Driving periods of the treatment course.
The use of physiotherapy during the course of treatment is not of a sustainable nature.
Gradually, the patient's general condition is changed, the severity of the process takes place, eliminates or reduces pain symptoms, morphological changes during the process, restore the function of individual systems and their correlations disturbed by disease or injury.
In connection with these changes can be noted, though schematically, certain phasing in the treatment of the patient.
Methods of application of physical therapy is modified in different periods of the treatment course.
Group method of procedure is the most common course of treatment.
The main criterion for appointment to the group lessons is the functional state of the patient and the extent of its adaptation to physical stress.
For group method with the methodological point of view the selection of patients in the group must be made with the orientation of the uniformity of the disease.
Against the background of a homogeneous composition of the group is more convenient to reflect the content of those procedures especially private methods that are characteristic of her when a particular disease state.
Therefore, the name of the group come from nosology forms of diseases, and the principle of the method of acquisition and the carrying out of procedures based on the functional status of patients.
In one group can be assigned to patients with various diseases, if they can be used about the same overall physical activity.
But the group method should not preclude individual monitoring of patients during the procedure.
This is done by small groups of manning and rigor methodological approach to carrying out procedures such as by reducing the Group procedures and its earlier termination in individual patients, and by their removal from the more complex and difficult exercise.
For group method does not exclude the possibility in the diversity of the group split into two sub-groups to use different movements according to their special purpose.