Conscious patients perform appropriate exercise puts them in terms of active participation of the patient in the course of the exercises. In applying the same method of physical therapy patient himself actively and consciously involved in the treatment process.
So, while having physiotherapy he has actively taken as a demonstration of exercises and the accompanying explanations.
In this connection there is his understanding of the nature of the exercise that needs to be done, he consciously realizes, coordinating and directing their movements when the predefined exercise.
It is conscious and willful participation of the patient in the complex process of exercise distinguishes method of physical therapy to other treatments.
In connection with the above, it should be emphasized that a doctor uses a method of physical therapy, it is important to determine the extent to which the activity can prevent a particular patient, given the nature of the disease, the degree of functional disorders, the general condition of the patient and adaptation to physical stress.
However, the doctor dispenses and methodically directs the use of physical exercises during the course of treatment depending on the therapeutic objectives.
A characteristic feature of the method of physical therapy is not only the improvement and strengthening of the entire body of the patient, but also the realization of educational goals.
The method of physical therapy brings the patient a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercises with curative purposes, instilling hygienic skills involves the conscious participation of the patient in the regulation of all general regime and, in particular, the mode of movement, brings the right attitude of patients to hardening of the body by natural factors of nature and al.
When applied to patients with physical therapy for treatment at the same time providing training and obschegigienicheskoevospitanie closely related to each other.
Thus, the process of training the patients to different movements carried out in accordance with the ability of the patient to perform the movement, as well as therapeutic targets.
It plays a crucial role and activity of the consciousness of the patient when doing physiotherapy, and from the Methodist physiotherapy - correct and clear display of the exercises and explanations related to bringing compelling argument in favor of exercise (Pavlovian principle of determinism).
The conscious attitude of patients to the whole process of learning the physical therapy exercises can restore motor skills and to better use them in both their personal lives and in terms of professional activity.