Exercise for therapeutic purposes, the rules

 Exercise for therapeutic purposes

When using exercise for therapeutic purposes should observe the following general rules.

1. Systemic exposure to ensure a certain selection of exercises and sequence of their application.

This takes into account all the uniqueness of each patient and the observed feature of his functional disturbances. The systematic application of exercise follows directly from the problems of pathogenetic therapy.

2. Regular use of exercise.

It was a regular, and not accidental use of physical exercise, when this type of irritation systematically and regularly affects the patient, enhances the functionality of the body.

In all cases, at various states of patients with regularity in the use of physical exercise as a daily mean their application; in the case of the destruction of the neuromuscular apparatus and disorders of movement, as well as some other diseases - several times a day.

Daily use of physical therapy should take place in the medical and health care institutions (hospitals, clinics, health centers and others.), As well as gymnastics on domu.Pri service patients in outpatient procedures may use therapeutic exercises at least once a day.

3. The duration of exercise.

In order to achieve therapeutic success, it is necessary to use long exercise. The duration of their use in hospitals is limited to the course of treatment.

But medicine is not satisfied with just getting the so-called clinical recovery, it means all its aims to achieve functional recovery of the patient.

The latter is usually can not be achieved in a short period of treatment, so the task of physical therapy includes not only the stimulation of physiological manifestations and development functions disturbed painful process, but in some cases, the restructuring of coordination adaptive mechanisms of the patient, which requires the implementation of a long and hard exercise.

4. Increase in the process of training the dosage used stimulus - exercise.

In other words, this rule provides training patients gradually increase throughout the course of treatment of physical activity, defined the nature of the exercises and methods of their application.

5. Customization in the method of application and the dosage of exercise depends on the nature of illness or injury, and the general condition of the body.

The functionality of the patient

 The functionality of the patient

Unlike sports training, which involves mastering complex movements and functional training of the human body to the maximum physical and mental stress, exercise patients in physical therapy is limited to the scope of dosage.

These limitations are caused by narrowed functionality of the patient.

In connection with this process of treatment and recuperation of the patient by means of physical therapy is characterized by careful and consistent application of the active functional therapy, which is the method of physical therapy.

Therefore, an important condition for the implementation of training in physical therapy is the adequacy of the physical capabilities of the patient load.

This line is also determined by the load feature of illness or injury, the severity of the process, the therapeutic objectives, the general condition of the patient and his adaptation to physical stress.

In a dominant number of cases in the process of training the patients do not have to carry the maximum physical exertion, which can adversely affect both the system affected a painful process and the general condition of the patient, which are usually reduced functional manifestations of the major systems of the body.

Training in physical therapy is a kind of leitmotif in all medical and educational process. It provides, in some cases a complete therapeutic success, acquiring the leading role in the complex treatment of certain diseases.

Features of training of patients, special and restorative exercises

 general and specific training

Training patients only lead to success when the process of the exercise will gradually increase and become more complex, in other words, will increase the requirements for the patient during exercise.

Increasing demands on the physical condition of the patient throughout the treatment course include reactive response to a variety of physiological mechanisms, improve their correlative activity and mobilizing the reserve resources of the body of the patient, increase the flexibility of its functional requirements of the environment (in the conditions of life and professional activity).

Coaching should distinguish between general and special.

Total training pursues the development of common functional adaptation to physical stress; In connection with this, it uses a variety of types of restorative and general developmental exercise.

The purpose of special training

Special training aims to develop the functions disturbed due to illness or injury.

Special training uses such exercise, which have a direct impact on the area of ​​traumatic focus or reduced functional disorders of one or another of the affected system, such as exercises for the left hand bone fractures of the left forearm, the exercise on the development of the static-dynamic stability and orientation in space during vestibular disorders and etc.

Of course, the division of training in physical therapy in the general and special conditional, as general training has an impact on the affected system in the same way as the special training has a general effect on the body of the patient.

Because of problems of training implies a need to distinguish between restorative and special exercises. Like those, and others are considered not in the abstract, and specifically in respect of each patient individually or for a group of patients with a specific form of the disease or injury.

Exercises performed restorative general training of the patient. They have a health-building and strengthening effect on the body of the patient.

Restorative exercise involves mainly healthy muscle groups that are not included in the affected area (legs, trunk, spine, etc.).

This type of exercise does not affect active on those functions which violated a painful process, in principle, providing gentle and not exercised an impact on the affected system.

Special exercises mainly train and develop those functions that are disrupted due to illness or injury. For example, bone fractures right tibia exercise for the right leg (as a damaged system) will be treated as a special exercise.

Restorative exercises involve the muscles of the limbs and body healthy.

Similarly, for example,

when scoliosis: special exercises will be those that are actively affecting the spine, contribute to the development of its mobility, strengthen the body and primarily extensor muscles, arching the spine to the side opposite the existing curvature (overcorrection).

Use of special training ensures the implementation of particular methods of exercise therapy in various diseases, which is used in accordance with the objectives of pathogenetic treatment.

In carrying out the procedures of medical gymnastics exercises and special bracing alternate in sequence, providing both the overall impact on the patient's body, and the development of functional manifestations of the affected systems.

As noted above, exercise involving the whole reactive response to the patient's body, a nonspecific irritant.

Nonspecific their actions is reflected in the methods of physiotherapy. Thus, the same exercise group or they may be used in a variety of diseases caused by various pathogenic etilogicheskimi and features of the various manifestations of the clinical picture.
