:53 Scorpio 4 quarter
23 30/1 8:14 17:19 Aquarius new moon
31 9 10:32 1:56 Taurus 1 quarter
8 17 18:31 7:47 Virgo full moon
14 22 1:40 9:54 Scorpio 4 quarter
22 12 7:15 18:51 Fish new moon
1 10 10:16 2:50 Gemini 1 quarter
8 17 18:54 6:27 Virgo full moon
15 23 2:58 10:24 Capricorn 4 quarter
22 30/1 5:52 19:02 Aries new moon
thirty 9 10:57 3:18 Cancer 1 quarter
6 16 20:19 6:06 Libra full moon
13 22 3:19 11:40 Capricorn 4 quarter
21 30/1 5:49 21:21 Taurus new moon
29 9 12:15 2:51 Lion 1 quarter
6 16 22:11 5:23 Scorpio full moon
13 22 2:34 13:17 Fish 4 quarter
21 12 5:14 22:22 Gemini new moon
29 10 13:55 1:54 Virgo 1 quarter
Date of Moon day Sunrise Time of call Zodiac sign Moon Phase
4 16 22:11 4:39 Sagittarius full moon
eleven 22 1:13 13:29 Fish 4 quarter
19 30/1 4:40 21:55 Cancer new moon
27 9 14:23 0:37 Libra 1 quarter
3 15 21:39 4:28 Capricorn full moon
eleven 22 0:08 14:47 Aries 4 quarter
19 30/1 5:40 21:30 Lion new moon
26 8 14:55 23:52 Scorpio 1 quarter
2 15 21:04 6:04 Aquarius full moon
9 22 23:18 14:48 Taurus 4 quarter
17 29/1 5:53 20:16 Lion new moon
24 8 15:22 23:11 Sagittarius 1 quarter
31 15 19:46 6:23 Fish full moon
7 22 22:27 14:38 Gemini 4 quarter
15 29 6:09 18:57 Virgo new moon
21 7 14:21 22:02 Sagittarius 1 quarter
29 15 18:26 6:39 Aries full moon
8 24 23:00 14:28 Cancer 4 quarter
15 30/1 6:53 17:02 Libra new moon
22 8 14:14 23:41 Aquarius 1 quarter
29 15 16:29 7:02 Taurus full moon
Date of Moon day Sunrise Time of call Zodiac sign Moon Phase
7 23 13:43 Lion 4 quarter
14 12 8:38 16:41 Sagittarius new moon
20 8 13:04 Fish 1 quarter
28 16 16:03 8:08 Gemini full moon
6 23 12:25 Virgo 4 quarter
13 30/1 8:35 16:18 Sagittarius new moon
20 8 12:03 0:17 Aries 1 quarter
28 16 16:31 8:30 Cancer full moon
