The conscious participation of the patient in the process of therapeutic exercises

 The conscious participation of the patient in the process of therapeutic exercises

Conscious patients perform appropriate exercise puts them in terms of active participation of the patient in the course of the exercises. In applying the same method of physical therapy patient himself actively and consciously involved in the treatment process.

So, while having physiotherapy he has actively taken as a demonstration of exercises and the accompanying explanations.

In this connection there is his understanding of the nature of the exercise that needs to be done, he consciously realizes, coordinating and directing their movements when the predefined exercise.

It is conscious and willful participation of the patient in the complex process of exercise distinguishes method of physical therapy to other treatments.

In connection with the above, it should be emphasized that a doctor uses a method of physical therapy, it is important to determine the extent to which the activity can prevent a particular patient, given the nature of the disease, the degree of functional disorders, the general condition of the patient and adaptation to physical stress.

However, the doctor dispenses and methodically directs the use of physical exercises during the course of treatment depending on the therapeutic objectives.

A characteristic feature of the method of physical therapy is not only the improvement and strengthening of the entire body of the patient, but also the realization of educational goals.

The method of physical therapy brings the patient a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercises with curative purposes, instilling hygienic skills involves the conscious participation of the patient in the regulation of all general regime and, in particular, the mode of movement, brings the right attitude of patients to hardening of the body by natural factors of nature and al.

When applied to patients with physical therapy for treatment at the same time providing training and obschegigienicheskoevospitanie closely related to each other.

Thus, the process of training the patients to different movements carried out in accordance with the ability of the patient to perform the movement, as well as therapeutic targets.

It plays a crucial role and activity of the consciousness of the patient when doing physiotherapy, and from the Methodist physiotherapy - correct and clear display of the exercises and explanations related to bringing compelling argument in favor of exercise (Pavlovian principle of determinism).

The conscious attitude of patients to the whole process of learning the physical therapy exercises can restore motor skills and to better use them in both their personal lives and in terms of professional activity.

The method of physical therapy

 The method of physical therapy

Under physical therapy understood the use of means of physical training to the sick person to preventive and curative aim for a more rapid and complete restoration of health and capacity for work and prevent the consequences of the pathological process.

Exercise therapy is a relatively new field of modern medicine. The most complete its development it had in Soviet medicine.

Development of the method of physical therapy in medicine has contributed to focus zdravoohraneniya.Lechebnaya Training has become one of the most powerful factors of treatment of different categories of patients and the prevention of a number of functional disorders and diseases.

However, it pursues not only curative treatments and preventive problem - it is a mandatory element of the training qualities such as reaction time, coordination, agility, strength, endurance, courage and determination and so forth. A must have for the social and labor activity.

Therefore, exercise therapy, we may not consider only from the standpoint of biological, physiological and clinical concepts.

Physical education goes beyond these judgments, since it is not only medical, but also medical and educational process.

The main means of physical therapy (exercise) is borrowed from physical education.

It does not have some specific exercises that apply only to certain medical problems.

The system of physical culture has a rich and diverse arsenal of tools that are in the practice of physical therapy is not used in full.

This is due to the fact that the method of physical therapy applied to a human patient who has reduced functionality to perform physical activity.

This is essentially determined by all the originality and technique, as well as technique and dosage used exercise or natural factors of nature in compliance with the specific mode.

Exercise therapy is a treatment method

 Exercise therapy is a treatment method

Therapeutic exercises - self-discipline. Exercise therapy has a specific content, tasks application, its theory and methodology and characteristic for its implementation of medical and educational process. Each science attaches a subject of study.

Exercise therapy studies rational use of means of physical training to the sick person and the changes that occur in patients under the influence of the routine use of exercise.

"Before each science - wrote Engels - is put the requirement to find its place in the overall scheme of things, and knowledge." Therapeutic exercise - independent medical science, which has important applications.

The basis of the theoretical positions of physiotherapy is based on data of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, biochemistry, pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education, as well as clinical knowledge, scientific exercise justifying the use of different categories of patients.

Exercise therapy is a therapeutic method. For each treatment method is characterized by a factor acting on the patient for therapeutic purposes. In physical therapy such factors are physical exercises that are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Exercise therapy is a therapeutic method because it has its own methodology for the application of physical exercises (general and private) system and organization of the use of the method in a variety of medical and health care institutions.

Each treatment method has its own characteristics, defined as the presence of therapeutic agents which are used by one or another method of treatment, and methods of their use in the treatment of various patients.

Exercise therapy as a treatment for patients with a range of osobennostey.Odnoy of the most characteristic features of the method of physical therapy is the use of exercise to patients.

As you know, exercise is not used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in any other method of treatment, except in physical therapy.

Therefore, the use in physical therapy is exercise distinguishes this method from other methods of medicine.

The procedures of medical gymnastics at polyarthritis, arthritis exercise in

 The procedures of medical gymnastics at polyarthritis

Polyarthritis   from the defeat of various joints

Introductory section procedure lech. Gymnastics

The main section procedure gymnastics

Exercises at polyarthritis

The introductory section of the procedure of medical gymnastics aims of the organization as a place classes and students. At the beginning of the procedure the patient is gradually drawn into the exercise.

The introductory section of the procedure of medical gymnastics is characterized mainly by the use of basic restorative exercises (no special character), creating a background for a more favorable impact of various special exercises during the main section procedure.

The main section of procedure of medical gymnastics occupies most of the time, intend on carrying out the procedure. For the primary partition, made the task of private physiotherapy techniques.

Taking into account that the construction of a private method should meet the challenges of pathogenetic therapy, the main section of the procedure, in turn, can be divided into subdivisions to apply various special exercises, the effect of which is aimed at restoring the functions disturbed painful process.

For example, when polyarthritis with lesions of various joint main section of the procedure therapeutic exercises may include the following departments:

Exercises at polyarthritis

a) the free exercise limb when lying down or sitting;

b) exercises on the gym wall type mixed visov;

c) exercises with objects (gymnastic sticks, clubs, etc.);

g) exercise in throwing balls and meditsinbolov;

d) passive gymnastics applied to the affected joints;

e) and other mobile game.

Of course, not all of these types of exercises are used during a single procedure of medical gymnastics.

Selection of exercise and the sequence of tasks due to the use of particular methods, sharpness process and condition of the patient.
