Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "Tr-Cha"

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "Tr-Cha"
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This is truly an auspicious dream that promises a happy and prosperous life is good: people trading it portends a rapid accumulation of wealth;

fame - writers and artists; safe journey in a stormy sea of ​​love - all love.

See the mountains towering over green plains - a sure sign of the approaching danger.

If you dream, walking in green meadows, you meet the space with dried grass - it portends illness or difficulties in business.

Happy omen is just a dream of a green and lush grass.

Dried grass promises disappointment.


Tram says dreamed about someone's strong commitment to annoy you.

If you dream you're standing at the bus stop, waiting for the approaching tram dream foretells that soon you will start very dangerous thing.

If your trip on the tram is calm, then you have successfully completed the job.

The accident on the road - portends serious complications in reality.

If you think that the tram is very high - what awaits you in front of a serious risk.

If you dream you're standing in a low, fast-paced tram - you successfully reach your goal.


See yourself in a dream in mourning - it means illness and misfortune.

If you see others in mourning - it heralds the birth of ridiculous rumors about your guilt in other people's misfortunes. Lovers, this dream promises misunderstanding and possibly break.


If you see in a dream triplets - it means business, the success of which you were afraid to end very successfully.

If a man dreams that his wife has a triple - means his proposed solution to the problem, a very long time under discussion the authorities, will be accepted.

Listen dream crying newborn triplets - means that the odds to your enjoyment, the world would soon run out.

When a girl dreams that she gave birth to triplets - it means that it will be rich, but unhappy in love.


If you dream that you are sitting on the throne - this means that you will find rapid success in everything. However, you expect a big disappointment if you dream you see that descend from the throne.

See the throne someone else - means that you will achieve success through luck and goodwill of others.

Path Meaning of Dreams

To dream that you are walking on the narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstacles, it portends that a collision with a lot of all sorts of misfortunes extremely irritate you, and bring balance.

To dream that you are trying to find a path that means that you will fail at the end of the job you were hoping successfully completed in the near future.

Walk down the path lined with flowers and grass, I promise you relief from the love that you have for a long time burden.


To dream of a cane - portends that you enter into a contract without proper registration and therefore will incur financial losses.

If you dream you are walking with a cane - which means that in cases you will constantly depend on others' advice.

Admire the beautiful cane - means that you trust in the affairs of the people who in the future will show loyalty and devotion towards you.

Pipes and tubes

Pipe dream symbolize the peace and quiet after a long struggle. Sewage, gas pipes, and the like - portend extraordinary respect and care for you in your environment.

Old or broken pipe dream - a sign of poor health or stagnation in the work. A dream in which you smoke a pipe, will be for you the promise of a meeting with an old friend; In addition, this dream promises to reconcile after a quarrel.

Pipe (music tool)

To dream pipe - means that very soon you will absorb completely new, unusual interests.

If you dream you blow into the tube - the dream promises you the fulfillment of desires.


Watch a dream pet, loaded with heavy burdens, it means that you will succeed in business, however, will not always be true to their colleagues.

See men engaged in heavy labor, I promise you a successful work and good health.

If you dream you yourself do hard labor - it heralds favorable prospects for any new initiatives.

If a farmer had a dream - he promises him a bountiful harvest.


See yourself in a dream diligent and hard working - it means that in reality you are extremely active in developing and implementing ideas that will be fruitful for your business. This will lead to the success of your entire enterprise.

See other people absorbed by their labor - who saw very favorable for sleep.


To dream of a corpse - unfortunately, because this dream - a harbinger of the sad news. There are poor prospects for commercial affairs. The young man was waiting for disappointment and lack of pleasure.

See the deceased, dressed in black - a sign of impending death of a friend or a desperate predicament in business.

To see corpses on the battlefield - portends war and generally a complication of relations between the countries and political groups.

Seeing the body of the animal heralds the unhealthy situation in cases of deterioration of health.

Seeing dead someone in your family - portends a disease to someone from relatives or family breakup.

For those who love - a sure sign that they are able to keep these sacred vows to each other.

Close your eyes during sleep coins deceased - means that unscrupulous enemies will rob you, using your temporary impotence.

If you put a coin in one eye only, you can return the lost property after an almost hopeless struggle.

The young woman, this dream foretells grief after she trust dishonest people.

If a young woman sees the coffin shop owner, in which it operates - a dream foretells her cooling her fans.

If you sleep with the corpse's head separated from the body and falls - a dream is a sign of the future intrigues against it.

When the coffin with the corpse is in the hall of the store - a dream foretells losses and troubles that affected so many. Son urges a more sober assessment of their actions.

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "C-Xia"

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "C-Xia"
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See newly furnished bedroom - happy change for someone who sees the dream.

Travel to distant lands and pleasant companions - that's what awaits you in the near future.


To dream of a naked back. - It means the loss of power. Dream foretells that in this situation, give advice or money is dangerous. This dream is often preceded by the disease.

Seeing someone turned his back to you and goes, certainly portends that envy and jealousy, together, try to act against you.

To dream of your own back - I do not promise you any good.


Seeing the calm sea - is the successful completion of a dubious enterprise.

Feel relaxed and happy in a dream - a sign of a long and well-spent life and good, vigorous old age, which you will.


To argue on trifles in a dream - to poor health and unjustly convicted.

If you dream that you are participating in a scientific debate - that means you have a large latent abilities that you desperately want to develop.


Sleep where you tripped over something and fell, I warn you: You are more carefree. You need to make an effort to deal with their affairs.

To see the other person, stumbled and fallen, meaning that you will be able to benefit from the reckless behavior of others.

The quarrel, strife dream interpretation of Miller

Quarrels in sleep promise adversity and fierce altercation.

For a girl it is a signal of chronic troubles, as a married woman - a harbinger of a divorce or a long rift in the family.

Watch other people's quarrels in a dream - portends the failure of service and frustration in their craft.


To see a dream in which you require fairness means that you face the difficulties brought on false accusations of malicious people.

If justice demands from you - that your behavior and reputation of the condemned. You will not have confidence that you will be able to refute all the allegations.


To dream that you have to hide an object portends difficult circumstances.

Find the hidden things in a dream - it means that you are waiting for fun and joy.

For a young woman hiding in a dream objects - means that there will be a lot of rumors, but in the end her reputation did not suffer.

The old

If you had a elderly - it portends trouble and care that will oppress and rob you peace of mind.

Statues, sculptures

Statues seen in a dream, only represent a break with your loved one. Your weakness makes it impossible to implement your desires.

Quilt blanket

If you see in a dream quilt - so you will ensure a pleasant and peaceful for business.

Woman dream warns that its practical, and business acumen to attract respectful attention of a man who wants to marry her.

If the dream of her blanket clean, but leaky - it means it will get a husband who will appreciate it at its true worth, but he is not only desirable for her life companion.

If the blanket is dirty, she may have to answer for his own negligence in the behavior and therefore miss out on an honest and decent man.


In the dream, to look through the glass - portends troubles.

Break the glass (windows) - heralds the failure of a business that you have given a lot of effort.

If you dream that you cut glass - you can quickly gain the admiration of many, if you want to show their abilities.

If you admire washed clean panes - the dream promises the prestigious service location to be associated with conflict in your environment.

If the glass is murky - you are waiting for failure.


To dream that you are facing a wall that blocked the way to you, it foretells that you will not sustain the pressure on you and will lose even what is already achieved.

Jump over the wall in a dream - it means that you will overcome obstacles and carry out your wishes.

Break a breach in the wall - promises you a goal to which you come, showed unprecedented resistance and hardness intentions.

Break down the walls - a sign that you'll master your enemies.

Build a wall - it foretells that you carefully plan your luck, the way to eliminate the interference.

If a young woman dreams that she rises to the top of the wall - it is said that her future happiness be reliable.

If she hides behind a wall - it promises her love, for which later it would be a shame.

If she walks along the wall, dream foretells that she will be even more diligently monitor their appearance and will be very attractive.

Steppe, prairie

If you had a steppe - You'll enjoy easy, gorgeous and free movement forward.

Hilly, grassy steppe and flowers heralds the joyful surprises. Naked steppe threatened, loss and sadness of loneliness.

If you get lost in the wilderness - is a sign of trouble and sorrow.


To dream washing - portends a struggle which will end and your victory will lead to success.

If the garment is laundered clean -: Your ambitions will bring complete happiness.

If you are dissatisfied with a view of things, then you will fail.

To dream about a pretty girl, busy washing, it means that you're looking for forbidden pleasures.


If you dream table set for dinner - so, soon you expect a pleasant acquaintance and favorable circumstances.

If you see empty tables in a dream - be wary of quarrels and disagreements.

If you dream you take away from the table - it promises that the peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

There in a dream at the table without a tablecloth - means that soon you will reach an independent position so that the prosperity of others and does not disappoint you.

If you dream table moves in some mysterious way - so soon you will experience a deep dissatisfaction with their lives and will be looking for change.

Torn tablecloth portends strife in the family.

Broken table - is declining, change for the worse.

Hear dream rapping on the table - a harbinger of what you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your fate will be threatened. This dream warns you that you will lose a lot, if you become a neglected family and friends.

If you dream you sit down at your desk - it warns you and encourages diligence.

Money lying on your desk, predict that you are happy to get out of difficulties.


To dream of a collision - a serious accident or injury, frustration, failure in business.

For a young woman to see a collision - meaning that it will be hard to make any choice.


To see the carpenter in a dream - promises you a pleasant job at first sight, doing that, you will meet many challenges, which will require from you all your attention.


If you dream you hear the groans - that in reality you have to make decisions quickly, as around you formed an unfavorable situation.


If you see in a dream only one side of an object - means a person to whom you are going to make a business proposal, treat him with indifference.

If you look down in the dream from the self-torment - so you expect a lot of trouble at work, which will test your stamina.

If looking at ourselves. You find yourself strong and healthy man - so in love and work you expect success.


The dream of suffering - is unfavorable. It portends strong concern ahead of that, however, will be combined with the joys.

If you dream you are suffering from the loss of money or property - that means sickness or decline in the affairs of your family, painful effect on your mental balance and you need a lot of effort not to get lost.

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