Exercise therapy treatment of patients with heart disease


On the therapeutic value of physical therapy and exercise also pointed SP Botkin. Talking about the treatment of patients with heart disease, he noted the importance of exercise of functions: "At the same circulatory disorders nervous breathing apparatus may be somewhat accustomed to a certain stimulus.

For example, if the patient is systematically reducing its muscles, develops each time the same amount of effort to excite the respiratory acts, he can finally achieve that the number of respiratory movements during prolonged methodical exercise will increase only slightly, and often short of breath, appearing at movements relatively smaller, does not occur even when reinforced.

An entity with a specific heart defect, mastered false hygiene concepts, hard leaving your muscles inactive, begins to choke at a paltry motion and, on the contrary, the subject of a similar suffering, but do not wean their nerve breathing apparatus from the influence of a certain degree of agent commits motion without sudden sensations of shortness of breath, and only in cases of power cuts a significant number of muscle gets the feeling, which almost does not leave the patient at the wrong its contents. "

GA Zakhar'in, enforcing preventive ideas, recommend their patients use the natural elements of nature to prevent colds. GA Zakhar'in, including the mode of the patient in the form of various movements of walking and gymnastics, argued that drug therapy is a unilateral means of treatment.

One of the largest representatives of Russian medicine AA Ostroumov in his clinical lectures stressed that the clinic is necessary to gradually transfer the recovering patient to a regime that is closest to the conditions of his home life, otherwise the effect will be short-lived, and relapse is provided.

"As long as he is in the hospital - said A. Ostroumov - it feels good, once released into the wild, it will again be a disorder of compensation." This statement AA Ostroumova indicates the importance that he attached to the method of functional therapy, which is a vivid expression of physiotherapy.

He called for bolder daring to test the influence of the motor acts on the course of the disease, indicating that the presence of medical supervision is no need to fear for the development of adverse effects. He believed that the use of physical therapy at the resorts and spas is not limited to its effect on the patient during treatment.

The use of therapeutic exercises, reflexes of the brain

 The use of therapeutic exercises

Prominent Russian pathologist and physiologist AI Polunin in 1851 noted: "Gymnastics is developing not only strengthens the body and prevents the development of diseases and even cures disease ...

with its help cure many forms of scrofulous diseases, English, nerve disease, which are not inferior to the persistent use of other medical supplies ".Voenny doctor Geltovsky first applied swimming and gymnastics in the water for the treatment of" military command scrofulous patients "in the resort of Staraya Russa.

One of the largest Russian clinicians VA Manassein fervently advocated exercises and massage. At the conference, the Military Medical Academy, he made a proposal to introduce in the training academy of the practical course exercises and massage.

During the war of liberation of Serbs and Montenegrins prof. SG Kolomnin Doctor K. Sokolov, and advocated the need for active and passive exercises to restore limb function after injury.

It should be noted that during the Russian-Turkish war of physiotherapy has been used in a variety of injuries. There are indications in the literature that during the Russian-Japanese war in a number of hospitals in the rear treating gunshot wounds applied exercises and massage.

Belinsky pointed out that physical education should not be an end in itself, but a means of training a man with his high moral and ethical qualities. He held the same views and NA Dob, who considered physical education as part of the overall education of the person.

"Reflexes of the Brain"

Great importance attached hygienic exercises NGChernyshevsky because they lead to a general strengthening and improvement of the body. I wrote JG Chernyshevsky in his novel "What to do? "New Russia, freedom from oppression and tyranny, we need people blossoming health: strong, graceful, energetic; such people should have high moral qualities.

JG Chernyshevsky influenced his contemporaries and, in particular, to Sechenov, who later wrote his remarkable work "Reflexes of the Brain", which initiated the scientific substantiation of the therapeutic value of physical uprazhneniy.Sredi revolutionaries of the XIX century and D. . Pisarev was a true advocate of physical education of children.

He attached great importance to preventive medicine, stating: "Health or the study of the conditions that are necessary to preserve the health, gets himself in currently prevailing value in the eyes of every thinking man."

So, MJ Wise, the founder of Russian therapeutic school, medicine safety put at the head of all therapeutic interventions. He put forward the position - to treat the patient, not the disease. This contributed to the further development of the doctrine of antropoterapii, and hence the use of such methods of the overall impact on the patient, such as physiotherapy.

After 50 years, it said, another great Russian physician and scientist Pirogov: "The future belongs to medicine safety." These ideas are reflected in preventive direction of Soviet medicine, practiced in the health system.

The development of physical therapy in the Renaissance, the Swedish medical gymnastics

 The development of physical therapy

In the Renaissance, and later a number of prominent figures (RA Kamensky, Merkurialis I. et al.) In his writings began to promote the importance of physical education.

To this end, I. Merkurialis extensive use of the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Plato, Socrates, Avicenna and dr.I. Merkurialis divides exercises into three types. First and foremost, he considers the true views, or medical, gymnastics. He believes that it should teach the physician "should be studied gymnastics at the one who teaches medicine.

The second type is the military exercises and the third - gymnastics false, whose main goal is to win the competition. In addition to gymnastics, I. Merkurialis attaches importance walks, riding, jumping and other forms of exercise.

All exercises author of the treatise divides into preliminary (preparatory), then the main and final. This division is complemented by the methodological comments and guidance on the dosage of physical activity, based on the criteria for fatigue, sweating, state of health, and others.

In his treatise I. Merkurialisa first synthesized description of the physical training of ancient Greece and Rome and recommended technique of physical training, which to date has partially lost its importance.

The era of the development of capitalism

In the era of capitalism once again begin to pay attention to the treatment of movement in the form of so-called medical gymnastics, which is due to the limited level of medical knowledge of the period based on the gross empiricism, and has not received sufficient distribution and recognition.

Only in the field of corrective and orthopedic gymnastics and its topical application has been relatively successful. In 1771 Friedrich Hoffmann publishes "Treatise on orthopedics", which examines the effect of exercise in the treatment of diseases of adolescence.

Some time later, Joseph Tisza wrote to the leadership of "medical gymnastics, or exercise of human organs by the laws of physiology, hygiene and therapeutics", in other words, exercise has become considered a hygienic and clinical and physiological position.

Swedish medical gymnastics

The greatest influence on the development of Swedish medical gymnastics had a system of exercises Ling (1776 - 1839). She pursued mainly target narrowly biological nature and was not sufficiently substantiated by data of anatomy and physiology.

On this occasion Lesgaft wrote: "Swedish gymnastics can not be called a rational, just can not admit that it is based on anatomical and physiological data. It just worked out a system inconsistent. "

Swedish medical gymnastics devoid of emotional content and its essence is local. It includes only one gymnastic exercise and not using natural exercises, sports, and games. Therefore Lesgaft this system especially sharply criticized on the use of children.

Despite these shortcomings, the method of Swedish medical gymnastics, perceived uncritically, has spread to several countries.

Swedish medical gymnastics contributed to the development of other systems of medical gymnastics, built on the principle lokalisticheskom Gorteliusa, video and especially the founder of mechanotherapy Zander.
