Exercise therapeutic exercises

 Physical exercise

Reduced physical activity

The final section of the procedure therapeutic exercises physical activity reduced through the use of lightweight and simplistic assumptions exercises.

In this section, special training and are not used primarily use the basic gymnastic exercises alternated with breathing. Methodist physiotherapy or instructor should build this section so that during its significantly reduce both general and specific physical activity, ie. E. To a part of restorative (recovery) period would have passed in this section.

The ratio of the various departments of the procedure both in their allotted time, and content is due to the period of treatment. So, at the beginning of treatment as the opening and closing sections of the procedures take relatively longer time; as the retraction of the patient in physical activity and reduce the severity of illness or injury of increasing importance in the process of acquiring a primary partition.

Based on the principle of total care, as well as non-specific effect on the body exercise, physical therapy technique of application always provides the implementation of the overall exercise. The latter is compulsory in each procedure: it is carried out against the background of special training.

Total exercise quantity is mainly dependent on the state of the cardiovascular system. Special load is determined by the nature and its pathogenetic features of the disease and the clinical picture, in other words, those functional disorders of the affected systems, which take place in different patients.

Of great importance in the procedure of application of the procedures, issues of general and local exertion. The use of movement for the purpose of general and local action takes place mainly in traumatic injuries. But most cases, such as in internal medicine, limited to the use of the total load on the entire body.

Consequently, the so-called local physical exercise are not always used; quantitatively and qualitatively, it is determined by the characteristics of individual techniques.

For example, an injury or arthritis in the acute state of the diseased joint is at rest, and the problem of private methods in this case are as obschegigienicheskih impact of movements in the patient.

In subacute arthritis on a background of restorative exercises are applied to the patient movement of the joint or joints in the context of sparing effects.

In chronic arthritis local load is concentrated on the joints of patients; obschegigienicheskih load value fades into the background.

Thus, the local physical activity depending on the patient may be missing or be used in patients with different categories.

For a correct methodological procedures of medical gymnastics becomes important principle of gradual strengthening and weakening of the exercise.

Involving the patient in physical activity

The gradual involvement of the patient in physical activity is provided as a selection of used exercise (for small, medium, large muscle groups, as well as simple and complex), and the method of their execution (starting position, tempo, amplitude, force combination of breathing, etc.). .

Using the above instructional techniques allow metered and consistently apply the general and special physical activity for patients with various conditions and in different periods of treatment.

The main section of physiotherapy treatments

 The main section of physiotherapy treatments

In another case, for example, Meniere's disease, vestibular neurosis primary partition procedures may include the following sections:

a) exercise in equilibrium both on-site and in the movement (for the development of stability in static and dynamic);

b) exercise the body in motion and head in different directions and exercises in changing the position of the body (for the purpose of training the semicircular canals);

c) exercise in acceleration and deceleration of linear motion (for training otolith apparatus);

g) exercises off the visual analyzer (for training the nervous system through the proprioceptive sensitivity), and others.

Of course, over the main section procedures should be special exercises alternated with exercises tonic.

In other words, in the main section of physiotherapy intertwined elements of general and special training involving the use of different types of exercise (active and passive, without items and shells, with objects and projectiles).

During the procedure, the main section of physiotherapy general and special burden on the patient is changed so that periods of heightened stress interspersed with its decline, causing this waveform, with the largest concentration of load shall take place in the middle of the main section of Physical Education.

The procedures of medical gymnastics at polyarthritis, arthritis exercise in

 The procedures of medical gymnastics at polyarthritis

Polyarthritis   from the defeat of various joints

Introductory section procedure lech. Gymnastics

The main section procedure gymnastics

Exercises at polyarthritis

The introductory section of the procedure of medical gymnastics aims of the organization as a place classes and students. At the beginning of the procedure the patient is gradually drawn into the exercise.

The introductory section of the procedure of medical gymnastics is characterized mainly by the use of basic restorative exercises (no special character), creating a background for a more favorable impact of various special exercises during the main section procedure.

The main section of procedure of medical gymnastics occupies most of the time, intend on carrying out the procedure. For the primary partition, made the task of private physiotherapy techniques.

Taking into account that the construction of a private method should meet the challenges of pathogenetic therapy, the main section of the procedure, in turn, can be divided into subdivisions to apply various special exercises, the effect of which is aimed at restoring the functions disturbed painful process.

For example, when polyarthritis with lesions of various joint main section of the procedure therapeutic exercises may include the following departments:

Exercises at polyarthritis

a) the free exercise limb when lying down or sitting;

b) exercises on the gym wall type mixed visov;

c) exercises with objects (gymnastic sticks, clubs, etc.);

g) exercise in throwing balls and meditsinbolov;

d) passive gymnastics applied to the affected joints;

e) and other mobile game.

Of course, not all of these types of exercises are used during a single procedure of medical gymnastics.

Selection of exercise and the sequence of tasks due to the use of particular methods, sharpness process and condition of the patient.

Construction procedures of medical gymnastics


Please note that the physiological curve of exercise procedures in therapeutic exercise should not be considered as a single-humped curve, characterized by a sequence the rise of the middle of the curve and the descent from the middle to the end.

In practice, the distribution of exercise procedures in therapeutic exercises done on a curve MNV. Loads expressed less than in the second half, when the patient with respect to training.

During the first quarter of the procedure the load gradually increases over the last quarter - decreased.

The main section of the procedure takes 50% of the whole procedure, and in the second half of the course of treatment a few more.

By the end of the procedure of medical gymnastics in connection with the reduction of exercise heart rate often approaches to the original state before the procedure, but it can also be somewhat speeded up or slowed down.

Taking into account that in the context of practical work as a criterion for assessing the overall load taking into account the use of pulse rate, let me give approximate physiological load curves.

In accordance with the nature of these curves should be distributed physiological loading procedures of therapeutic exercises in both the first and second half of the treatment course.

In constructing each procedure, therapeutic exercises should be noted that it mainly consists of three sections:

1) opening,

2) main,

3) final.

In some cases, the procedure of therapeutic exercises can consist of two, four and five sections, reflecting the general and particular features of methodologies.
