Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams in the "Ta-T"

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams in the "Ta-T"
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Tobacco dream portends success in business; but failing in love. If you see in a dream growing tobacco - then you will be successful in business.

Dried tobacco leaves ensure a good crop farmer and trader high returns.

Smoking tobacco in a dream foretells friendship.


To dream about some pills you foreshadows success in small business.

For a woman in a dream, or swallow the tablet drop - means that her life would be concerned about the petty envy or other insignificant troubles.


To dream pelvis - promises you a nice new worries a lot of joy around you.

Wash with clean water from a basin - it means that the coverage you desire complete fulfillment of desires, and life is closely connect you with someone who you are interested in.

If the basin is dirty or broken - you will regret forbidden meetings that hurt others, and you just amused.


To see that dream you were confused by the mysterious events means that strangers will annoy you with their requests for help. This dream is a warning against the neglect of your duty to which you are quite indifferent. In the cases you will have unpleasant complications.

To dream that you are interested in the mystery of creation, it portends you life changes that will create a creative atmosphere that could lead you to a true take-off of the spirit and joy of creation.


Riding in a taxi in a dream - a portent of pleasant entertainment and well-being of very average.

Riding in a taxi in the evening with other people - it means that you will have a secret that you try to hide it from their friends.

Riding in a taxi with a woman - promises gossip; Your name will link the scandal to the people louche.

See yourself in a dream a taxi driver - portends physical labor with very little chance of promotion.


If you dream that you wear a talisman - then you will find a true friend and will win the location of the powerful.

If a girl sees her lover in a dream, giving her a mascot - so all her dreams associated with marriage, will come true.


To dream customs - to the aggravation of the spirit of competition and competitiveness in your work.

Sign in sleep in customs - it means that you will start to fight for the position to which you have long sought.

Leave customs - portends loss provisions fail to trade or an unsuccessful attempt to reach a long-desired goal.

Dance Jig

Dance a jig in a dream - portends a lot of pleasure and fun in the near future.

To dream of his beloved dancing a jig, portends your partner at work are very encouraging circumstances.

To see the dancers on stage, dancing a jig means that you expect the entertainment is not very tasteful.

Dance, dance

To dream of happy dancing children - heralds a happy marriage, a loving happy family.

Young people dream promises simple operation and fun leisure.

If you dream of dancing the elderly - a dream predicts a bright future in business.

Dancing in the dream itself - a long-awaited sign of good luck.


If you had a slipper - know that you are waiting for a bad novel or a risky affair. You run the risk of becoming the object of passion married man that will give you a lot of grief, and, perhaps, end the scandal.

If you dream that your slippers cause someone's admiration - means. Your flirting store for you dishonor and disgrace.


If a young woman sees in a dream dish - so it will always be frugal, thrifty hostess and win a decent husband.

If she is married, the above-mentioned sleep will help it to further strengthen her husband's love and respect thanks to the wise housekeeping.


To dream of her body covered in tattoos - it means that any trouble will make you permanently leave your home.

If you dream you see the tattoo on other people - so soon you will become the object of someone's jealousy.

If you dream you are personally someone tattoo - so your friends will soon turn away from you because of your eccentricities.


The dreams in which you see yourself to enjoy your vacation on a beautiful couch and talk about the problems of love with his lover, foretells that your jealous rivals looking for ways to discredit you in the eyes of your bride. Dream encourages you to be more resolute in his actions; You should hurry up with the wedding.


If you dream you see yourself in the theater - so - soon you will gain new good friends. After this dream your case will also go well.

If you dream that you are one of the actors involved in the play - so you upcoming joy will not last long.

See yourself in a dream in the Variety - it means that you foolishly lose their wealth. If you see yourself in the opera - thus fulfilled all your desires and dreams.

If you see yourself in a dream in the theater, laughing and cheering - it means soon you acted honorably in order to satisfy an empty caprice.

If you are in a dream to flee from the burning theater - so in reality you give yourself to persuade to participate in risky business.


To dream that you are riding on a cart - portends you hard work and a lot of small failures, while you struggle to provide for our families.

See wagon - is bad news.

Seeing that you are running underwater, promises you a well-deserved success in all endeavors.

For those who love to travel together on the cart - is faithful to each other, despite the machinations of rivals.


If you dream that you got a telegram - then you will find bad news. Some of your friends will distort the information in which you are interested. The dream may herald the beginning of a dangerous operation, which, if successful, will bring you honor and prosperity.

To send a telegram in his sleep - means that soon you will have trouble at work, or noisy rumors in connection with the big news.

If you dream you see the telegraph, or are in the building of the telegraph - means business that you started, will fail.

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "SL-Over"

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Dream Miller: the interpretation and meaning of dreams with "SL-Over"
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Feeling weak in the dream - is harmful to the health of workers and mental anxiety.

After such a dream we must try to reconsider their habits and change the way of life.

Glory, fame

To dream that you have become widely known and famous, it promises to have executed a wish.

If you dream you are surrounded by all the famous people - then in reality you are very quick to make progress in their profession.

Sweetness, sweetness

If you dream you feel the sweet taste in the mouth - then in the period of serious problems and calamities Your behavior is above all praise than you earn the respect of others.

If you dream you are somehow trying to get rid of sweetness - so, soon you will behave unjustly towards his friends, they will humiliate and ridicule than invoke their offense.


If you dream you cry - so, soon you will find trouble.

If you dream you see people crying - so your grief and sorrow of others moved.


To dream itself blind - means a sudden change of fate: the wealth, abundance, you suddenly come to an almost abject poverty.

See other blind - so that any decent person will turn to you for help.

Cream, Cream

To dream that you are served cream, foretells you wealth. In my profession you will reach great heights.

For the farmers - is a favorable dream, heralding a good harvest, and joy in the house.

Drink cream - good luck that is waiting for you.

For lovers - a harbinger of a speedy connection.


Green plum in the green foliage of trees indicate that anxiety and deprivation does not affect you personally or something - has direct relevance to you.

Ripe plums portend fleeting joy.

If you dream eat plums - then you will be passionate about flirting and other transient pleasures.

If you collect plum dream - you will find the fulfillment of desires, but they disappoint you with its flimsy, ephemeral.

If you are in a dream pick plums from the ground and they are among the few rotten fruit - then you have to recognize their expectations frustrated because you can not eat alone joy of life.

Addition (mathematical).

To dream that you are thinking of adding means that you have to overcome the difficulties in business, which soon will be clearly threatening forms.

Find any error in the summation - it indicates that you can defeat your enemies, successfully guessing their intentions before they implement them.

Fold in the counting machine - predicts that you will have a powerful ally who will save you from much pressure and coercion on the part of others.

If you can not read the numbers - you lose your fortune, as can not with sufficient insight to understand the situation.


To dream that you are riding on an elephant, it means that you will get a highly durable and deserve state honors; you will accept with dignity. All areas of activity of your company will be subject to you, and as authoritative will your position in the house.

To see a herd of elephants - the long-awaited, true well-being.

Elephant lone heralds of your small business, but very reliable.

Seeing an elephant grazing means that you have risen in your community due to its goodness and justice.


A servant in a dream - the sign of your future luck, however, some dark sense. It seems that the anger will push you to the futile unrest and senseless quarrels.

Release dream servant - heralds of regret and loss.

If you dream quarrel with his servant, you may wake up, find out the real reason for dissatisfaction to those who evades his duty.

If you dream a servant to rob you - so close you have someone who does not respect the integrity of the estate.

The death, the deceased

If you had a dead one of your loved ones - a dream is a warning :, you have to grin and meet some testing, maybe even a loss.

To hear the voice in the dream dead friend - to the bad news. A person, seeing the dream of the death of such a dream is sent as a warning.

Talking in his sleep with the dead father - that urge you to carefully consider starting a business, all related operations.

Son warns of someone plotting intrigues against you. Men and women after this dream should be more shrewd one considers his conduct, to protect the reputation.

Chatting in a dream with a dead mother perceived as a call to control your tendency to pay attention to health.

The conversation with the deceased's brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion.

If someone is dead to you in a dream fun and lively - this means that you properly organize your life that may be such a serious mistake that will affect all your fate, unless you mobilize the will to address them.

If in a conversation with a deceased relative who is trying to wrest from you for a pledge - a warning is that you have to confront the coming gloom, a period of decline in business and to listen more attentively to the wise advice.

The voice in his sleep, owned by a relative of the deceased, that is the only real form of warnings sent by the external force of the near future that can perceive our sleeping brain.

Even Paracelsus we find the council with more attentive to what we are told in a dream which were the shadows of the dead loved ones: Sleep can get in a dream, even advice from the dead, and experience shows that their use has brought the desired results; shadow of a deceased person close to us only awakens dormant parts of the brain, causing a life latent in them knowledge.

Baste, sew

For a woman in her sleep baste sewing - a sign of big trouble, annoyance, irritation due to its own folly and extravagance.


To dream that you have fun and laugh, meaning success in business in society brilliant companions.

Unrestrained laughter over the portents of fate - you portends frustration, and lack of harmony in your environment.

Heard in the dream of a happy children's laughter - promises you joy and health.

Laugh at the failures of others - a sign that you are intentionally hurting friends to satisfy their selfish desires.

Hear ridicule - foretells illness and disappointment in business.


To dream that you are experiencing humility, humiliation, or in any case perpetrated by you, it means that you do not appear in the best light is in front of those people whose opinion do you hold dear. Your money matters, too, will bring you sorrow.


Dream of resin warns you about the perfidy of the enemy.

If you dream you see gum on your hands or clothes - then wait for an illness or misfortune.


If you dream about snow - so long as your life, no real troubles, whether illness or business troubles.

If you dream you caught the storm - so you expect the sadness and frustration due to the inability to enjoy what you've been waiting for. This dream is always accompanied by mental confusion.

If you eat snow in a dream - you expect the collapse of ideals.

If you dream of dirty snow - means. Your pride will be pacified and you are reconciled to those who will despise you arrogant.

If you had a melting snow - means. Your fear will result in joy.

If you dream you are looking through the window at the falling snow in large flakes - is a harbinger of a toga, you quarrel with your lover and alienation aggravated financial difficulties.

To dream of snow-capped mountains in the distance means that your ambition to bring you an undeserved success.

If you dream of shining in the sun snowy landscape - so unkind to you fortune subservient to you and you will have power.

If a girl dreams that she is rolling in a sleigh through the snow - so it will have to overcome strong resistance, defending the elect.

If you dream about playing snowballs. - It portends you a family dispute with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well founded, that justice was on your side.

If you dream that you are lost in the snow, or can not get somewhere because of snow drifts - so you expect a long series of failures.

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