Conducting morning exercises

 Conducting morning exercises

There are three main methods of morning exercises:

a) separate

b) in-line

c) mixed.

The physical therapy most widely used method of separate morning exercises when the exercises are performed separately from each other.

The pauses between them are filled with explanations and demonstration exercises. This method of morning exercises is easier and because it must be used in weaker patients, but also in the first half of the course of treatment.

When line method of morning exercises physical activity increases significantly as exercise continuously follow one another, as if presenting one combined exercise.

This method is available for a stronger and more physically prepared (trained) patients; its use should be permitted only in the second half of the treatment course. In physical therapy line method is rarely used.

Mixed method of morning gymnastics is a combination of the first two; part of the exercise is carried out separately, and some - line method.

The total duration of morning exercises 5 - 20 minutes.

The forms of physiotherapy

 The forms of physiotherapy

The main forms of physical therapy are: morning hygienic gymnastics, procedures, medical gymnastics, path, playing lessons, excursions and close tourism, various types of sports and fitness exercises mass demonstrations.

In physical therapy, various forms of physiotherapy and its implementation.

In assessing the exercise should not be limited only to the above guidelines.

It should also be borne in mind that the systematic use of exercise in physical therapy is carried out not only medical, but also medical and educational process.

This is due to the fact that physiotherapy exercises using various forms of exercise, the originality of which depends on the situation and the time of year when they apply (winter and summer types of exercise).

In addition to the limitations of the means of physiotherapy, a variety of dosage forms of physiotherapy is determined objectives therapeutic care to the patient and the possible use of various physical exercises.

These opportunities will be different in terms of hospitals and clinics, especially vary their wealth and diversity in health centers, located both in the resorts, and in the situation outside the resort.

The main forms of physical therapy are:

morning hygienic gymnastics,

procedure, medical gymnastics,


gaming lesson


excursions and close tourism,

Various types of sports exercises,

gymnastic mass demonstrations.

The extent of the physiological response of the body

 The physiological response of the body

The degree of physiological reactions, without the patient's condition and fitness, depends not only on the type of exercise, but also the character of its execution.

In this regard, important are the following.

1. Starting position, whereby at the same exercise can be involved in the work of the different muscle groups and increases the load on the same muscle groups and thus change the physiological load.

2. The number of muscle groups involved in this exercise (small, medium, large), which also affects the display of the general and local physiological reactions.

3. Localization of load application exercise that almost connected with the correct distribution of the load on different muscle groups.

Evaluation exercises on the basis of action allows localization depending on the therapeutic problems in some cases (eg, contracture) increases the load on the affected system, while others (eg, sub-acute arthritis) - implement the principle schazheniya.

4. The extent of the power voltage, which varies with changes in the intensity and the physiological response of the body when performing the same exercise.

5. coordination of movements, because the more complex the exercise, the greater the participation in its implementation takes the nervous system, the more pronounced physiological effects of exercise.

6. Accuracy, rhythm and amplitude of movements performed, which also affect the nature of the physiological response of the patient during exercise.

7. The number of repetitions and duration of exercise over time, which are reflected in the strengthening or weakening of the load.

8. The physiological response of the body depends on the presence of emotion in the implementation exercise. Since it is known that various exercise, emotional content and looked sick performed, they are transported more easily.

9. The use of objects and shells, via which the load is modified to facilitate both exercise and complications.

Features a private method in physical therapy

 Features a private method in physical therapy

Features a private method in physical therapy

Of course, the form of the disease is important for the characteristics of particular methods, but it does not solve the question of the value of physical activity in the procedures of medical gymnastics.

Determining the value of the load and its nature possible only in full consideration of the clinical picture with the identification of functional status and anamnesis.

1. Consider the problem of general and special techniques of physiotherapy, directly resulting from the general problems of therapy due to clinical observations.

Any procedure physical therapy has on the patient and health-building influence and specifically affects the recovery of function of the affected system.

For proper implementation of these objectives requires that principles of both general and private physiotherapy techniques consistent with therapeutic goals.

2. Take into account the physiological characteristics of the means of physical therapy indicated for this patient, and methodical features of the exercise.

The impact of an exercise in the diseased organ or organ system can be changed as the downward and upward.

Methods of physical therapy, therapeutic effect

 Methods of physical therapy, therapeutic effect

Basic methods of physical therapy

Achieving therapeutic effect

In physical therapy therapeutic effect is achieved mainly due to the correct, regular and long-term effects of exercise on patients.

Exercise is far from indifferent factor for patient rights, and their misuse can cause a negative reaction.

In this regard, the use of exercise to the patient in order to obtain the best therapeutic effect is determined by two main positions of fundamental importance:

1) The condition of the patient (clinical and pathogenetic features of the disease, age, fitness and others.);

2) the selection of the correct technique and dosage of the means of physical therapy.

To ensure these basic principles in the construction techniques of physiotherapy following is necessary.

Take into account the clinical picture of the disease with its pathogenetic features. If the overall assessment of the patient and the affected system to be identified reactivity to exercise, in other words - to determine the patient's suitability to a given stimulus.

In assessing the patient's condition should be considered as a set of functional abnormalities, so the extent and depth of morphological disorders in organs and tissues.

It should take into account the age and gender characteristics, the state of the physical development and motor skills, the ability to breathe properly, which often underestimates during medical examinations.

It is necessary to take into account that the overall condition of the body depends not only on the nature of the disease and the depth of the defeat of a system, but also on the adaptation of the patient to physical activity, which is produced under the influence of coaching exposure to various factors in the conditions of social life (Gen. , the profession and others.).

Therefore, in the overall assessment of the patient in the appointment of physiotherapy to achieve the best therapeutic effect must be taken into account and his "physical culture" history.
