Dream Miller, the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "B"

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Dream Miller, the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "B"
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If you dream that you have the wealth - which means that you will climb the career ladder to more and more prosperity through constant diligence and attention to business. Destiny will not present you happen to reproach her, unless you do not ruin your happiness, cheating wife.

Dream of wealth portends successful, although venture into business life. See other rich - a sign that in difficult moments next to you will be a lot of friends. For young women, this dream is an incentive for a more attentive towards their parents.


Sleep blasphemy warns that you will develop the qualities that will make you rude and insensitive towards his friend.

To dream, allow others to blaspheme - a sign that you and somehow be unfair and perhaps even insult you. It is possible that the wily man, having achieved your friendship, will bring you a lot of harm.

If you dream you yourself cursed himself - the fate will turn away from you. If you curse others, this dream promises you comfort and even prosperity.


To dream of ammunition (shells) heralds the successful completion of the business started. Issyakshie ammunition during the battle suggests some fruitless efforts that come to nothing lead.


Seeing like a party fight - means that you will seek to win the love and enter into the life of a man who, as you know, does not belong to you. You will incur a great risk of losing their good reputation in business affairs. This portends a dream, fight for it, to keep their positions in life.

For a young woman to dream of combatants - it means that she will have the choice between fans, both of whom loved it and would go for her death.

Glass, Wineglass

Seeing the glass - portends a serious disappointment that a long time will knock you out of the rut. Drink water from a silver cup - means failure Affaires (business).

If you are considering vintage glasses - you will find favor with strangers and the best deals from them. A woman in a dream to his friend feed water in the glass, waiting for forbidden pleasures.


To dream that you are sick, promises you a little discomfort or unpleasant conversations. Young women see themselves terminally ill - means. That soon she will appreciate the charm of the provisions of an unmarried girl.

If you see a sick relative in a dream - this means that an unexpected event disrupt the well-being of your home.

Rabies, hydrophobia warns you about the machinations of enemies. If you dream you are bitten by a rabid animal - in real life, beware of fraud by a close friend.

Typhoid fever dream you also warns: Be careful with your enemies and attentive to their own health.

Watch typhus epidemic in a dream - to an unfavorable development of your business.

Suffer from dropsy in a dream - to a successful disposal of some illness. If she is ill someone else - expect good news.

Gangrene in a dream does not bode well ahead ..

Dysentery in a dream you or your loved ones - also a bad omen. Be especially attentive to their business - possible failures due to someone's negligence.

See yourself mentally ill - to an unexpected poor result of the work done by you or to the disease, which is most unfortunate way to change your view of the future.

Sick in a dream means jaundice soon the favorable solution of difficult problems. See others in this disease - to the disappointment of a companion and discouraging prospects.

To dream that your child is sick croup - generally a good omen: vain fears for her child will be, and the house reign consent.

Gout is a dream - promises you extraordinary irritation of the senseless obstinacy of someone from the family, which will lead to a small material losses.

Infected with leprosy in his sleep - a harbinger of the disease, as a result of which you lose money and will displease many people.

See sick this terrible disease - an unexpected turn in your business and love that discourage you.

Cure someone of cancer - an omen of success in business, and even wealth. Cancer - a quarrel with a loved being. After such a dream a person may become depressed and run their own affairs. Perhaps the cooling of love, anxiety and restlessness.

To dream as cholera ravaging the country foreshadows the reality of the epidemic of viral disease, a lot of sad and anxious days.

In general, any dream of the disease means that you should be very attentive to his own person.

Bichon (lapdog)

To dream lap-dog - a sign that in difficult times friends will help you.

If a dog skinny and sickly - sad events worsen your prospects for the future.


Sleepwalk through the swamp or Carr means that soon you will find yourself in adverse circumstances. Ghost you will be expected inheritance, and you will experience a sharp disappointment in matters of the heart.

If, while walking through the swamp. You will find clean pools and green mounds - this means that you will be able to keep the good fortune and to reach it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.

Be in the midst of the marsh - it's a sign that you are unable to fulfill their duty.

See the swamp of other people - it means that you will soon sadden people close to you. This dream may herald disease.


To dream of bolts, bolts, etc. It means that on your way will arise terrible obstacles. If the screws and bolts are old or broken, almost all of your expectations will be in vain.


This dream is usually caused by physical causes and needs no such interpretation. Sometimes experience pain during sleep - foretells that soon you will have to go through a great misfortune.

If you can see how the pain affects others, this dream is a warning against possible mistakes.


See yourself leaving the hospital - which means that you will be able to get rid of the insidious enemies that are trying to cause you a lot of hassles.

To dream about a psychiatric hospital - portends you a great mental stress, with which you will overcome difficulties.

If you dream that you are sick and in the hospital, it is a sign of impending illness. Visiting the sick - to the bad news.

Sores, ulcers,

To dream sores - it means that the disease will bring you loss and mental exhaustion. Bandaging sore (putting a compress on it) means that your deepest desires and dreams fulfilled in the joy of others.

If you dream of a baby with a deep, reaching to the bone ulcer - this means that the painful and annoying incident will break your plans, and your children will be in danger of infectious diseases.

If you dream of sores on his body, it portends the imminent breakdown of your physical and mental health. This dream foretells not only the disease but also the deterioration of your affairs at work.


To dream of a beard - means that you will face some alien to you by the spirit of a person, you will have a brutal struggle for power, and probably in this fight you will have losses.

Gray beard means failure and strife.

To see the bearded woman - is unpleasant meetings and long illness.

If you dream someone pulls you by the beard - expect that you will incur more risk if the property is not entered.

Combed and groomed beard - to the fact that your vanity will grow with prosperity, making you extremely unpleasant for the former friends.

If a young woman in a dream groom beard - a dream indicates its desire to break the vow of celibacy and the fear unsuccessful marriage.


If you are in a dream are concerned that you have warts - this means that you will be unable to successfully repel attacks on your honor.

To see that the warts on your hands disappear, meaning that you will overcome all obstacles on the path to success.

See warts others - a warning that you are near the worst enemies.

If you display them - it means that you will reflect energy from threatening you and your family in danger.


If you are in a dream fight with someone - wait in the near future collision with serious difficulties, but if in your dream you will win - then you will overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.

For business people this dream foretells conflicts with partners. Watch the fight - means that you are wasting wasting time and money.

If during the fight you are injured - the dream promises you material losses.

If you dream you're watching a duel with pistols - the dream promises you trouble in the future, but in the end, all your problems will be resolved satisfactorily.


Wander at night barefoot, in tattered clothes - it means that your expectations will fail. Some evil forces will impede your every action.


See on someone his shoes - a bad dream for those who love. It is possible that your opponent will replace the image of the beloved heart.

Wear new shoes in a dream - a big success in the affairs of men - to increase wages.

Old boots in your sleep - a warning against cunning traps on your way to success.

Barrel, keg

A barrel full of water - it's a dream that promises complete satisfaction in your home.

In contrast, an empty barrel portends trouble; Happiness for some time will change you.

Cracked, split barrel in a dream - to family problems.

Marriage, marriage

For a woman to dream that she marries the decrepit old man means that all other things will be added trouble and illness.

If, during the ceremony of her lover in a black pass by, looking at her with reproach - it portends her cooling her friends.

See, dream wedding ceremony - means joy and pleasure, if only in a dream, guests are dressed in bright clothes and fun. Black clothes on promise sorrow away.

If you are a minister at the wedding ceremony - in reality you will experience the pleasure and self-care.

See an accident during a wedding - portends suffering.

If a young woman sees herself the bride, but not very happy - it foretells her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person, a happy marriage.

But any married women dream about his own wedding motivates her to abandon vanity and pettiness.


To dream bracelet on his arm - a gift to a lover or friend - is a sign of an early and happy marriage.

If a young woman loses her bracelet, it offers a variety of troubles.

Find your dream bracelet - to ensure that you become the owner of a large property.


To dream of his brothers healthy and full of energy - it means that you will have a reason to rejoice their own or their successful destiny.

If they are poor or in sorrow, or pray for help - then soon you expect not very pleasant event.


Seeing themselves as the owner of diamonds - a very auspicious dream, heralding the honors and recognition of your merits.

For a young woman to dream that the favorite gives her diamonds, it means that the wedding it will be a very beautiful and a lot of friends will be pleased with it.

Loose Diamonds - the most unlucky dream, predicting a shame and misery.


If you just watch the shave in my dream - so you actually set out to carry out some promising business, but you do not have the necessary sunk enough to succeed.

If you dream that you are going to shave - it means that you let the crooks fool you.

If you shave themselves while dreaming - then you will be alone to provide leadership in their own case and to rule the household at home, although the presence of grumpy hostess will cause constant scandals.

If due to shaving your face will appear to you in a dream clean-shaven - so, in real life, you will enjoy the peace, and your behavior towards business partners is impeccable.

If your face in a dream is bristly and stale, you will experience a lot of excitement in the marital relationship.

If your razor is blunt and you scratching his cheek. You give your friends reason to criticize your privacy.

If you dream your beard will be gray - so in reality you will not miss a basic sense of justice, which require you to circumstances.

If you dream of a woman shaving a man - hence, its nature is difficult to resist the carnal pleasures.

If she dreamed that she shaves - hence its behavior will be so missed femininity that men turn away in disgust from her.


To dream about someone's eyebrows - means that unexpected interference will stand in your way.


If you dream you to wade clean water - this means that you will take part in the passing, but refined pleasures.

If the water is dirty - threatens you a disease. See children walking on clean water - happy soy, which portends good luck to you.

The young woman to dream that she is at the net, foaming water - a sign that it will soon achieve the implementation of its most cherished desire.


See yourself in a dream tramp - is poverty and suffering.

To dream of vagrants - a sign of the harmful effect on you of your few strange environment.

Giving something tramp - means that your generosity will be appreciated.


If a woman dreams of a bronze statue, it seems that her attempts to win the heart of the man she identified as her husband, doomed to failure.

If you dream a statue showing signs of life, or moves it (a woman) waits for a short love affair.

To dream of bronze serpents or insects - it foretells that you will pursue envy. See alloys bronze - means that your destiny is uncertain and does not satisfy you.


To dream that you are smitten with bronchitis, foretells you a bit of trouble in the implementation of your plans, what the reason may be, it will be the illness of someone close.

However, suffering from bronchitis in a dream sometimes means the appearance of discouraging prospects ahead of you, at the time, as you will seek to acquire long-desired thing by you.


If you had a pants - this means that you will soon decline in corrupt acts.

If you dream you are wearing pants inside out - this means that soon you will find yourself a prisoner of someone's charm.


If you see the dream of the future, the dream will help you pull yourself together and keep from even more wasteful and extravagant steps.


If a woman dreams that she kills the buffalo - means it will take up some very important work, and showing willpower, abandoning wealth, win the approval of men and get it for a long time desired.

In addition, Buffalo, seen in a dream, foretells the emergence of powerful but unwise enemies. They openly will oppose you, but your behavior tact and diplomacy will help you defeat them.


Pins in a dream warned of family quarrels and discord. The girl was a dream warns of rough dealings with her her lover.

If you dream you swallow a pin, then in real life some extraordinary circumstances force you to take risky conditions.

Lost in a dream you pin facing minor damage or quarrel.

Bent or rusty pin prevents that your frivolous behavior would lead to a loss of respect for you.

If you dream you pin pierce the body - which means that a certain person to act on your nerves.


See themselves included in a strange house, where you pounced Bulldog, it is a possible violation of your laws of their country, perjury to achieve their goals.

If you meet a friendly bulldog. You are waiting for success in life despite the harsh criticism from your opponents and hostile acts.

Paper, parchment

If you dream you happen to send or at least to keep in the hands of paper (or parchment) - it is a sign that you are in danger of losing. In real life, they are likely to show up in the form of legal process.

Young woman it portends a quarrel with her lover. Beware, if you are married, quarrels in the vicinity of your home. This dream can mean the emergence of rumors around your name.


To dream of a bottle of good, if they are filled with a clear liquid up to the top: you will overcome all obstacles in love, well arrange your affairs.

If the bottle is empty - come to enmesh of unhappiness. Have strong networks and you have to make great efforts and ability to get rid of them.


To see in a dream buffet marks the pleasure and comfort. This same dream can mean a lack of money for you and misery, depending on if you see a buffet tidy and full of clean dishes or empty and dirty.


Loaf of bread in a dream - is frugality, which you seem to lack.

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