Methods of functional therapy

 Methods of functional therapy

Therapeutic exercise is also a method of functional therapy. Exercise stimulates the functional activity of all major body systems.

Systematic training exercise fits the individual system and the whole body of the patient by increasing physical activity and improving the correlation between physiological mechanisms, eventually leading to an increase in the functional adaptation of the patient.

But the role of physiotherapy is not only expanding the functional manifestations of the patient.

Rastsenivaya exercise therapy as a method of treatment of functional, it should be remembered at the same time the unity of the functional and morphological, and not to limit the therapeutic role of physiotherapy only in terms of functional influences.

In this case, be aware that the morphological and functional features of the body, although the system is different, but closely interdependent and interconnected.

"Morphological and physiological phenomena, form and function are mutually determine each other," - wrote Engels.

B during physical therapy correspondence between the functional and morphological is reflected in the selection and method of application of physical therapy.

Irritation of the affected system

Thus, the selection of the starting positions, selection of physical exercise and the method of their application depend on the general condition of the patient, the nature and extent of anatomical abnormalities, the severity of the process, the development phase of the pathological process, the presence of complications.

The degree of irritation of the affected functional system, such as trauma, should be appropriate to the nature of the anatomical damage, reflecting that principle of structural theory of Pavlovian reflex deyatelnosti.Edinstvo in understanding the functional and morphological finds its reflection in the practical organization of a unified treatment process without dividing it on the treatment and follow-up care.

Early application of the functional therapy in the best degree provides both recovery functions involved in the pathological process of the system, and the improvement and strengthening of the whole organism bolnogo.Odnoy of the characteristics of physical therapy is to train patients to exercise.

By training in physical therapy refers to a harmonious process of gradual adaptation to the patient's increasing physical activity through a systematic and long-term use of physical uprazhneniy.V during training exercise patients improved connection between the systems of the body functioning, open Pavlov.

Pavlovian theory of the relationship between the cortex of the hemispheres of the brain, internal organs, the senses (extero-, proprio- and interoreceptors) and musculoskeletal system has been further developed by KM Bykov, VN Chernigov and others.

Close conditional reflex connection established between these systems when the patients exercise, increase the adaptability of the whole organism to physical stress.

In the process of training the patients depending on the therapeutic problems brought up such qualities as quick reflexes, strength, agility and endurance.

Simultaneously, the establishment of coordination bonds, contributing to the improvement of motor skills, which is particularly important with respect to patients with disorders of movement.

Therapeutic exercise method of pathogenetic therapy

 Therapeutic exercise method of pathogenetic therapy

The method of pathogenetic therapy. Therapeutic exercises should also be seen as a method of pathogenetic therapy. The systematic use of physical exercise a sick person can influence the reactivity by changing both the general reaction and its local manifestation.

In the general reaction of the body is usually involved and those physiological mechanisms that are involved in the pathological process.

For example, in the development of cardiovascular disease in the pathological process involves all the neural and humoral mechanisms which regulate the functional activity of the normal ratio of the main systems (blood circulation, respiration and others.) And functions (exchange).

In the application of physiotherapy exercises have a direct impact on both the nervous and humoral mechanisms, aligning the functional activity of the circulatory apparatus.

In connection with this method reflects the physical therapy in this case the problem of pathogenic therapy.

Exercise therapy as a method of pathogenetic therapy acquires a vivid expression in the clinic of nervous diseases, and especially in diseases that occur with disorders of movement.

The same pathogenetic significance of physiotherapy has for diseases and traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal system, providing the most complete its influence therapeutic success.

Therapeutic exercise - common method of active treatment

 Therapeutic exercise - common method of active treatment

The method is natural and biological content.   The method is based on the widespread use of the basic biological functions of every living organism - function of movement. The latter is characteristic of every living organism and has great practical value in human life.

Function traffic is the main driver of growth, development and the formation of the body. Therefore its use is particularly desirable in the annex to the body growing and developing children.

But the function of movement is essential and adults have already formed a human. In this case, the drive function by stimulating the activity of all body systems, maintain and develop them, thereby increasing the overall efficiency.

Using movement as the main manifestations of the biological organism is also necessary for the elderly. During this period, the return of development and decay of the body, when it reduced the overall functional activity, movement is a factor supporting the functional state of the main systems of the body and prevent premature fading of the body.

Thus, the movement of the person in the broad sense of the word should be regarded as preventing premature aging.

The biological basis of the method of physiotherapy

Whereas the biological justification of the physical therapy, it should be assumed that this method has no age contraindication to its use.

Starting from the first months of the birth to old age Human motion may be used to stimulate the development of the organism and its functionality.

Exercise therapy is a method of non-specific therapy.

Exercise involves the nervous system in a reactive response of the body. Neural mechanism first determines the overall reaction of the patient to exercise.

Pavlov is the creator of the doctrine of the trophic function of the nervous system. These trophic effect expressed in the regulation of chemical reactions and metabolic implemented through the autonomic nervous system and the cerebellum.

Protein decomposition products are formed in the tissues during exercise, not only stimulate the tissue metabolism, but after a nervous and humoral mechanism of influence and increase neuromuscular tone.

Concerning method of physical therapy may be regarded as a method of non-specific stimuli.

Physical exercise as a kind of stimulus to stimulate the function of tissues, are a common response - changes in metabolism, increased oxidative processes, improvement of the blood, desensitization, sluggish acceleration of current processes, and so forth. They increase the stability of the patient.

Concerning physiotherapy is a common method of active treatment .
