Card guessing the future, decomposed on playing cards

 Guessing the future is anyone's guess, female divination by playing cards, decomposed on maps

Perhaps the card divination by playing cards, this is the most that neither is on the female magic. It's hard to find a woman that I would have at least once in my life have resorted to this method look into the future. Here and divination on the flowers, and Christmas rituals, divination and card playing cards of diamonds, of hearts, king of clubs.

These so we women curious creatures. Well, we'd like to know what was going on, and over, and the heart to calm down.

Ability to guess - is primarily the ability to intuitively read hidden information. Inherent is largely us women, since we by nature are more emotional and intuitive.

Most professional fortune-tellers recognized that the process of card divination for them a kind of meditation. Moreover card therein used only as a matter of helping to concentrate. therefore cards of different values ​​given so much.

For each alignment of It assumed its value cards. Moreover, cards can be interpreted only taking into account the overall picture, but not individually.

When it is possible to guess

For card divination is not for every day. After obtaining the hidden information delicate process. Guessing on the maps better on Wednesday and Friday. These days astrology considered feminine. Guessing better on sunny days, foggy and rainy weather maps never tell the truth.

Guessing on days religious holidays is considered a sin. The most accurate answers to their questions can be wondering during the Christmas holidays, and on Friday the 13th. Guessing night is highly undesirable, the best time for divination from 7 am to 7 evening.

Card divination by playing cards

One person can guess only once a day. Throw Cards can be no more than three times a day, then begin to confuse the map. Never ask the cards the same question a second time. Card might be offended.

And please note that any divination should be treated only if In this there is a need.

In order to succeed you must divination ritual seclusion, muted light and silence. Before divination, try relax, out of my head all that is irrelevant to the question divination.

If you're wondering for passion, try to mentally to recreate his image. Only after such simple actions can be start divination.

Ways of card divination there is great variety. Consider the simplest of them.

The following alignment of the maps is called "Cross".

He convenient in case you need to quickly and easily get any information about the future.

Shuffle the deck and place it out of your card or the person to whom you guess. Then remove from the deck, looking away one after the other four cards.

Lay them counterclockwise, face down Put on top of the first card, the second - on the left, the third - and fourth from bottom - right. Now set aside the deck to the side and, starting from the first turn turn the cards face to himself.

Decipher the meaning of the first, go to the second, and so on. Maps in this scenario are as follows: the first card - the thoughts and Hope to guess the second card - the near future, the third - more distant future.

And the fourth card - something that will happen regardless of the Gad unexpectedly for himself.

The second, also a fairly simple layout maps, called "Circle".

It allows not only to look to the future, but also to assess its position in the present.

From the deck of cards is laid out card means a person who guessing. This card will be the center of the circle.

Around her, from the top, clockwise spread 9 cards. This is done so - take out from the deck every seventh card, the remaining cards are placed back down the deck.

AT This scenario first 3 cards mean the past, the second trio - Currently, a third trio of cards - is the future.

The first or upper card It means the root of the problem, the last - the final result, the outcome of the event. The fifth card in this scenario means action, event or person, and which will contribute to the final result.

If the outcome of events turned out to have an undesirable, such action is necessary or person avoided. If the result is positive, it is necessary to come into contact with the person, or to commit this act.

Thus this Card Divination by playing cards It gives a certain program of action for the future.

The best-known methods of divination for the future, on the Tarot

Table of contents
The best-known methods of divination for the future, on the Tarot
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At all times people wanted to know the future and try to understand whether it is possible to do something to correct it or at least to make the right choices in the present. They turned to diviners, mediums, clairvoyants, fortune tellers, or trying to learn to guess yourself.

But until now, most do not know where to start and what actually something to tell fortunes. I'll try to help you and tell you about the most famous current methods of divination.

Guessing on Tarot

One of the most ancient, mysterious and reliable prediction systems. The exact history of the origin of the tarot is unknown. There are many versions about this. The ancestral home of the Tarot called Persia, India, China, Greece, Italy, Egypt. By the way, the most common version of the appearance of the Tarot was in Egypt.

It is believed that the Tarot appeared there during the reign of Ramses II (hence the name of one of the translations of these cards - "the way of Pharaoh"). It is believed, though Egyptian priests got some secret knowledge from the sunken Atlantis and encrypt them in 78 plates with drawings, so that this knowledge is not lost in the centuries.

Knowledge really is not gone, but these tablets and died in a fire at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. By the time they were taken over by representatives of other nations. Taro began its journey around the world. In Europe, these cards have appeared thanks to Roma around the 14th century. The first literary mention of Tarot dates back to the year 1392, and the oldest surviving tarot cards of the European Museum, were established in 1390.

Around the same time the card is clearly divided into two parts - the major and minor arcana. Younger known to us under the guise of an ordinary playing deck. And over 22 cards and were "secret." The Russian tarot cards came during the French Revolution.

Due to the sacred tradition of the Tarot became widely used by a variety of magical orders, sects, communities. Albigenses, Freemasons, Kabbalists (for example, they believe that the 22 Major Arcana Tarot - 22 this stage of spiritual development of man). In XX century, a new wave of interest in the Tarot originated thanks to the Order of "Golden Dawn" Aleister Crowley.

Then there is now considered classic deck "Reeder December" and deck Ryder Wylie. Today there are many tarot decks. And list them all is almost impossible. Here are some of the most famous names: Marseilles Tarot Tarot Witches Tarot Aquarian Age, Tarot Manara, Tarot Druid King Arthur Taro, Taro Salvador Dali Mirror of Fate.

Continue to appear new deck, new books on their interpretation are subject to the new methods of working with the Tarot. Now it is not only the cards for divination. They are used for meditation, development capabilities, the bioenergy (eg, methods fireball with Tarot), healing, psychology and psychiatry.

There are techniques to use tarot magic. Just not count, just do not tell you ... You just need to take a Tarot card in hand and try to look beyond the horizon of our hectic lives, ask them for advice and support.

Cards Lenormand

The second of the most famous decks for divination associated with the name of Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand. Mademoiselle Lenormand was the most famous fortune teller France 19th century. Daughter of craftsmen trained in the monastery school (however, most self - most of the time she spent in the library of the monastery among antique books and treatises), he moved to Paris and became a student of the famous occultist Etteilla.

Thanks to the knowledge he later she was able to open a salon predictions on equal footing with his girlfriend and soon gain fame among the most influential and distinguished people of the capital. She visited Robespierre, Marat, and many others of the Jacobins. In his books it mentioned Alexandre Dumas. Once it has been accessed Russian Decembrists - Lunin and Ants-Apostol. It is said that she was even presented to Emperor Alexander I. The most frequently mentioned name Lenormand, together with the name of Josephine de Beauharnais.

It Lenormand crown Emperor Napoleon predicted, and later divorce, and defeated Napoleon in the war with Russia. The latter Napoleon never forgave her. She was sent into exile, where, however, wasted no time, he has devoted himself to writing books and developing their cards. So far it is not known for sure whether it was her authoring system or processing cards Etteilla.

Cards Lenormand also sometimes called the Tarot, although this is not entirely true. There are 2 options decks. Full astromifologicheskaya 52 card deck and Little Mary Lenormand 36 cards. Full deck is quite complex and requires serious study. The second is more understandable and accessible, in my opinion, even for beginners.

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