Superpolnolunie interesting natural surprise


Rare and interesting coincidence marked the change of seasons this year. Full Moon, when the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately the same line, almost coincided with the advent of the autumnal equinox, which is quite rare.

In most cases, two phenomena occur at intervals of several days or weeks. Exceptions to the rule, like this one, are extremely rare. The last time this happened nearly 20 years ago - September 23, 1991.

This month, the full moon comes just six hours after the day of the autumnal equinox on September 23. The approximate coincidence prompted NASA astronomers call the phenomenon "superpolnoluniem."

As recalled by the leading experts NASA, Tony Phillips, the autumnal equinox occurs on 22 or 23 September, when the center of the sun in a visible movement on the ecliptic crosses the equator moving from the northern to the southern hemisphere of our planet.

These days, for all the places of the Earth (except the poles areas) is almost equal to the night the day, the sun rises due east and sets almost exactly in the west.

In English, the September full moon is called "fruitful". It is not by accident. "Before the invention of electricity harvest was important to continue and after sunset. This opportunity could give the light emanating from the full moon disc.

Only in this way could have time to harvest, time to sell Agroprodukty on the market "- said Phillips.

The next match with the full moon day of the autumn equinox will occur in 2029, so we'll wait and gaze at our celestial neighbor.

The importance and influence of the lunar eclipse

 Eclipse importance and influence, the theme of the report of the lunar eclipse, lunar eclipse photos

Eclipse - a unique natural phenomenon that takes place in outer space, as seen from Earth. Of course the school of astronomy, we all know that there are eclipses lunar and solar.

Moon occur when the Moon is moving in its orbit around the Earth, part of the cone of its shadow. Our old Earth casts a shadow as well as any other body, which falls on the solar light, only a shadow of its space is enormous and the place where the moon moves approximately 2, 5 lunar diameter.

When our heavenly companion enters the shadow region as a whole, the eclipse is called complete. It takes approximately 109 minutes. If the Moon enters the Earth's shadow part, and get a partial eclipse, as it is called private. One may ask, why is obtained partial eclipses because the Moon's orbit and the Earth do not change?

If their orbits lying in one plane, and the eclipse would always be the same, but as they are to one another at an angle, and hence obtains different eclipse. Partial Eclipse is not as spectacular as the full. During his portion of the moon is still visible and a little similar to the growing or decreasing.

Total lunar eclipse even now, in the age of universal literacy is impressive. We are all accustomed to seeing the moon yellow or pale yellow. During a total eclipse, it changes color to red brick and this always becomes somehow restless.

In the old days, when little was known about the heavenly bodies, the moon evoked a kind of red terror. People were waiting for the worst. Some peoples even committed the bloody human sacrifices to appease the gods and return to the old moon.

The worst thing is that in the minds of people sacrifice justified, because the moon really soon emerged from the shadow of the Earth and took its normal color. But it is not so simple with the lunar eclipse as it may seem at first glance. Planets are huge, and all their actions, all the influences that they have truly cosmically huge.

The whole scale of this can be represented remembering, for example, high and low tides, which "gets up" our only companion harmless, or magnetic storms occurring on God knows what distant from the Sun and we dokatyvayutsya to us repeatedly in a weakened form. Same thing with eclipses.

The moon itself - a dark lifeless space body. Yellow It seems to us, because thousands of kilometers beyond the sun illuminates it with its rays, which reflects the lunar surface to Earth. At full moon, when the moon is visible as a whole, a reflection takes us to the entire visible surface, that is, we get these rays are reflected in a maximum amount.

Overestimate their importance to all life on Earth is difficult. They evoke the energy and pulse wave of indignation in the presence of the energy fields around us. Above all, this affects the nervous system.

Users may experience unexplained anxiety, anxiety, suspiciousness, depression, or vice versa, irritability, aggression, frustration. It all depends on individual perception. It is this state of mind, "not guilty" in various speculations about vampires and witches supposedly those who do their dark deeds in the full moon.

In addition, reflected from the moon the sun's rays activate the activity of microorganisms, both good and very dangerous, and protective functions of the human body is impaired. Hence the increase in poisoning and various infectious diseases these days.

Finally, the most unprotected, in the sense of the health of the population, cores, and high blood pressure. They suffer during the full moon of pressure surges due to violations of the heart, plus all of the common "charm" of the phases of the moon. But the full moon does not come suddenly, the moon rises slowly and the body somehow adapts to it.

Eclipse, which are only at the full moon, is very fast. Once in the Earth's shadow, the Moon for some time does not reflect the sunlight in the former regime and to all life on Earth is a new stress.

During eclipses everything that is characteristic of full moons, may increase, decrease, change for different scenarios, depending on the person's overall health during this period, from the people who surround him, because everyone has his aura and his lunar impact, and also from those causes that is inexplicable to science or unknown to her.

Therefore, during the new moon, but especially during eclipses recommended some caution in behavior, emotions, in all their actions.

Favorable days for weight loss on the lunar calendar

 Lunar calendar slimming

Starting a diet for weight loss is necessary on certain days.

In any lunar days should stop there to lose weight faster and better?

Lunar calendar WEIGHT LOSS - auspicious days.

Indeed, many nutritionists believe that begin to deal with excess weight should not be a Monday or even on the first day, and guided by a certain scheme.

The specialists are divided into two camps, and almost did not declare war on each other. Some people believe that to lose weight should be on the moon, while others believe that the days of the start of the menstrual cycle determines the weight loss. We argue with anyone will not, and because in any case tell you about both methods.

It is believed that the energy of the moon not only causes the tides in the ocean, but also significantly affects the amount of fluid in the body.

And if so, it is possible to develop a lunar calendar, and weight loss.


From new moon to full moon, the body absorbs particularly well all sorts of drugs. And if so, you can start to use supplements that reduce weight, herbal teas and other useful stuff.

The Full Moon   load is not necessary. In these days of toxins excreted very rapidly, so it would be nice to arrange a couple of days of discharge and be satisfied with what some low-calorie apples.

After the full moon appetite will increase, and therefore you should not go on a diet - too painful to observe it. During this period, try to fill the fridge with fresh vegetables, fruits and other useful Labuda, withdrew to a safe distance chocolates and ice cream.

And try to do sports more - so you burn extra calories, which is sure to type in the period of gluttony.

In a day new moon   again arrange a fasting day. Try to drink plenty of fluids, ideal "kefir" or "dairy" days.

Well, you do not have to come every night to look out the window, trying to determine at what stage is the same moon,

Lunar calendar, depending on the weight loss cycle.


Many experts believe that the success of your weight loss depends on what stage of the menstrual cycle, you decided to go on a diet.

Phase 1   (starts about 2-3 days of menstruation and lasts about 2 weeks).

During this period, the content of estrogen in the female body is gradually increased, so we feel extremely fresh and energetic.

Physiologists say that this is the right time to go on a diet, because in this period of metabolic processes in the body is more intensive and the result will be more impressive.

Phase 2   (starts around the 15th day of the cycle).

It is a neutral phase. You can go on a diet, but the hunger pangs will happen to you often enough. And if so, try to be active and move as much as possible.

Phase 3   (a week before the critical days).

Go on a diet during PMS is not worth it - you now and so easy. And if you deprive yourself favorite foods, it simply izvedet everyone around her bad mood.

Of course, this does not mean that you can buy the whole range of confectionery store, but a little treat yourself not only possible, but necessary.
