Theory and practice of physical therapy, the study and application of exercise

 the development of physical therapy

It should also emphasize the role of MA Romanov, who was the first in the Soviet Union in 1926, organized physiotherapy at the hospital site name Medsantrud (Moscow), where extensive use of exercise and hardening elements in the treatment of patients.

A further phase of development of physical therapy in the Soviet Union should be regarded as the opening of special offices and classrooms for various, mainly physiotherapy and trauma, research institutes, which were developed methods of using physical therapy in various diseases and to train personnel specialists?

An essential role in the development of the department of physical therapy played a medical physical training in the Institute of Postgraduate Medical and some medical schools.

Later physiotherapy implemented in clinics and hospitals is more widely used in a practical medicine and enriches the experience of using it in a variety of diseases in internal medicine, nerve, surgical, children in obstetric clinic, and especially well with the military-traumatic lesions and their consequences.

It should be noted an extremely positive impact on the development of physical therapy, particularly organizational forms, BA Ivanovo. With its activities concerning certain stage of development of the medical and sports work (pre-war). For the first time headed the department of physical therapy and medical monitoring system of the Central Postgraduate Medical Institute (Moscow), BA Ivanovsky had a lot of work to disseminate specific knowledge of physical therapy and medical control among medical specialists.

He is the author of the main benefits of medical control that has stood the four editions. BA Ivanovski promoted the development of physical therapy in the resorts, where at its governing participation were held scientific and practical conference in Kislovodsk, Yalta, Sochi, Odessa and Moscow.

He was the initiator of the journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture" I spent five years as its chief editor. From 1927 to 1937 BA Ivanovsky, a specialist working in the Commissariat, to actively influence the development of physical therapy in the country.

The study and application of exercise

By the beginning of World War I had accumulated experience in the application of medical gymnastics, especially with injuries. This experience has been used sanitary services of different armies, mainly in order to follow-up care. The medical service of the Russian army exercise is also used mainly for follow-up care of soldiers exposed to trauma.

Accumulated experience in the study and application of physical exercise as a therapeutic method for injuries allowed the use of exercise therapy for the treatment of soldiers injured in the fighting at Hassan and especially in Khalkhin Gol. For injuries characteristic of wartime physiotherapy began to be used in hospitals during his Khalkhin Gol.

In the following exercises have found widespread use in hospitals, where they were identified indications for physical therapy with the war trauma, developed organizational forms of application of physiotherapy in hospitals under wartime conditions, as well as refined private physiotherapy techniques for various injuries of war.

Of particular importance physiotherapy acquired in a World War II as one of the most powerful methods of rehabilitation and fighting capacity. As a matter of physical education is an integral part of the overall education and physiotherapy can not be separated from the general measures of therapeutic effects.

In this regard it as an important method of functional therapy has taken its rightful place in the complex treatment of the sick and wounded during the Great Patriotic War and in the postwar period, in a complex of measures of rehabilitation therapy.

The fact that physiotherapy has justified itself as an important factor replacement therapy in the Great Patriotic War, say digit growth cabinets and used specialists in physical therapy in the evacuation hospital of People's Commissariat of the USSR.

Exercise therapy in diseases

 Exercise therapy in diseases

With the expansion of medical knowledge and clinical disciplines differentiation specialists have developed a system of physical therapy applied to the treatment of various diseases.

Ertel proposed method path,

Schott - gymnastics for patients with heart disease,

Frenkel, Jacob - gymnastics in the disorder of motor function (paresis, paralysis, ataxia movements)

Singer Gofbauer - breathing exercises in bronchial asthma and emphysema,

Clap - gymnastics in the curvature of the spine.

The dominant number of these so-called systems. You can not even be called a system, as they do not pose systematic knowledge on the subject and is based on the gross empiricism.

An exception is the work of Clapp, which systematically sets out the teaching material for the correction of the different curvatures of the spine. But this system of Soviet specialists did not consider it possible to accept in full and have modified it in accordance with the principles of Soviet medicine and physical therapy.

For the maintenance of medical gymnastics influenced by the negative trend in analytical medicine and the doctrine of cellular pathology Virchow.

Influenced by the teachings of Virchow Clinic developed lokalisticheskoe direction in the treatment of diseases that affected the transfer of these views to the therapeutic application of physical exercises.

The movement used in physical therapy for diseases regarded from the standpoint of local influence, and based on what technique they primeneniya.Yarkim example of this situation is flourishing mechanotherapy, which paid tribute to the development of their analytical direction of medicine XIX and early XX century.

Synthetic, integrative medicine, the development of physical therapy in medicine

 the development of physical therapy

Already in the XX century to replace the analytical medicine has come a synthetic, integrative medicine. Works of Russian clinicians, as well as the achievements of Russian physiological school influenced the development of Soviet medicine, a new approach to a comprehensive assessment of the patient's rights.

Treatment of diseases giving way to treat the patient (antropoterapii).

In this regard, the clinic begin to spread more widely the idea of ​​functional therapy and the methods used to meet objectives of functional treatment. Therefore, medical physiotherapy as a prime method of functional therapy has found a reasonable acceptance and widespread use.

The development of physical therapy in medicine

Soviet physical culture, built on a strictly scientific basis, while seeking new forms and methods absorbed all of the most valuable achievements of mankind for its long history razvitiya.Ratsionalnaya healing system underlying the Soviet physical culture, predetermined and development of medical physical culture THE USSR.

This recreational nature of the Soviet system of physical education, on the one hand, and the position of modern medicine (antropoterapiya, functional and preventive direction, complex therapy, etc.) - On the other, were the main motives for physical culture as a healing factor.

These two points formed the basis for the development of physical therapy in the Soviet medicine, as they harmoniously combine the basic information theory and practice of the issue.

Sources physiotherapy

In the Soviet Union physiotherapy developed mainly from two sources: a) the sports movement in the Soviet Union, and b) medical gymnastics experience gained in terms of practical medicine. These two sources were key in the process of accumulation of knowledge and factual material in physical therapy.

Their associations and the summation in the general and specific problems of the theory and practice of physical therapy contributed to the current trend in Soviet integral medicine, teaching about antropoterapii and wide use in modern therapy clinic functional and integrated treatment.

Advances in biology, physiology, biophysics, biochemistry and health, on the one hand, and the achievement of clinical medicine - on the other, were the basis of the theoretical positions of medical physical training.

They are allowed to come up with in-depth data to understanding the therapeutic value of exercise and theoretically justify their use in a clinical setting in various fields.

Much attention is paid to the case of physiotherapy from the state, scientific and public organizations, the theoretical I practical work of doctors and trainers helped to create the Soviet school of medical physical culture, standing well above the so-called medical gymnastics any bourgeois country.

The adoption of physiotherapy should be attributed to the 1923 - 1924 years., When it was introduced in sanatoriums and resorts. It should be emphasized that the IM-Sarkizov Serazini not only conducted research and development on the history of physiotherapy, general principles, a number of special techniques and explore issues of physical training in the elderly, it is also known as a bright figure in the promotion of the values ​​of physical education I hardening health.

Textbooks on physical therapy, authored by IM Sarkizav-Serazini withstood a number of publications and are valuable guidelines on the issue.
