Morning hygienic gymnastics carried out in the morning before breakfast and, if possible in the air. The response of the organism to exercise, carried out in the morning gymnastics, the leading place belongs to the nervous system. Pavlov considers the dream as a diffuse process of internal inhibition,
flowing down the excitability of the central nervous system.
Under the influence of inhibitory influences, emanating from the central nervous system during sleep inhibited motor activity, and relaxes the muscles of the body. Due to the relaxed position of the body's metabolism and decreases power consumption, and accordingly this decreases work of the heart and breathing.
Morning hygienic gymnastics, carried out after a night of sleep, takes the patient's body from the state of inhibition of physiological processes, reinforcing the activities of all organs and systems.
It promotes the establishment of a working relationship between the cerebral cortex, on the one hand, and workers' functioning systems and organs (muscles, heart, lungs etc.) - On the other.
The value of the morning exercises include stimulation of the patient to exercise.
Exercise the body and stimulate the releasing it increases the overall tone of the patient, give it a cheerful mood, translating the patient's body in an active state.
Gymnastics should not be seen only as a recreational activity, it is also an educational method.
Accustomed to clear the exercises at a certain hour of the morning after a night's sleep, she organizes and mobilizes human, switching to an active, operating condition, instills hygienic skills, promotes and improves the sanitary culture of engaged and involve the broad masses of the population to physical education and sport as one of the important means of educating people.
The methodology of the
It provides for the application in the form of simple exercises covering all major muscle groups and joints.
Movement is done at a pace corresponding to the patient's condition and the nature of the exercises (for weak patients slower, then the middle, with the more difficult exercise pace is slowing, with lightweight exercises for diotalnyh areas limbs faster pace, and so on. D.).
Movements are performed with a large amplitude, are widely used stretching exercises muscles. The total load is gradually strengthened or weakened methods adopted in the physiotherapist.
The density of occupation apply different.
For weaker patients, it is reduced by lengthening the pauses between exercises, breathing exercises, and the inclusion of lightweight assumptions.
For a more robust patients, as well as the second half of the treatment course load density in the morning gymnastics increases.