The intensity of exercise

 Exercise stress

One of the important aspects contributing to physiologically reasonable purpose of medical procedures, is the correct construction of the intensity of physical activity.

Under the latter usually refers to a graphic representation of the body's reaction to exercise throughout the procedure. Historically, that the idea of ​​the intensity of physical activity is built on the basis of the pulse curve.

It is not enough to describe the actual physiological reaction of the organism to physical stress, however, all the existing guidelines for physical education and physiotherapy exercises are oriented mainly on the physiological curves, taking into account only the criterion of the pulse.

Studies based on gas exchange, pulse, blood pressure, cardiac output and systolic blood and other indicators authors convinced that the most appropriate allocation of maximum physical stress to middle procedure.

In this case, the energy consumption of the patient when doing physical therapy most economical, lower oxygen debt, the excitability of the cardiovascular system more moderate than in other types of distribution of physical activity.

Phenomena general fatigue while also significantly less than maximum load when referring to the beginning or the end of the procedure. As the above studies and observations of patients experience in the application of therapeutic exercises convince us that the distribution of physical activity during the procedure must be expressed in its maximum rise in the middle of the procedure.

Such a distribution of the intensity of physical activity in the procedure and results in a positive reaction patients.

This nature of the reaction procedure patients physiotherapy with more pronounced exercise in the middle of the procedure should be, apparently explain it more rational distribution that causes mild shifts from adaptive physiological mechanisms of the human body.

Physiotherapy, the procedure of medical gymnastics


Methodical bases of carrying out of procedures of medical gymnastics

The procedure of medical gymnastics is the main form of exercise with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

In this regard, an important factor in the proper methodological procedures of medical gymnastics are the following methodological principles.

1. The nature of the exercises used, physiological load, the dosage, the initial position in the procedure of medical gymnastics must comply with the general condition of the patient, his age and the characteristics of fitness.

2. All procedures, medical gymnastics provides exposure to the whole body.

3. The procedure should be combined general and special effects on the patient's body, so you must include exercise as a restorative procedure and special.

4. In drawing up the procedures of medical gymnastics should respect the principle of gradual and orderly increase and decrease in physical activity, maintaining a physiological load curve.

5. In the selection of exercises should be guided by the principle of alternating muscle groups involved in the work, "dispersing" the burden of the entire skeletal muscle.

6. In the process of therapeutic exercises include breathing exercises as a special with the defeat of the respiratory system, as well as to train a correct breathing and reduce physiological stress.

7. When the procedure of medical gymnastics should pay attention to positive emotions, contributing to the establishment and consolidation of conditional reflex connections.

8. The amount of methodological materials in the procedure of medical gymnastics must comply with the regime of movement of the patient.

Individual and independent method of physical therapy sessions

 Individual approach and independent method

Individual approach and independent method of physical therapy sessions.

In addition to the group method of procedures adopted in stationary and outpatient conditions, physical therapy technique used by an individual and independent method.

Independent method applies in cases where the patient is difficult to regularly visit the hospital or when he finished hospital treatment and was discharged for follow-up care at home.

In such cases, the patient, doing independent method of therapeutic exercises at home periodically to the doctor for a re-examination and to obtain guidance for further studies.

Vacation procedures in hospitals impractical to build the type of recipes of Physical Culture.

When an independent method should give the patient specific instructions, some exercise and how to perform, how many times a day, and so on. D.

It should also give an indication as to use as much as possible solar and air baths, wiping water, to provide guidance on the regime.

Here is the form of appointments of exercise patients at independent method.

In these appointments the patient are the most necessary simple and accessible exercises: their number should not be more than 5 - 10.

It must be remembered that the independent method requires facilitation the use of physical exercise to meet their patients at home.

This recipe and should respond to requests from patients who want at the end of the treatment course to have precise instructions on the use of a doctor independent method of therapeutic exercises at home.

When issuing a patient ready, print a complex exercise independent method of therapeutic exercises should be noted those that are recommended.

The treatment course, group method

 The treatment course, group method

Driving periods of the treatment course.

The use of physiotherapy during the course of treatment is not of a sustainable nature.

Gradually, the patient's general condition is changed, the severity of the process takes place, eliminates or reduces pain symptoms, morphological changes during the process, restore the function of individual systems and their correlations disturbed by disease or injury.

In connection with these changes can be noted, though schematically, certain phasing in the treatment of the patient.

Methods of application of physical therapy is modified in different periods of the treatment course.

Group method of procedure is the most common course of treatment.

The main criterion for appointment to the group lessons is the functional state of the patient and the extent of its adaptation to physical stress.

For group method with the methodological point of view the selection of patients in the group must be made with the orientation of the uniformity of the disease.

Against the background of a homogeneous composition of the group is more convenient to reflect the content of those procedures especially private methods that are characteristic of her when a particular disease state.

Therefore, the name of the group come from nosology forms of diseases, and the principle of the method of acquisition and the carrying out of procedures based on the functional status of patients.

In one group can be assigned to patients with various diseases, if they can be used about the same overall physical activity.

But the group method should not preclude individual monitoring of patients during the procedure.

This is done by small groups of manning and rigor methodological approach to carrying out procedures such as by reducing the Group procedures and its earlier termination in individual patients, and by their removal from the more complex and difficult exercise.

For group method does not exclude the possibility in the diversity of the group split into two sub-groups to use different movements according to their special purpose.
