The lunar calendar phases of the moon for a year

 Lunar calendar for 2009: Phases of the Moon

The lunar cycle is composed of two parts, for about 14 days each.

During the growing moon - new moon to full moon on man is more active, energetic biorhythm he would like go up.

During the waning moon - the full moon to new moon on people less active, it gets tired quickly, the reaction slows down, the vitality of the body is reduced.

It is considered auspicious to start new businesses in the growing moon, it is best just after the new moon, and the finish of the case on waning moon, and especially shortly before the new moon.

You do not have to every night to look out the window, trying to determine which is now waning or waxing moon, full moon or new moon, you can use our lunar calendar for 2009.

Lunar calendar   2009

Date - Time Moscow - Moon Phase - Moon in the sign of the zodiac


  The phases of the moon in January

January 4th 14:56 I quarter Waxing moon in Aries

January 11 6:27 Full Moon Moon in Cancer

January 18 05:46 IV quarter Waning Moon in Libra

January 26 10:56 New Moon in Aquarius


February 3 02:13 I quarter Waxing moon in Taurus

February 9 17:49 A Full Moon in Leo

February 17 00:37 IV quarter Waning in Scorpio

February 25 4:35 New Moon in Pisces


March 4 10:46 I quarter Waxing gibbous moon in Gemini

March 11 5:38 Full Moon in Virgo

March 18 20:48 IV quarter Waning in Sagittarius

March 26 19:06 New Moon in Aries


April 02, 18:34 I quarter Growing Cancer

April 9 18:56 A Full Moon in Libra

April 17 17:37 IV quarter Waning Moon in Capricorn

April 25 7:23 New Moon in Taurus


May 2 00:44 I quarter Waxing gibbous moon in Leo

May 9 8:02 A Full Moon in Scorpio

May 17 11:26 IV quarter Waning in Aquarius

May 24 16:11 New Moon in Gemini

May 31 07:22 I quarter growing in Virgo


June 7 22:12 A Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 16 02:15 IV quarter Waning in Pisces

June 22 23:35 New Moon in Cancer

June 29 15:29 I quarter Waxing gibbous moon in Libra



July 7 13:22 Full Moon in Capricorn

July 15 13:53 IV quarter Waning Moon in Aries

July 22 6:35 New Moon in Cancer

July 29 02:00 I quarter in Scorpio Rising


Aug. 6 4:55 Full Moon The Moon in Aquarius

August 13 22:55 IV quarter Waning in Taurus

August 20 14:01 New Moon in Leo

August 27 15:42 I quarter growing in Sagittarius


September 4 20:02 Full Moon in Pisces

September 12 06:16 IV quarter Waning in Gemini

September 18 22:44 New Moon in Virgo

September 26 08:49 I quarter growing in Capricorn


October 4 10:10 Full Moon in Aries Moon

October 11 12:56 IV quarter Waning Cancer

October 18 9:33 New Moon in Libra

October 26 03:42 I quarter growing in Aquarius


November 2 22:14 Full Moon in Taurus

November 9 18:56 IV quarter Waning in Leo

November 16 22:14 New Moon in Scorpio

November 25 00:39 I quarter growing in Pisces


December 2nd 10:31 Full Moon in Gemini

December 9 03:14 IV quarter Waning Virgo

December 16 15:02 New Moon in Sagittarius

December 24 20:36 I quarter growing in Aries

December 31 22:13 Full Moon in Cancer

Favorable days for cutting hair on the lunar calendar

 Favorable days

How lunar phases can help us to become owners of a beautiful and healthy hair? Read more in the article, how to choose the best and most favorable days for cutting hair on the lunar calendar.

Remember the song Zemfira: "The moon is waning, it happens, I'm going to get a haircut?"

Ignorant people can easily think that Zemfira really talented in writing meaningless texts. But those who know that there are favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring, immediately understand the meaning of these words.

The fact that the Lunar haircuts, - yes, it happens - absolutely can not get a haircut in the waning moon. The consequence will be the split ends and slow hair growth.

Generally it is believed there is a very long time, and even our grandmothers strictly abide by this rule. Especially in regard to young children, who could not be in any case cut for the first time in the waning moon, otherwise the hair will be a lifetime sparse and feeble.

So, how does the lunar calendar can help us to become owners of a beautiful and healthy hair? Well, firstly, it is clear that the rapid growth of the hair need to choose auspicious days to get a haircut and not decreasing, and the growing moon.

How it works?

Everyone knows that the gravitational force of the moon causes tides and waters of the seas and oceans. But the moon has an effect not only on the seas and oceans, lunar gravity affects all on this planet, including human body fluids, blood and lymph. The fact that the entire human body in the days of the New Moon is charged with energy, and in the days of her giving it gradually decreasing.

So if trimming a hair on the waning moon, while the body is exhausted, where he was to find the source of energy for recovery? During the period of the moon faster moving blood through the veins, and all processes are accelerated, including the process of hair growth.

Therefore, in this period of time as the most successful and auspicious days for cutting hair. Of course, the main energy source is the sun, but to underestimate the influence of the moon on man is also impossible.

For example, a strong influence of the moon on the human sexual organs, as with the approach of the full moon sexual desire and power always begins to grow and grow, as well as acute feelings directly during intercourse. Especially strongly moon affects women, as cyclical processes in the female body are directly dependent on the lunar cycle.

Let's understand in detail with moon phases.

There are four. The first begins with the new moon, when we can not see the moon in the sky, we have this phase 1-7 lunar day. At that time, many people experience weakness, fatigue, apathy, because their body is weak, but at the same time, the forces begin to slowly recover from day to day.

The second phase of the moon completes a full moon, the moon is 8-15 hours. These days, people give vitality and strength, we are most active, cheerful and productive.

The third phase of the moon is a time of transition from the full moon to the top of its decrease, and you have it on the 16-22 day of the lunar calendar. At this time, the person can calm and measured to channel the accumulated energy on the full moon, as the energy transfer in the body is stable.

So in the end it begins the last quarter phase of the moon, its decrease, 23-29 lunar day. Stocks of energy during this period have been exhausted, the body is weakened, it is necessary to refrain from new beginnings, and any important events, including hair cutting.

Detailed lunar calendar haircuts for 2014 will help you successfully plan your trip to the salon, and achieve the results that you would like. It is not always successful hair depends only on the master, not less important, as the stars come together in the sky!

Modern Lunar Calendar will help determine not only the fact that a haircut, but also to tell what the best auspicious days to dye your hair, make a perm or weave.
