Breathing exercises in the system of hatha yoga asanas
Approximately 3000 years ago in ancient India religious doctrine has arisen - Brahmanism, whose main purpose is the "restraint of the senses, the soul united with the supreme soul, broke away from the sinful world." An expression of this religious-philosophical teachings is the teaching of Hatha Yoga as one of the types of yoga.
Religious and philosophical doctrine consists of four sections:
a) Hatha yoga - the physical education;
b) Radha Yoga - Psychology yogis;
c) karma yoga - yogis ethical system;
d) Jnana yoga - a philosophy ready.
The system idealist and mystical content is designed for healthy people recommend the use of natural factors of nature (sun, air and water), the ability to enjoy the fresh air, swimming, wiping, and others. A lot of attention is paid to it in the general regime and diet.
Yogis believe that the "active principle" is the life force - "prana" in the air (by breathing), food and water (with power). This system is much attention to the auto-suggestion during exercise, creating a tense nervous system.
The breathing exercises of hatha yoga system is widely used breath holding at inspiration that can not be justified from the standpoint of modern physiological science.
"Asana" - static postures
Much attention is given to this system, "asanas"; t. e. static postures, and each of them (and there are 87) is attributed to some "miracle" impact.
It should be noted that this system of religious-idealistic and mystical content has not been studied from the standpoint of modern science, there are no indications and contraindications for its use and, of course, it can not be spread in our environment.
There is no doubt that the Indians in this period had great practical knowledge. This is evidenced by the fact that the breathing exercises yogis encompasses many breathing exercises, which are used in our time.
But misconceptions about the functions of the human body led them to a false interpretation of the physiological effect of these exercises.
The technique of breathing exercises, breathing exercises
Introducing the disease as a result of contamination of the body juices, Chinese doctors treated breathing exercises as a means of cleansing the body juices. Exercise (especially respiratory) were also used in order to maintain "balance" breathing, since the latter was considered a regulator of blood circulation.
Thus, it should be emphasized that in the development of therapeutic exercises breathing exercises have the greatest prescription use.
Breathing exercises held in the initial position: lying on your side or back, sitting on a chair or on the floor, cross-legged.
This method provides three ways of breathing differing intensity breathing exercises:
a) the method of quiet breathing,
b) deep breathing
c) counter-breath (inspiratory belly is drawn).
A characteristic feature of this method of breathing exercises is the duration of its application - 6 times a day for 30 minutes (as an option).
It seems that the therapeutic effects of Chinese breathing exercises is due to produce a braking effect.
This is also the observation of Chinese experts, who believe that the clinical benefit is determined by the action of breathing exercises and called their braking effect.
In one of the ancient Chinese form of gymnastics, which is fairly widespread in modern China, it is a gymnastics gaydzi. It has a health and wellness orientation.
Ancient cultural ties between China and India, Central Asia and Arab countries had a favorable impact on the development of medicine in these countries.
Thus, in the ancient canon of Chinese medicine, "Huangdi Neytszin" there are indications that the doctor must not only treat patients, but also to promote the health of healthy, t. E. To combine curative and preventive tasks.
The book contains data on the nutritional, therapeutic exercises, breathing and other roles.
The term - physiotherapy
The term "physiotherapy" entered the medical literature since the publication of the first printing of physical therapy management.
By this time it had accumulated some experience in the use of physical training for medical purposes and to determine the content of physiotherapy.
Later, the term was approved by the plenary of the Scientific and Medical Council for Physical Culture Narkomzdraza SSSR.V individual medical sources and even manuals on physiotherapy exercises indicated that a physical therapy refers to treatment of the movement. This position is wrong.
The movement as a biological manifestation of any living organism is the basis for physical therapy. All the people, both healthy and diseased, using movement in terms of their professional activities and domestic situation, but we can not say that they are engaged in physical therapy.
Factor in the patient's body, is not a movement at all, and physical exercises used in an organized form.
Physical exercise is not only seen as a factor of improvement, strengthening and development, but also as a factor in raising a different quality of the patient, such as reaction rate, strength, endurance, coordination, and others.
Physical education at the same time instilling a conscious attitude to the healing process, the settlement of the regime of the day, instilling hygienic habits, hardening and so forth. And when you consider that physiotherapy also uses natural factors, it becomes obvious that the interpretation of the term should go beyond uzkobiologicheskogo understanding.
Therefore, the terms "kinesitherapy", "mototerapiya" and similar as incorrect and distort the essence of the method should be excluded.
The term "physiotherapy" is not exhaustive, but it is simple and meets the content, and in terms of practical medicine and the Soviet public, he found general acceptance.
Hygiene skills and knowledge of physiotherapy
Acquired in hospitals hygiene knowledge and skills of physiotherapy will be transferred to patients and household situation.
VV Gorinevsky at the dawn of the development of physical therapy foresaw its great importance in the fight against manifestations of residual injuries or diseases caused by movement disorder (contracture, paresis), which was brilliantly confirmed later, especially in the Great Patriotic War.
Daughters VV Gorinevskogo - Valentina Valentinovna and Veronika Valentinovna Horn Neva - studied and detailed the basic provisions of therapeutic and prophylactic effect of exercise on the body of the patient.
It should be noted also DS Pirusskogo, who developed a technique mototerapii with the inclusion of occupational therapy and hardening factors (sun, air and water) to describe the methodology for their application.
DS Pirussky relatively little known in the Soviet Union, he worked in Siberia, mainly in Tomsk, both before and after the revolution.
In an effort to realize his views on the huge role of prevention, DS Pirussky in 1895 organized the Tomsk Society for the physical development, which lasted about 25 years.
The funds of the society were organized forest schools and colonies, summer and winter playground for the sickly and malnourished children of the poorest population, where physical exercises, games, and the labor process has received considerable attention.