Effect of exercise on for morphological processes

 Effect of physical exercise

In most cases, physical exercise, providing a significant impact on the correlation of various physiological mechanisms that contribute to pathophysiological changes in the relationship, developed on the background of the disease process, and thus express the principles of pathogenetic therapy.

Exercise is applied to the patient, providing not only medical, but also a preventive effect.

It should be noted that the greatest therapeutic success in the application of physical therapy observed in different states and in the initial phases of development of pathological process.

It is also known that physical exercise as the basic means of physical therapy are a clear expression of functional therapy.

Systematic training exercise fits individual systems and the entire body of the patient to increasing physical strain and improving correlation physiological mechanisms, ultimately, as already mentioned, leads to the development of functional adaptation patient.

By activating the physiological processes, stimulating and potency trophism tissue, exercise significant influence on the course of morphological processes.

Finally, we must not forget that physiotherapy eliminates the difference between the regime of the patient in the hospital and those functional requirements of the social environment surrounding the patient (life, a profession) that the patient will inevitably face after discharge from the hospital.

Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

 Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

In his clinical lectures, the largest representative of Russian therapeutic school AA Ostroumov pointed to the need to translate the recovering patient to the active mode, which comes closest to the conditions of life and provides a more stable recovery.

These statements AA Ostroumova indicate the gap that occurred in the time between clinical recovery and functional recovery of the patient. This question is important, and at the moment, despite the fact that the idea of ​​functional therapy are governing in a modern clinic.

It is also clear that physiotherapy is able to resolve the issue in the most rational approach to clinical recovery of the patient's functional recovery. Therefore, from the very start physiotherapy, organically included in the healing process, it performs the task of rehabilitation therapy, especially in the second half of the treatment course.

Summarizing the above, it should be recognized that physiotherapy is a treatment method that is used in medicine for various diseases in order to achieve the best possible therapeutic success. Further development in the conditions of his practice of medicine is closely linked with the leading position of the modern clinic.

Therapeutic exercise - part fizkultury.Kak mentioned above, physiotherapy is an organic element of Soviet medicine, widely used in treatment for various diseases and injuries. However, given the nature of the content of this method of treatment should be considered that physiotherapy is also (in content) part of the Soviet physical culture.

Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

Such an understanding of the issue by the fact that physiotherapy uses the same arsenal of influencing the patient, and that physical education to human health (exercise, natural factors of nature), and the same methodological principles of primeneniya.Kak know, between sickness and health can not be hold the demarcation line.

Gradually worsening health status (in the dominant number of cases) as well as the gradual recovery of impaired functions against the backdrop of an illness or injury on numerous occasions smooth out the difference between sickness and health, sick and healthy.

If the objective is improvement of physical education of the population, physiotherapy, contributing to the restoration of disturbed functions and powers of the patient, essentially pursuing the same objectives.

Of great importance, a number of sports and recreational activities, both in the trade unions and the Union of sports associations and organizations (occupation health groups in the stadiums and swimming pools, industrial gymnastics and others.). Developing a network of parks and recreation, sports and recreation areas at enterprises and house managements, beaches and so on. F. Promotes healing and hardening of people of different ages.

Theory and practice of physical culture and sport are mainly characterized for physical therapy. The use of the same factors (physical exercise), characterized by the same non-specific effects on the human body, based common biological, physiological and pedagogical information theoretical and practical significance.

Common processes and even a leitmotif that unites gymnastics exercise therapy and a healthy person, the body is engaged in physical training, regardless of who is training - healthy or sick.

The functionality of the patient

 The functionality of the patient

Unlike sports training, which involves mastering complex movements and functional training of the human body to the maximum physical and mental stress, exercise patients in physical therapy is limited to the scope of dosage.

These limitations are caused by narrowed functionality of the patient.

In connection with this process of treatment and recuperation of the patient by means of physical therapy is characterized by careful and consistent application of the active functional therapy, which is the method of physical therapy.

Therefore, an important condition for the implementation of training in physical therapy is the adequacy of the physical capabilities of the patient load.

This line is also determined by the load feature of illness or injury, the severity of the process, the therapeutic objectives, the general condition of the patient and his adaptation to physical stress.

In a dominant number of cases in the process of training the patients do not have to carry the maximum physical exertion, which can adversely affect both the system affected a painful process and the general condition of the patient, which are usually reduced functional manifestations of the major systems of the body.

Training in physical therapy is a kind of leitmotif in all medical and educational process. It provides, in some cases a complete therapeutic success, acquiring the leading role in the complex treatment of certain diseases.

Exercise for therapeutic purposes, the rules

 Exercise for therapeutic purposes

When using exercise for therapeutic purposes should observe the following general rules.

1. Systemic exposure to ensure a certain selection of exercises and sequence of their application.

This takes into account all the uniqueness of each patient and the observed feature of his functional disturbances. The systematic application of exercise follows directly from the problems of pathogenetic therapy.

2. Regular use of exercise.

It was a regular, and not accidental use of physical exercise, when this type of irritation systematically and regularly affects the patient, enhances the functionality of the body.

In all cases, at various states of patients with regularity in the use of physical exercise as a daily mean their application; in the case of the destruction of the neuromuscular apparatus and disorders of movement, as well as some other diseases - several times a day.

Daily use of physical therapy should take place in the medical and health care institutions (hospitals, clinics, health centers and others.), As well as gymnastics on domu.Pri service patients in outpatient procedures may use therapeutic exercises at least once a day.

3. The duration of exercise.

In order to achieve therapeutic success, it is necessary to use long exercise. The duration of their use in hospitals is limited to the course of treatment.

But medicine is not satisfied with just getting the so-called clinical recovery, it means all its aims to achieve functional recovery of the patient.

The latter is usually can not be achieved in a short period of treatment, so the task of physical therapy includes not only the stimulation of physiological manifestations and development functions disturbed painful process, but in some cases, the restructuring of coordination adaptive mechanisms of the patient, which requires the implementation of a long and hard exercise.

4. Increase in the process of training the dosage used stimulus - exercise.

In other words, this rule provides training patients gradually increase throughout the course of treatment of physical activity, defined the nature of the exercises and methods of their application.

5. Customization in the method of application and the dosage of exercise depends on the nature of illness or injury, and the general condition of the body.
